WTF Starbucks....seriously?!?!


Stephen Colbert couldn’t have said it any better…check out this video on his views of the Unicorn drink by Starbucks, that has more than 70 grams sugar.

FB Debate about Carbohydrates
(Dustin Cade) #2

It’s excessive I agree, though the problem isn’t the drink itself, it’s the idea that we as a society do not understand that things like this should be a once type thing… not daily or even weekly… it’s like going to the state fair and they have all the crazy fried food and desserts that are awful for us, it’s not that one trip to the fair once a year that’s the problem… the problem is we’ve incorporated these things that should be once a Year or very special occasions into our mainstay diets… every holiday is sweets, had a bad day, have sweets, breaks lunch and dinner sweets… we demonize the sugar and the company for selling us what we ignorantly want…

(Jennifer) #3

Facebook meme… lol…

(Dustin Cade) #4

I made a meme very similar to this… though it was just Wilfred…


Can you post your meme here? Now I’m curious

(Dustin Cade) #6

I imagine it’s not anything worse than @brenda has said on here :wink::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


unicorn queef?!?!?! Bahahahahahahahahaha!!! :joy::joy::joy::joy:

(Dustin Cade) #8

This liking things jail is getting old! I like to like things

(Jennifer) #9

I’m getting old, I had to Urban Dictionary that one…

(Dustin Cade) #10

Haha, it’s an old phrase I thought, at least in the Midwest of the U.S.

(Sascha Heid) #11

They put people into brainscanners to figure out how to create “food” that is as addicting as possible. The problem is not “we as a society”, it is them. They are killing more people then Hitler could ever dream of and that is not a bad joke.


Yeah, neuromarketing is a pretty scary technique that is being developed right now. It has been shown that flashing images in milliseconds can sway people in certain decisions. Biometrics (pupils changing, temperature changes, sweaty palms) is heavily studied now by neuromarketing experts to see what is best way to increase sales.

(Dustin Cade) #13

it’s like a perfect storm… the low fat hypothesis, increased sugar, the way the US grasped onto the flawed dietary guidelines, what people have “known” to be healthy for decades, that sugar is just empty calories, not that it is really like a slow poison… I do not think there was a master plan behind all of this, i think it was a series of unfortunate events that led us down this path… now of course they want to create the next big thing that will get people to fork over cold hard cash, capitalism is what it is… we just need to be smarter…

(Candace) #14

First - I love Stephen Colbert!
Second - If I wasn’t Keto, I actually would have tried it - but it would have been a few sips. One of my daughters tried it and could only do 3/4 of one, it was way too sweet.
Third, I’ve been to my local Starbucks the last 3 days in a row, and they’ve had a sign out informing the public they were out of said drink. So…it was popular while it lasted LOL

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #15

I wouldn’t say anything like that ya knob head.

I sometimes curse, with spoilers, but that’s it.
I never say anything vulgar or refer to genitalia.


(Dustin Cade) #16

touché :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:

(Nathan Hall) #17

And here I thought that meme couldn’t get any nastier…

(Karen Parrott) #18

Parody blog like th onion

(Keto in Katy) #19

The AHA and ADA have given this tasty beverage a heart-healthy stamp of approval.

Buy your meds and drink up! :tropical_drink:

(Bacon for the Win) #20

LOVE gomerblog!