Whole30/Keto Hybrid Diet?

(Joni Ivy) #1

Hello all!

Well, 3 weeks into my Keto journey. Loving parts of it (energy is great!) and feeing unsure about other aspects of it. I haven’t lost any weight since that initial week, but my clothes are definitely fitting better and my skin blemishes have cleared up so nicely!
What I’m not really loving about this diet is the use of sweeteners, dairy and baking. Prior to starting Keto, I did 60 days of the whole30 and it was literally life changing. No I didn’t loose a ton of weight or anything like that- but it totally changed my relationship with food and forced me to call myself out on my sugar addiction. I felt so stinking good, best I had felt in years! But It’s very easy to consume excessive amounts of sugar on the whole30, and thanks to dried fruit and starches I was doing just that. That’s when I decided to take my diet motivation to the next level and try keto in hopes of kicking the sugar addiction and feeling my best yet.
Sweeteners, baking, dairy and certain preservatives are big NoNos on whole30. Since I started this keto journey, I have definitely been consuming my fair share of all of the above. I have really enjoyed baking keto pancakes, muffins, etc. And cheese is a big weakness. Monk fruit and erythritol seem to be my new bffs. Problem is, I feel like mentally and physically it puts me in a pretty bad place. It seems to bring back my old relationship with food, which got me into this predicament in the first place. I also just don’t feel great after eating those things. Yesterday I literally binged on Keto Pancakes and fatsnax cookies and felt horrible.
So I was thinking about going back to whole30 as far as types and quality of food that I am putting into my body, but following the ketogenic rule for macros. Still eating under 20 g of carbs a day and saving cheese and sweeteners and baking for special occasions only. My husband is still following the whole30 diet- it would be easy for us to start eating the same meals if he could just add fruits and potatoes and other starches in afterwards.
Anybody else follow Keto with whole foods only? Any advice?


I’m very interested in any replies you get! I’ve done two whole W30s and quite a few failed/partial ones. I, too, eat a lot more dairy and artificial sweeteners now, and my guts are not happy but I’m not sure exactly why.

I don’t bake or eat any keto baked goods, but only because I’m too lazy to go to the trouble of cooking them and I don’t let myself buy them.

(Ethan) #3

This is pretty much what many, including Jimmy Moore, talk about. Jimmy calls it “Real Food Keto,” but the idea is the same. Eat real things. If it has ingredients, don’t eat it.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #4

Don’t use them, then. The use of sweeteners is not a requirement in any of the keto rule books I’ve come across. Minimal carbohydrate, check. Reasonable protein, check. Fat to satiety, check. Real whole foods, check. Artificial sweeteners, huh?

(Ethan) #5

I also found that comment a bit confusing. I don’t eat any baked goods. As a carnivore now, I also don’t eat sweeteners, but even when I did, I wasn’t compelled to. I am not sure where the consideration comes from for baking and sweeteners as a requirement.


The baking and use of sweeteners are there to help make the transition from the SAD to Keto easier for people. If you don’t need them, you don’t have to use them. I myself haven’t baked anything in months (since I’m currently Carnivore) but still will use sweeteners, because I’m an addict.

Cheese is a separate issue, but if you can’t handle it, the same advice applies: don’t eat it.

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #7

I very seldom eat any sweeteners or baked goods. Maybe once a month.

I eat real ingredients, nothing with a bunch of fake stuff added. I don’t think people should be eating that stuff for the exact reason you have stated.

People who are the most successful in the long run eschew these types of foods.


I mostly agree with you, but some people do have success long term with lazy keto. It depends on the person. I did find myself wanting to add more and more healthy eating steps over time (eating more omega 3 and less omega 6 foods, avoiding harmful oils, etc.), but that didn’t really affect my overall results except probably the unseen health benefits.

(shawn) #9

This is what I do. After several rounds of Whole30, I stayed Whole30, but stalled at an 18 lb. loss. I then ended up going lower and lower carb until I was keto. Then my weight loss picked up again, my ADD was controlled without medication, and I had lots of other benefits. My 2nd Christmas on keto, I decided to try out all of the fatty coffee, keto desserts, fat bombs etc., but this gave me major cravings, so I went back to my keto/Whole30 combo (except for cheese in occasional recipes only)which really works for me. Now 2 plus years later, off plan items are no longer food. I love that I can see a beautiful dessert, enjoy the look and even smell of it, but not want to eat it, because it’s not food to me. That’s very freeing.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #10

I eat mostly meat, eggs and low carb vegetables. I ferment a lot of veggies and eat them almost daily. Occasionally I will have an ounce or two of nuts or cheese. Every blue moon some berries. I like cream in coffee but many don’t use it. I eat animal fat, coconut, avocado, and olive oils. I use some condiments cooking but many just cook with salt.

There’s no rules about any food or way of preparing food you HAVE to include to be “Keto”. I rarely make a bread, cake, pancake or cookies. Like usually on a holiday. Eat real foods, that’s important. We’re mostly all doing this to improve health (even people who come here for weight loss). We’re just individuals willing to go to different lengths to achieve our goals. Some of us still eat a lot of processed but low carb foods. Some are loose about things and some are overly self scrutinizing. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Running from stupidity) #11


(Full Metal KETO AF) #12

Didn’t mean the lazy keto people! :cowboy_hat_face: