Why Does IF Without Keto Seem to Work Sometimes

(Todd Allen) #21

Doctors prescribe it for TOFI T2s. But I don’t think they often offer keto as an alternative. In my case I was already keto for a year which had slowly brought my blood sugar down though hadn’t yet gotten it into the normal range.

(Tina Emmons) #22

I’m SO interested in this too! I am also in Delay, Don’t Deny on FB and have had to stop looking cuz I want to cry. People losing tons of weight just doing OMAD or IF, eating anything they want, and I have been full keto and IF, EF(110 hours longest) for almost 6 months with no loss(60 lbs to lose). I do have confirmed IR but have worked SO hard with no scale victory. The facilitator of DDD claims you can get into ketosis in a period of time by only IF’ing but these people are eating cake and cookies, full carb ahead and think they are in ketosis outside of their eating window. Is this even possible? I have always found it takes 24-36 hours of no carbs to achieve. I have talked myself into the theory that these folks are merely on a calorie restriction diet at the moment(not that I wish anyone failure) but it won’t last??? Would love to know what explains this.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #23

They aren’t in ketosis eating that much carbs, but IF is independent of ketogenic diet and has been proven to help with weight loss.

It really comes down to insulin. Any IF, regardless of whether eating Keto or not, will reduce the amount of time insulin is released in the body. Insulin makes us fat. So Keto paired with IF will/should excellerate these loses, you can still lose weight just using IF (unless you are very insulin sensitive).

(Empress of the Unexpected) #24

Me thinks they’re denying!!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #25

Lose weight, sure, but they won’t be very healthy with all those carbs, on so many different levels.


I did IF before keto and lost a bunch of weight. I went keto because I wanted to lose weight even faster.

(Ron) #27

Don’t think it works quite that way.:thinking::sunglasses:


It worked for me, but I had, and still have, a lot of weight to lose. Weight loss did slow a little when the doc put me on a beta blocker, but that’s to be expected.

(Ron) #29

Sorry, meant the losing weight faster on Keto part.:smile:


Me too. Definitely lost weight faster when I added keto to my IF regimen.

(Ron) #31

That’s awesome. I continue to be amazed the n=1’s that Keto accomplishes!:+1:
Never would I have thought of doing Keto in an effort to “speed up” a successful weight loss regime.:hushed:


Just need to lose enough weight to get my BP down so I can get off the darn beta blocker. I’m still losing weight, but it has definitely slowed my efforts.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #33

In comparison to simply IF without Keto, it’s not unreasonable to think adding Keto with increase weight losses.

(Brian) #34

Your friend took a step in the right direction. Narrowing the eating window does make a difference. But that will probably only get her so far. She’ll likely hit a plateau fairly quickly and stay there until she decides to alter her eating again, whether in time or in substance.

Maybe she’ll take a next step at some point and target some foods to eliminate, maybe sugars and/or heavy carbs. (?)

Perhaps going one little step at a time will be more successful for her as her baby steps towards improved eating become habit.

(karen) #35

Could this be related to autophagy? I believe I read that people who are fat adapted and eating keto go into autophagy sooner than those who aren’t fat adapted, pulling out of my … ear, I think Fung? said 12-18 hours vs 24-36 hours. So in addition to IF controlling insulin, you’d be burning ‘junk’ / having more metabolic process running in the background? … dunno, I guess you have to be burning something regardless so maybe this wouldn’t speed up weight loss, but it would go hand in hand with IF+keto getting you healthier.

(Terence Dean) #36

I read about brown fat cells years ago so googled it, seems there are two types of fat cells we have. Brown fat and white fat. Some people have more brown fat cells than others.

Slender people have more brown fat than obese people do
Younger people have more brown fat than elderly people
People with normal blood sugar levels have more brown fat than those with high blood sugar


Here is her update:

She is still losing, has lost about 26 lbs total she thinks but she measured in the middle of the afternoon on a doctors scale. She is not very concerned about the actual number. She is on vacation and had been worried about walking around a hilly area. She did it yesterday and said she had so much more energy. She had been walking about 2 miles a 5 times a week with her son, before this, no other exercise. She claims this works for her on a psychological level because she knows she can eat whatever it is, her mom used to deny her snacks as a child. We have tons of debates over the psychological implications, I personally think there are none for people who have had a typical first world middle class upbringing without major trauma and told her so 18 years ago. She goes back and forth.

She says she eats much less now. On vacation she said she had a plate of thai food for dinner and was so full she threw out the ice cream cone she got after. If you knew her you would know that is truly shocking. She said one night H wanted to get a late night snack. She sat at the restaurant drinking water. Honestly this all sounds like typical keto behavior