Your Plan to Un-stall & Goals

(Mike Kunz) #1

Hey Ketonians:

I think that instead of talking about stalls, let’s get together and talk about our plan to Un-stall. (Note to IT: This is not to be confused with Uninstall.) I’ll start with mine :sunglasses:

Progress to this point has been pretty dramatic 70 lbs weight loss from August/15 to Jan/16. Been in a flatline from Jan/16 to present. In addition to keto, I am taking metform and victoza, fishoil, multivitamin. A1Ac of 5.9 at end of January (better than the 6.4 it was in August … but not great). Some of the causes of the stall may be a sprained big toe (aka turf toe), as well as not tracking my eating as well as I used to.

My plan to ‘unstall’ consists of the following key actions :

  1. Early Morning Pre-Breakfast workout (30-45 Mins)
    Not a Substitute for Good Diet, but want to spur some metabolic activity in a fasted state.
  2. Adoption of 18:6 Intermittent Fasting ( Breakfast - Lunch)
    I find that I am snacking waaaay too much.
  3. Evening Weightlifting: 4x a week (2 on, 2 off).
    Building up the muscles --> increasing glucose uptake and resting metabolism as well :slight_smile:
  4. Weekend Intermittent fasting
    Skipping Eating on Saturday to increase insulin sensitivity. I am guessing that this will result in a 43 hr fast.
  5. May add Beriberine into my supplement regime

Goal: Lose another 60 to 70 lbs by June.
I’d like to get to a weight were I can start comfortably jogging and mountain biking again :slight_smile:
I’m 38, and aside from the weight, I’m in pretty decent shape. Want to avoid serious damage.

Welcome your thoughts.

(Anna Hermsdorfer) #2

I love this idea! I’ve been at the same weight since June 2016. Lost 70 lbs doing lazy keto, tracking basically for carbs only and not watching macros beyond that. Ever since then I’ve been trying to track macros, joined a gym and worked out with a trainer for a bit, but I’ve just lost and regained the same 5 lbs over and over again.

Then last week I read Mark Sisson’s The Primal Blueprint, and realized I’ve been making this way too complicated and getting bogged down in the details. Eating when I wasn’t hungry to meet my macros, then eating more later when I actually was hungry and going over. Doing workouts I didn’t enjoy because someone else recommend them. Worrying too much about the scale not moving when a plateau after that kind of loss was not only inevitable, but also kind of necessary for my body to get used to its new weight.

Well, no more! Starting this weekend I’m back to my lazy keto, but focusing more on eating when I am only truly, honestly hungry. I’ll be focusing more on workouts I enjoy, which include running, kettlebells, and bodyweight calisthenics. (I’m just gonna say it… lifting is boring!) I know my workouts won’t be following the Primal Blueprint per se, but I think doing stuff I enjoy is way more important than following someone else’s blueprint, no?

I just wish I hadn’t thrown my back out yesterday (trying on clothes… so random). I’m itching for a kb workout now!

(Mike Kunz) #3

I’d recommend putting a goal and some concrete steps behind it. That way you can make changes and track the results against the changes

(AnnaLeeThal) #4

This sounds like a very good plan. I’ll be interested to see how it works out.

I’ve been stalled, but I think I’m also at a weight my body likes and feels healthy at. I’m doing the 30 day Steak challenge for March, so it will be interesting to see if that does anything for my weight.

(Amanda Burton) #5

I want in on this. I have lost about 10-12 pounds, but usually am not losing any and gained four back after my last fast (not all at once).


  1. Since I struggle with stress management (stay-at-home-mom to 3 kids under 5) I am going to get myself to 2-4 yoga classes per week and take a 15-minute meditation break each day.
  2. Be more structured with intermittent fasting during the week (I take my two boys to multiple therapies each week and transport the older one to/from school each afternoon, so I am almost doing this anyway).
  3. Monitor my protein intake. The few times I’ve tracked it, I tend to eat less fat and more protein than I thought.

Yay for goals!!!

(Michelle) #6

Love this thread, thanks for bringing this up. I like to change only a few things at a time in order to shake things up. Sometimes I don’t need an aggressive roadmap, it’s just one thing needed to get past a sticking point. It does have to be manageable for me or it’s just too daunting.

I may work in either every other day fast 2 days a week Tried to go on extended day fast, but that was epic fail. Nauseous, dizzy, felt soooo sick. My body wasn’t prepped maybe. Who knows. I think since I do IF most days, I can now expand that to an every other day fast and start flexing my fasting muscles a bit.

I’ll probably add in one more workout just for health too.

(Jenn W) #7

Love this!!
Currently I’m attempting to not be lazy! With our week long warm weather I noticed I started losing again when I was back to having my daily walks… go figure. So now I’m determined to stop being lazy!

  1. follow a fast/feast with no hard schedule. My system likes to learn patterns. If I always IF or just skip breakfast my body gets used to it. I’ve got to mix it up.

  2. one Fast per month. I’m teaching my body to fast longer. Currently I have reached two days.

  3. yoga (daily if possible)

  4. Bodyweight exercises added in at least 3x a week

(Mike Kunz) #8

Okay, ketonians, here is my update:

I haven’t done the two-a-day thing, but what I have done is:

Doing homemade bullet coffee (heavy cream and coconut oil) for breakfast
Still lift weights 1x or 2x a week
STARTED JOGGING - I will work in a seven mile walk to my day, but I also jog a few intervals… so it’s like a net 1.7 mile jog and a 5.3 mile walk.

I’ve been able to use this to push through the plateau I have been experiencing. Ketones pretty high…I attribute this to bullet coffee and the exercise.

(Lee Jones) #9

I’m experiencing a bit of a stall myself at the moment but think it may be because I’m not getting enough calories. My plan is to stop lazy ketoing and make sure I’m getting my daily minimum macros as per the revered Keto Calculator.

(Seth Ballstaedt) #10

So, did you do the steak challenge and if so, what exactly is the 30 day steak challenge and what was the result?

(AnnaLeeThal) #11

I made it three days. I had norovirus right before I started, so that really affected my appetite. And it was way more mentally challenging than I was prepared for.

My current plan for stall breaking is the fasting and feasting strategy. 24-48 hour water only fasts followed and precluded by several days of Keto feasting. It just makes so much sense to me, and I need all the help I can reving up my metabolism. So far I have been staying under 140lbs using this strategy.

(Val Bezant) #12

Started September 2016. Lost 52pounds by end Feb 2017. Went from 6.3 to3.5. and was over the moon! Really put it down to binging on the 2ketodudes podcast :slight_smile: Can’t thank them enough. Feel so much healthier. Problem is I also stalled and have been up and down the same 5 pounds since then. Love the idea of goals so…

  1. Be more meticulous when counting macros ( so easy to up the carbs when not being cautious).
  2. Going to enjoy the NSV that I am still experiencing! As friends have said, I am looking so much better and I can continue enjoying that fact without beating myself up for stalling.
  3. Follow advice from one of the podcasts . I think it was Brenda Zorn who said she doesn’t keep anything in her kitchen that when she eats it…she can’t stop at ONE. That’s really sage advice. No munching on yummy things that I find difficult to moderate ( even though they are keto).
    So sticking to these three goals. Simple usually works for me! Thanks for the advice!