Worst cold and cough since carnivore

(Linda ) #82

If it works it’s OK for me it gives me bloating unless it’s boiled in a sauce lol…but join us on the carnivore forum…nice group of ppl…
I still add sour cream in my food but In small amounts…and egg in my coffee lol

(Vivin Mathew) #83

I just read the magnesium miracle today like you recommended. Interesting book. But few things i disagree with her is she recommends not to have red meat and have seed oils. seeds oils give me terrible pains. i think the other content is generally fine. im going with magnesium glycinate to test on my body rather than citrate. ill keep you all posted on the results

(Vivin Mathew) #84

i kinda stopped drinking coffee to just to see if it makes things better. im not sure how far coffee degrades. most carnivores are ok with coffee. but does it deplete magnesium?


I am not sure on this one only cause I never drank coffee. Never liked it so I never did any research into what coffee really does in the body. I know if you drink caffeinated, that caffeine does effect the body obviously but I personally never researched more than that. Maybe a more coffee researching guru will answer this.

(Traci Simpson) #86

I lost my taste for it and it tastes like it has lemon in it to me now.

(Edith) #87

It’s been a while since I read that book. In fact, I read it so long ago, I hadn’t even heard about keto. I’ve been following this way of eating for over four years, so at the time I read it, not eating red meat and using seed oils would have not made any impression on me, lol.

I’m not even sure what she thinks these days. I think she’s given talks at low carb conferences

(Edith) #88

This is just my theory… I like Diet Coke. I used to use it as my morning caffeine drink. It goes right through me. I have often wondered if that fact resulted in me urinating out electrolytes along with the Diet Coke. So maybe if coffee has that kind of effect on you, maybe enough could cause electrolyte depletion?

(Vivin Mathew) #89

i dont care much about the coffee really. i just thought perhaps it would be an easier way to get magnesium and potassium . im not sure if coffee drains or adds minerals

(Vivin Mathew) #90

thats wat im afraid of. coffee has magnesium and potassium which is good. but im not sure if it drains minerals


OK I typed in: Does coffee leech minerals from the body?

and hit this from the net: This Week’s Question: Does coffee kill the benefits of vitamins? Any beverage or food containing caffeine such as coffee, tea, chocolate and some sodas can inhibit the absorption of vitamins and minerals and increase their excretion from the body.

So now we know…the answer is yes.

Now which ones? I have no idea cause I didn’t check further :slight_smile: For me I don’t do coffee ever so no interest and all that other stuff with caffeine, I gave it up when I went carnivore so :sunny:

(Vivin Mathew) #92

i dont miss it. i just started with coffee thinking it might add some minerals. but it looks like the opposite. thank you


yea I had some heart issues with PVCs years ago which I have under control now and one of the biggest culprits was caffeine. I dropped my beloved Diet Pepsi I sucked down like crazy when I was just on a low carb plan…a whole new person off all caffeine :slight_smile:


I practice the only water thing now and have a headache… I try to remind myself that coffee never helps lately (it often did in my past) but my optimism is so huge it’s quite naive… But if coffein really does bad things despite it has no noticeable effect on me (I still have a human body, it must do something even if it never makes me more awake), maybe I will handle this headache without almost pointless tries…
No coffee is something I really should do already… A few things surely will improve and maybe more than I would think.
So thank you for the contribution, I try to use these infos as a weapon in my war against coffee! :smiley: (I probably will drink coffee in the future, I just wish it to be, like, once a week, not 8-10 times a day.)

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #95

The headache from caffeine withdrawal typically lasts about two weeks, then you’re free of it. If you want to be caffeine-free, it’s worth it.


agree but that mental aspect of not having that joe takes a bit longer sometimes :crazy_face: Mental games afoot :100:

(Robin) #97

I drink only decaf, so my addiction is 100% mental/emotional.
Like, super, super emotional… just thinking about it.


I never experienced caffeine withdrawal in my life so I don’t expect it now (avoiding coffee is very hard for me if I have a headache for any reason and I don’t do hard things especially when I am in pain and desperate so I shouldn’t have any headache in the next weeks as my painkiller doesn’t work for me anymore either, it seems). Missing my usual many coffees mentally will be more than enough and I can’t use the next best thing, cocoa either :frowning: Both carnivore and water only November (as liquids go) is against that…
We will see. I really see the upsides of no coffee and the downsides of coffee drinking. I feel okay with and without so I wasn’t motivated enough until now but I really had enough and the water only challenge came and it would be silly not to use this extra push :wink:

I already tried to break free from coffee in the last years, hopefully those admittedly quite short and rare times help a bit :wink: OMAD helps too as I dislike black coffee… I am hopeful and determined.

I never noticed any difference in my body and behaviour when I drank decaf, everything seems to be the same… It’s the coffee, it has some interesting flavor… it’s a good procrastination method and warm liquid comfort from my only coffee drinking cup, the shape and the color is so perfect… I think coffee tied itself to me with many threads and it’s a very long habit where carnivore never helped any. I must mean business if I go to war.

(Robin) #99

My coffee (2 cups AM and 2 cups PM) is my only “sweet” treat. I use stevia drops and heavy whipping cream. It’s a warm hug. I’ve decided that for now, I will allow myself that one treat.


But if you use stevia drops, it IS sweet (for you. I don’t feel stevia really sweet, the awfulness is too overpowering), isn’t it?
My coffee often serves as a dessert too and it’s sweet-ish :slight_smile: It has a few drops of cream, after all. And water. But I felt black coffee sweet once, my SO thought I went crazy a bit more… :smiley:
But I don’t expect sweetness from a dessert anymore. So not really sweet coffee may work. It’s a tiny freedom :slight_smile: I mean, not expecting sweetness, coffee is slavery, I am such an addict but I make my best attempt to quit in November…

(Robin) #101

If I ever decide to drop it, I know I can. And I know that once I’ve finally given something up, I’m good. Hmmm… thinking about this November Challenge now. I’ve had a couple of days to clam about about it.

We shall see. :thinking: