Why do people keep telling me

(Ron) #62

If only the wife could get that husband converted!:persevere::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #63

I know, right? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :bacon:

(Ornah) #64

You could always respond with “oh. Can I share my opinion about your weight too?” And for people who criticize your way of eating… you could also criticize back… I know both of these suggestions are rude, but I personally also think that they are rude too… it’s always enlightening for the other person when someone is just as rude as they are back to them (in a nice way of course).

(karen) #65

Unfortunately, one of the first places I lose weight is in my face. So people look me in the eye and think I’m starving, where if they actually looked at ALL of me they’d see I’ve got plenty extra on my bones. It’s unfortunate, but I’m not going to stop working toward a healthy body just to keep my face smooth and round. I can always have a facelift if the skin there doesn’t bounce back, I’d rather have that than a heart transplant or chemotherapy … or a nice round tombstone. ETA: the one I have gotten in the past is, “You’re not going to lose any MORE weight, are you?” To which I’ve responded, “I sure hope so.” Or if I’m feeling especially snarky, with round -eyed innocence, “gee. I sure hope so - are YOU going to lose some?”

(Joe) #66

Had another “incident” over the weekend. We were at a family gathering and sitting out back in a large group. My wife was in the other side talking and my ear caught my name as it tends to do.

“When is he going to stop? Aren’t you worried? He always seems to take things too far.”

Currently in 161 pounds down from 190 @ 5’9’’ since keto. Previously I was around 225 so down 60 lbs. I am happy with how I look but its another example of how people have double standards. I am skinny now. But not sickly having not lost any lean mass through this. You never hear anyone saying how professional athletes or naturally thin people take things"too far". They were just used to me being fat.

Briefly I started to think maybe they are right. Maybe I am going too extreme. Then I watched as everyone chowed down on buns, pasta and deserts. Then I realized I was one of the healthiest persons there and probably the only one who had complete control of my health. They almost got me. But there is no unseeing what I’ve seen and read. If I go back I will be right there again. And I remember how I want to see my grandkids and maybe even great grand kids. When I expected to be dead or disabled by age 65 I realized I was over halfway done with my life. Now I realize I may have another 60 years. So much can happen in that time and I want a front row seat and not from a wheel chair.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #67

You know, if you look at photos taken in 1969 at the Woodstock concert, or at pictures of soliders and sailors taken during World War II, everyone looks practically emaciated by today’s standards. But that was before the dietary guidelines, so it’s how we’re all meant to look!


Mum mentioned to me today ‘your dad told me to tell you that you’ve lost enough weight, you don’t want to lose any more, you’re looking skinny’ (I’m definitely not!!) To which I replied ‘tell dad he needs to lose weight, he’s put on far too much’ . Mum did agree that it was fair enough, & said she wishes more people would tell him that!!

(Maryann ) #69

Keep going you know how you feel.smile and say I’m sorry you don’t think I look good,I’m feeling better then ever. Why can’t people ever just so you look nice today?


I understand where this question is coming from now.

Two possibilities:

  1. You slim in the wrong way. As in, you slim, but it makes you look slim in an unhealthy way.(losing both fat and muscle)
  2. The peeps around you cannot see it clearly, and just feel that this slimming is too extreme.(after all, it is at a speed that human eye can see, and we all get conditioned to know that an extreme speed of losing is bad)

(Karl) #71

This is an excellent point. In the past couple of years, I’ve met new friends and maintain plenty of relationships with old ones. The old friends all tell me that I’m way too skinny. The new friends have never known me to be over 300 lb. I look completely normal to them.

It’s like Schmidt on new girl I guess lol

(Rob) #72

:frowning_face: I’m going to miss that show… though I will NOT be buying peppermint foot cream

(Shayne) #73

I have phrased it this way as well - with a close friend that I hadn’t seen in a while that I knew had been going through some stressful times.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #74

Four years ago I went Keto without knowing it - just kicked the carbs to the curb. All I heard was “you look good but don’t lose any more weight.” My answer was “my body knows it’s setpoint - and it’s been way over for years.” I don’t care how shrunken I have to look, all I care about is my over the top triglycerides. Your blood knows when your weight is right.

(Bunny) #75

”I’m Alright” (Kenny Loggins playing in background)

(Michael King) #76

Good point. What we should look like is not the average weight because that has shifted.

(Todd Allen) #77

I got heavier slowly over a long period of time and didn’t much think about it or see it as a fixable problem. I tend to not focus on things I don’t know how to address. And compared to my peers many if not most were heavier than me. It was only after I started losing weight that I realized I was obese and I could do something about it. Now I monitor my body fat % and have a much better sense of what an ideal level for me is. I’m not there yet but still slowly making progress.

And on my journey to better health I’ve encountered several people worried about my thinness. I don’t think a single one of them has a clue about their body fat % or what range would be best for their own health. But seeing someone continuing to get thinner gets their attention. And presents the question is this thin person getting too thin or am I and most everyone else I know getting too fat? They stay with the comfortable answer.

(Marta Loftfield) #78

@PaulL so true

(Liz ) #79

I was 100 pounds heavier last time my aunt saw me at my wedding in 2002. When she saw me last week she asked my husband if I’d lost weight on purpose & he reassured her I did.

(Joe) #80

People often have 100 pound weight losses by accident. You know because it’s so easy…

(Joe) #81

Again today my mom… who always had something to say about my weight dropped the I think you are getting too skinny line. Sometimes you can’t win for losing.