Y’all Check Out This Old Geezer

(Geoffrey) #1

I was asked by Dave Mac to be interviewed on his Utube channel No Carb Life.
This was my first time to do anything like this so if you choose to watch it please forgive me for not being a very good speaker.
I had a blast doing this interview and thank Dave for the opportunity.
Y’all go on over to his channel and give him a thumbs up and if you like his content then subscribe to his channel. I think it’s worth it.
Just don’t hold my interview against him. :laughing:

(Brandon Rumann) #2


Great job Geoff! I think you did really well expressing your experience on carnivore! You’re a natural :slight_smile:

I have done carnivore keto in the past and am getting back into it, it’s one of the most effective diets I’ve ever had, and I felt great doing it.

I want to post my experience and numbers and hopefully will do so in one of the community forums.

So glad to hear it’s going well for you and keep up the awesomeness


I only listened to the first 11 minutes at this point. I virtually never listen to long nutrition videos but you could kept my attention and it’s more than what many youtubers can do (the type who talks all through the video on very talk based channels)! Yep, you stops here and there but it’s merely not professional but a normal person collecting their thoughts and finding words, not bothersome at all!
I find your story very inspiring, I was pretty healthy on high-carb myself but I still know and feel that less plant carbs are better for me. It’s not enough for me to resist temptation as I very very rarely get unwell, no matter what more or less edible things I eat (I am a hedonist so I wouldn’t eat in a way that I know causes suffering, my compulsion level isn’t THAT high) - but hearing people talking about how it’s fine not to experiment as it’s obvious what works, that helps me. This is one reason I am in the actual carnivore thread so much, it helps me out a bit when I don’t naturally eat carnivore due to zero temptation. Thank you.
I am glad you had a huge improvement, your original state was a sorry one, even objectively that I can’t do, I consider near perfect health and almost never any pain is the normal thing and find it super unfair many people don’t get it, not even close. It’s good sometimes we can find a way to change a lot!
I didn’t even know you were so unwell. In the carni thread you really seem a very capable person deserving respect. And of course, you are so it must have been especially bad not being able to even walk! But you did well and changed your life for the better. It’s heartwarming to hear such stories :slight_smile:

(Chuck) #4

Yes a high fiber diet is very important for my digestive system.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

Funny, isn’t it? Here’s Geoffre\y finding that fibre destroys his intestines, while Chuck needs fibre to keep his healthy. Human variability is such an amazing thing.

Great video, @Geezy56! Your experiences on carnivore/zero-carb are fascinating, and you are a very articulate speaker.

(Bob M) #6

I’m also solidly in the low fiber = better camp.

Does this have an equivalent podcast?

(Central Florida Bob ) #7

That was what Zoe Harcombe said - at least as I interpreted it and remember it. Studies showed that some percentage of people got more constipated by fiber and some people became more regular.

Which makes me think of that “eat right for your blood type” idea that was in some books years ago (and probably still is). It would interesting if your result for fiber correlated to blood type - or some other easily found biomarker. What if success on carnivore correlates more with older blood types and people who tolerate being vegan have a more recently developed blood type as more vegetables crept into the diet.

(Brian) #8

Enjoyed the video!

(Robin) #9

I AM the proof!!!
Well done, man!

(Geoffrey) #10

Not to my knowledge. Just the video.

(Geoffrey) #11

Thank you everyone for the kind words. I appreciate all of you.


So I finally found some time to watch your video. It has been in an open tab of my browser all this while so that I would not forget. :joy: (In my defense I have major information overload right now so that’s why it takes me time to get to interesting things.)

Anyway, what a wonderful interview @Geezy56! Nice job.

I have a question: you stated the day of that interview you were about to have another sleep test to see if your sleep apnea improved. What were the results of that test?

I ask because I was diagnosed a few years ago with “borderline” sleep apnea, where they could have diagnosed me either way. I have a very short neck and tiny/small airways. Pre-Keto I had severe levels of insomnia, sometimes being awake for 2-3 days straight and it was like that for years. But I didn’t bother with a nighttime retainer or a CPAP machine and just moved on without interventions. Keto ended up helping my sleep anyway and my first 20 months on the diet I was getting 6-9 hours of sleep every single night. :heart:

But …… recently (after 2 years Keto,) I’ve been struggling to get more than 4-5 hours a night yet I can tell I need more. It became much worse after getting Covid two months ago. Many times I’ll now get only 2-3 hours, and my deep sleep has suddenly reduced significantly. Like last night I slept only 5 hours but my deep sleep was only 7 minutes long! Ugh. So, I’m curious about what your retest showed.

(Geoffrey) #13

Thank you for the compliment.

So, the sleep study went well. Not as good as I had hoped for but still a big improvement.
What the study showed was that I had dropped in my numbers from moderately severe at 22 down to a mild at 11.
The doctor said that his only concern was that my blood oxygen levels were still too low at 80 so he still wants me on therapy because I’m an AFiber. So definitely a big improvement. Now the next good news was that because I was now in the mild category and I hate that machine the doctor wants me to try a dental mandibular advancement device (MAD). This will be I fitted device that will move my jaw forward and supposedly opening my airway better.
I’m going in to the dentist doing the work tomorrow and my jaw, teeth and airway will be digitally scanned for the device to be made. Then I will have another sleep study done while wearing the MAD and adjustments will be made until it’s fitted properly for optimal results.
Im excited to try it. Hopefully it works well for me.
I haven’t been one of the fortunate ones who have improved their sleep with carnivore and I just don’t know why.
Could it be the bipap machine? Maybe, we’re fixing to find out.
Could it be that maybe I’m not active enough? I don’t know. I was fairly active yesterday and actually slept about seven hours intermittently but woke up tired and dragging. Three in a half hours later im still tired. Hopefully I’ll get my sleep issues straightened out one of these days.

