You are what you eat

(Karim Wassef) #1

So I’ve been gelling this over and I have a thesis… the “Jillian Michaels” keto-hate vid kind of put it together for me.

She said something like “we should eat a balanced diet to make sure we’re giving our body what it needs”… and that got me thinking about the word “balanced”…

If balance is based on the proportions of protein, fat and carb that out bodies are actually made of - I think I agree (excluding the content needed for energy).

Basically, we’re mostly meat, fat, water, salt, and glycogen… super-simplifying but directionally correct.

The proportions of those parts would point to almost no carb intake required - we have very little glycogen by mass in our composition. So the “balanced” diet would have almost no carbs by definition.

That would satisfy the composition part - mostly protein and fat with water and salt.

For energy, it could come from fat or carbs… but if we eat carbs, they get converted into triglycerides (so avoid brain damage)… so carbs are dangerous and the body converts them into safe energy = fat. So the “balanced” energy is fundamentally fat.

So fat comes in twice - once for composition and again as safe energy… carbs are the mostly unnecessary and dangerous minimal component of the “balanced” diet.

That’s really what balance is.

It’s like saying a fish needs a balance of oxygen and water to live… sure- it’s not 50/50!! It’s a small dissolved ratio of oxygen in a matrix of water… that’s balance.

So when someone says “you need to eat a balanced diet!” … my emphatic answer is “ABSOLUTELY!! Let’s define balanced”

Building on this is a second theme… if you want to grow muscle, eat muscle. If you want to grow brain, eat omega 3… if you want to grow belly (triglyceride bubbles), eat carbs…

Some may say that if you eat fat, by that logic, you gain fat… and that can be true if it weren’t for the appetite suppressing effect of fats that naturally limit intake. The exact opposite of carbs.

Just got the gelling and thought I’d share my strange view of the world. :smiley:

(Brian) #2

And to some extent, you’re also what you eat ate. :slight_smile:

(Karim Wassef) #3

True… I’m waiting for my algae fed beef ribeye!!

But what do you all think about the concept of “balance” the way I framed it? Will it change some of the minds of the apostate majority who have given up our ancestral truth?

How about the “you are what you eat… really”

(Chris) #4

You are what I eat

I like this one better, speaking as a cannibal.

(Brian) #5

I have no problem with it. Seems reasonable. And it seems to fit in nicely with the general keto mindset around here. :slight_smile: