You ever go on a bender for a certain kind of meat?

(Stickin' with mammoth) #21

Your menu is my goal. Just one lottery ticket away…

(Shawn Patrick Malone) #22

I tend to replace one meat bender for another. I’m a huge steak eater and eat pounds of it a day, several days in a row. And then I’m off to grilled pork chops for several days and then chicken for 3-4 days and then back to steak. I’ve always eaten a ton of eggs, I just change how I make them. I’ll eat salmon 1-2 days a week but I can’t do it several days in a row, usually toss it in to break things up.

(Robin) #23

Crazy times. Another winter storms heading our way, so like everyone else and their dog, I ran to the grocery store for essentials, aka meat. I am $100 poorer but my fridge and freezer are singing happy tunes. Let it snow!