(Bob M) #14

@Geezy56 I think sleep is one of the most – if not THE most – important aspects. If you get your sleep repaired, you can lose weight just because sleeping poorly causes increased intake (at least for me it does).

I think things like carnivore and keto work wonders for many, but not everyone gets cured. Some people still have high blood pressure, for instance.

@CFLBob I wonder if the fiber thing could be partly genetic? In Burn, there’s a picture of the amount of meat people rely on as you move from the equator to the poles. The higher in latitude you are, the more meat you eat. (Though the author oddly still thinks everyone should be eating high carb.) I’m 7X % Eastern European and 99.8% European. Maybe my ancestors ate more meat and fewer vegetables? And I’ve somehow inherited a system that’s happier that way? Maybe if you’re Italian or Greek (I’m zero percent of these) or somewhere further “south”, you do better with fiber?

(Central Florida Bob ) #15

I wonder if this is something that’s provable. Is it just that we train ourselves to require fiber or is it an actual need? I first went Atkins back around '78 and had constipation problems. A friend of a friend (who worked for an internist MD) recommended Metamucil and I’ve essentially been using it ever since.

FWIW, my grandparents on both sides came to the US at the start of the 20th century. Both mom and dad were the among the first in their families not born in Europe. Dad’s family was from Italy and mom’s was from more northern Europe. Someone on her side of the family had written a little summary of their genealogy so I know more about her side than dad’s, and they were Ashkenazi Jews. I’ve since learned that the name Ashkenazi comes from a place (river?) in Germany. In the 1800s, they lived in what’s now Ukraine.

I did a 23&Me thing about five years ago, mostly for entertainment. I mean at some point, you’re too old to die young from some genetic thing and I crossed that age long ago. It had me as 49% Ashkenazi, 27% “Broadly European” and 14% “middle Eastern and north African.” That last part seems to tie nicely to the Jewish diaspora into Europe a thousand years ago.

So both sides have more links to southern Europe than northern, and that agrees with the idea that people from lower latitudes might need more fiber.

(Bob M) #16

My wife’s brother’s wife is 100 % Ashkenazi.

I don’t know if something like this is testable. The body is highly malleable, and maybe I did something to it that permanently “broke” my fiber system?

But I find I have zero bad things happen when I have dairy. As in, I cannot find anything bad at all with dairy. Have eaten no dairy and then eaten dairy, no discernible difference. This is what got me to thinking about genetics, since so many people have issues with dairy. Maybe my ancestors were from a relatively far north location where dairy was endemic? And vegetables or fruits were seasonable at best?

With dairy, it’s pretty easy to see genetics playing a role. Have a friend who is half Chinese (dad from China), and he has a horrible time with dairy. Yet I don’t.

But fiber is something else entirely. Even I can eat fiber, just not much of it. I can eat a salad a week. Maybe 2. 3+, it starts getting bad, really bad. I can eat certain well cooked vegetables and certain fermented ones. Other than that, even roots like sweet potatoes can hurt me.

Then, add the biome to this, and it’s complex. Maybe if I did what I had to do with potato starch – start very low and slowly increase – that would work? But at some point, it seems like I always get issues.


Do let me know how the MAD device works for you. It was recommended for me but I found it pricey without more assurances that it actually works. It sounds logical but the doctors kept saying “it works for some and not for others” like it’s 50-50. I didn’t know anyone first hand that had ever used one. I like word of mouth/first hand experiences over marketing flyers and literature.

(Geoffrey) #18

No doubt. Being a carnivore has healed so many things in me and I’m lighter than I’ve been since high school nearly 50 years ago. Good sleep has eluded me even before carnivore but I’m still holding out hope that there’s a cure for me out there.

Absolutely. I’ll do that.

(KM) #19

I don’t remember who mentioned this, but one place visceral fat is actually measurable without scans is the tongue. If your carnivore diet caused you to lose more visceral fat, you would have lost it there as well, which should improve your sleep quality because a lot of sleep apnea is actually a fat tongue settling in the back of your throat. If you didn’t have a lot of visceral fat to lose, or your sleep apnea is caused by something else, it makes sense that carnivore wouldn’t have really changed things much.

Good luck with the MAD!

(B Creighton) #20

I do not think of high fiber as high carb. In fact when I have counted carbs, I deduct fiber carbs from total carbs. Unless, you have some reaction to a high soluble fiber food, I believe it is healthy to eat. Note that is not going to be a highly processed food. There have been plenty of studies to back this up. Too much insoluble fiber, on the other hand, can constipate you and cause other problems. I believe the health issues we see today are largely caused by the other carbs… not soluble fiber. It has no shelf life, and is absent from the processed stuff causing disease. Am I saying you can’t get decent results by eliminating the processed carbs and doing keto? No. Absolutely not, but I believe you would achieve similar or even better results with some soluble fiber in the diet.