Why not reducing fat to lose weight in a keto diet?

(Full Metal KETO AF) #21

Sorry, second time today I was wrong guessing by the way the name sounds to an American. :grin:


116 g


127 g


21 g

Macro Percentage Breakdown

Total Calories

1699 k/cal

This is a 80% estimate of your daily caloric needs of you want to track with an app, I recommend starting with the easy instructions I posted before. Hope that helps.

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #22

Arbre means Tree in Catalan (and it is masculine) :wink:

How many calories I am assumed to need to remain stable in weight? In other words, how much energy does my body consumes per day?

If it is say 2500, then I would burn 801 kcal per day under these macros, right? (on the long term; on the short term, things are for sure more complicated).

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #23

I see, 80%. Then, 2124 kcal.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #24

Stable stay as you are now


116 g


171 g


29 g

Macro Percentage Breakdown

Total Calories

2124 k/cal

(Full Metal KETO AF) #25

I recommend not raising carbs, if you do cautiously.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #26

As you lose weight you need to recalculate macros. I like ketokarma.com

('Jackie P') #27

This might help you understand better.

('Jackie P') #28

All human cells are built from fat and cholesterol. If you have eaten poor quality fats in the past, ie industrial seed oils, then you really donā€™t want to be recycling those.

I think you could benefit by doing some research. Keto food isnā€™t ā€œproducedā€ it is natural.


Hey everyone, Arbre specifically says that his doctor is recommending keeping fat low in the weight loss phase so that he can access his stored fat. If heā€™s in ketosis (he is) and is not hungry (heā€™s not) and is losing weight (he is) thatā€™s exactly whatā€™s happening. I know that we all flinch when we hear ā€œlow fatā€ and ā€œcalorie restrictionā€ but what he describes in his post is precisely in line with what we generally understand: as long as you have extra body fat and your insulin is low enough to use your own fat stores, you donā€™t need a lot of exogenous fat for energy. He ends his post by saying that adding fat in maintenance makes sense.

@Arbre thereā€™s a long thread on here about whether our metabolism slows down when we reduce your calories when weā€™re getting some of our energy from our own fat. Iā€™ll link to it if I can find it.
Aside from the question of processed foods (I would eat real, whole foods!), it sounds to me like youā€™re on a good track right now.

[edited to spell Arbreā€™s name correctly!]

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #30

Somebody finally understands me! :wink:

(Not a cow) #31

Even with the metabolism of fat stores, you must maintain high enough calories (out) to continue to lose weight. To maintain high enough calories out, you have to maintain high enough calories in. ( Calories in = Calories out) Plus you need to restrict carb calories, and you need to restrict protein calories, to avoid high insulin reactions.

I donā€™t believe you can reach ideal amount of calories in, for your BMR, using your formula of low fat, low carbs, and moderate protein.

As i understand it, the body does not count fat from your fat stores as calories in.


Fat stores are endogenous calories. Thatā€™s why we can store excess energy as fat: to be able to use it later as fuel. This is a beautiful system and would work well except that we are generally in a constant state of high insulin, which keeps us from accessing those stores. Drop the insulin, access the fat.



(mole person) #34

Exactly what @Madeleine has said. There is nothing wrong with going low fat if your body has enough fat stores to provide the balance. The diet @Arbre is on sounds similar to that which bariatric patients are put on and they donā€™t seem to suffer from undue metabolic slowdowns (very low carb, moderate body size appropriate protein, and low fat). As long as heā€™s not hungry and continuing to lose weight I donā€™t think he has anything to worry about.

Iā€™m curious @arbre, what are your macros? Do you know?

(mole person) #35

Also, itā€™s absolutely ketogenic. Heā€™ll be burning fat for fuel and so in ketosis, probably deep ketosis. Thatā€™s the definition. Ketogenesis is defined by the burning of fat for fuel in the absence of carbohydrates. Thatā€™s exactly what heā€™s doing.


I believe you mean this one? If so, it looks like @Arbre has already read that. :smile:

Why would my metabolism slow down if Iā€™m getting cals from fat stores?

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #37


I eat 5 portions of 105.7kcal each (35g), with 15.4g of protein, 3.2g of HC (0.3g of which are sugars), 3.5g of fat (0.7g of which are saturated fats), and 9.8g of fibre (and 0.3g of salt).

Then, I eat two meals of vegetables per day. Usually cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms, asparagus, or a simple salad (lettuce, cucumbers, sometimes a bit of tomato). I put quite a lot of good olive oil and salt. Unfortunately, I do not measure the weights of all this.

So, about 525 kcal from ā€œproductsā€ and then an unknown amount of kcal from vegetables + oil.

(mole person) #38

Thank you @Arbre. Is there a medical reasons why you are taking this particular approach of using ā€˜productsā€™? Why not formulate a similar macro diet but with whole foods? Are you a vegetarian or vegan?

(Shane) #39

I lost most of my weight doing low fat, low carbs, and moderate protein. Iā€™ve found it very hard to lose weight after going keto except when I do 3-4 days fasts every now and then.

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #40

You are welcome, @Ilana_Rose

The only reason why I am taking this approach is that I looked at the list of dietologists included in my private health insurance in my city, and I found four using keto. I went with her and she told me she was using ā€œproductsā€ of a given brand (lignaform). I liked her, so I went with her.

A few years ago, I also did keto with another brand (pronokal), exactly the same methodology. I did it because my personal doctor (unfortunately she retired, for this reason I am not with her anymore) told me she had good references about keto diets (they were doing tests at the Hospital del Mar, a reputable hospital for medical research in Barcelona). She told me Pronokal was a brand doing keto for the general public. It went very well for me, and I remained with a low weight for a few years. But a change in lifestyle made me eat ā€œnormalā€ again ā€¦ and I recovered all the weight. And now here am I.

Note: I am neither a vegetarian or a vegan. But in my life, I tend to be a pescetarian, in general (I eat meat here and there, but not very often).