Why are my eyes black underneath?

(yvette.kane) #1

Every time I go into ketosis, which is been a few because i cheated quite a few times before I clued in. No judgement please. I noticed that under my eyes go quite discolored. Has this happened to anybody else or do you know the science behind it.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #2

I’ve heard this can represent kidney dysfunction, as in not flushing out toxins efficiently. You might try more water and keeping tabs on your minerals. Also, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and other stuff that makes your kidneys work overtime might be a salient experiment.


Apart from them looking different colour-wise, are there any other symptoms?

(yvette.kane) #4

Not sure if related, but my belly is crampy at the top by my ribs. In the last two mornings I woke up.

(yvette.kane) #5

I may have lost track of vitamins and minerals. I probably am deficient and did not think about it. I will add today. Thank you.

(Richard Morris) #6

Anything that causes the blood vessels in the area to dilate could cause that. Also anything that reduces the thickness of the skin and fat above them could cause a darker patch to show through.

Some possible candidates during a transition to ketosis could be dehydration, electrolytes, fatigue.

I’ve heard of this side effect mainly from anti-low carb advocates. I think you may be the first person I have heard actually observe this. I’ll be curious to see if sodium supplementation might help, as sodium deficit is a known factor during adaptation, and that could affect your hydration levels.

(John Cotter) #7

I’m starting week 4 of keto and just noticed this the last couple of days.

(L. Amber O'Hearn) #8

I have another hypothesis to add to the list: histamines (either directly from intake or consequent to other food sensitivities).

Some people, myself included, are sensitive to histamines. Histamines are a natural substance in the body, but some people can’t clear them as well as others, and they can build up if they are formed or ingested faster than they can be cleared. There are different sources of histamines, but they form in animal products that have been aged. This includes dried sausages like salami, and hard cheeses, or even just meat that’s been hanging out in the fridge for a while.

So if your transition to keto typically involves introducing a lot of high histamine foods that you weren’t eating before, that could be contributing to dark circles. I get them under those circumstances. I also have very fair skin, so it shows easily.

Dr. Georgia Ede has the best resources I know of on the topic of histamine intolerance: http://www.diagnosisdiet.com/histamine-intolerance/


Apart from eating less aged meats and hard cheeses, is there another strategy that can help eliminate histamines faster? More drinking of fluids, more/less salts, …etc…?

(Miss E) #10

@richard I’m kind of surprised you haven’t heard more of this. It’s really stood out to me, both in myself and many people I see on youtube. To me it stands out because you’re listening to someone who has made all these leaps and bounds with their health but the circles stand out in comparison. The histamine makes sense to me as does the liver/kidney function.

(Richard Morris) #11

I guess not enough people talk about this symptom, or I’m not observant enough to notice it - sorry :slight_smile:

(Miss E) #12

haha not telling you off just thought you might want it in your sphere :slight_smile:

(mykittashi) #13

I am fair-skinned and prone to dark circles under my eyes even before keto. I’ve heard it as a dairy allergy, but I haven’t been strong enough to give up dairy! I’m going to read the article on histamines; maybe there’s a way to have my HWC w/o racoon eyes!

(Allie) #14

Same thing happened to me and three years later I still have it. No biggie though, compared to the benefits.

(Consensus is Politics) #15

Interesting. Just the other day the wife asked me why I had dark circles under my eyes. I never noticed them. Probably because Im used to seeing them. As far as I remember my alergies always seemed to cause that. And recently we had a warm spell so that we had tons of pollen pop up. My vitamin D3 regimen has helped to supress my allergies, but when the pine trees do there thing, its like getting carpet bombed. I get what looks like snow drifts of pollen on my driveway, the front porch, and the car changes color from white to yellow over night. Thick coating of yellow powder.

Histamine reactions can also be self sustaining. My allergies would cause itchy eyes. If I rubbed them, it would get worse. Which would cause another histamine reaction, making them itch more. When I moved to England in the late 1980’s my histamine reaction to all the new pollens there caused my eyes to swell shut. I couldn’t see properly for about a week. I was put on Seldane for a long time, several months. It helped. That is until I got a sinus infection, and they prescribed erythromycin. Turns out that’s a deadly combination. I fell out of an F-111 cockpit. As I blacked out I had grabbed the hand rail to the boarding ladder and slid down it like a firehouse pole. Landed on my arse, but unconscious.