Whoever said they ate a whole pizza and stayed in ketosis


How is that possible? lol unfortunately I read your post and my friend fam Friday night pizza night I indulged one slice thin crust pizza and I left the crust…it was really good and it was nice to feel not left out my friends and family will always bust my chops bc of me not eating certain things even though I don’t rub their face in it.
Anyway I figured after a quick google one slice was under 50 carbs so I’ll just try well I woke up and peed on the stick thing and negative for ketones. So lesson learned.
A lot of people do not understand around me why I like this diet and it’s not their job but it’s the only thing that doesn’t make me feel bloated all the time. It’s so frustrating. My weight is still not going lower but if I can maintain this weight through the holidays I’ll get back to work on this 5-10 pounds I’ve been trying to lose for 5 years.

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #2

I can’t understand why anyone on a keto diet would ever eat even one slice of regular carb filled pizza, when super low carb pizza is so easy to make, and tastes so good ?

They are loads of different keto crust recipes out there. We have tried 2 or 3 and they all tasted great. We like pesto sauce, made with fresh ground basil and garlic. Most pizza toppings are pretty low carb anyway, but you can pick and choose from what you like.

Even being low carb though, maybe after 7 months eating keto, I’ve just learned better, how to stop eating when I’m actually full ? Each time we have had keto pizza I’ve had (okay, slices can be any size, right?) About an 8" x 8" square… Maybe just less than a lb… and I was good. Except maybe also some kind of sweet keto desert… Then I was “all good” :slightly_smiling_face:

Geez, every time I read a pizza thread, I have to have keto pizza :grinning: lol


What’s your favorite dough recipe?

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #4

Honestly, my GF has always made it, so Im not sure. Just search fathead pizza dough, or the crushed pork rind one was good too. I prefer my crust to be kind of thin, and just be there to carry the flavor of all the toppings, and plenty of cheese :slight_smile:


It’s not. Many uninformed people think ketosis is when you have ketones in your blood, which it is not. Being IN ketosis is when your body is MAKING ketones in absence of carbs. You can eat a whole pizza, drink some exogenous ketones and show ketones all day long, not the same thing! There are some freaks with completely insane metabolisms that can eat 50-100g and still not even drop of ketosis long enough to catch when tested, but that’s not most people. When I’m on a day when I’m lifting heavy AND doing a good amount of cardio, I can swing around 100g without any fallout or setbacks but only in that context. There’s also some bio-hackery I do that lets me pull off some insane crap but again, doesn’t apply to the 99%.

(Windmill Tilter) #6

After his 2 week water fast last spring, @Karim_Wassef had some pretty weird side effects such that even when eating a ton of carbs he stayed very deep in ketosis. His GKI (Glucose to Ketone Ratio) was off the charts even after carb loading.

For 99.99% of people though, eating a whole pizza is probably going to knock you out of ketosis many times over… :grinning:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #7

It was @atomicspacebunny who said that. She’s a unicorn and her body does miraculous things!

(Bunny) #8

If you try hard enough it can resemble magical things? Watch the magical bunny oxidize a whole pizza (which I can in fact do with no problem).

Look at Wim Hof who is dam near magical and not one scientist can fully explain what he can do?

You can train the mitochondria in your liver to oxidize fat while simultaneously impeding your ability to oxidize carbohydrates?

And people wonder why as soon as they eat carb their adipose tissues blow up like a balloon?

(Bob M) #9

I hate to say it, but low carb pizza is nowhere near as good as coal or wood fired, thinner crust pizza. Sorry.

Having said that, I try to avoid real pizza, not only because of the carbs but because wheat causes me allergies and asthma and chest congestion. I will eat real pizza a few times a year, though. I think I’ve had it maybe three times this year?

I have eaten ice cream cake multiple days in a row over the weekend and still been in ketosis on Monday.


Even on Keto sometimes my adipose tissues actually hurts it’s blowing up so fast. It hurt for 10 days and then I went backpacking again and it quit hurting within a few hrs . . . I thought to myself that this was strange that only the fat around my waist hurt and then it dawned on me that I was gaining weight pretty fast so I wondered if that was why, as soon as I was in a caloric deficit it quit which convinced me that’s what it was. This time I’m not gaining as much weight at home so it’s not doing it. I guess it’s “growing” pains :o)

(Bunny) #11

When I look at the Virta Health Data it is very clear that increasing carbohydrate intake along with increasing intake of fat even more and keeping the protein intake the same allows for the body to re-adjust it’s oxidation capacity?

When I added raw resistant starch into the mix it increased this oxidation capacity even more without eating so much fat?

When you look at this video by Dr. Schindler, Dr. Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter talk about “cooked starch” can be very deceptive to the naive or un-trained eye?

Bush-man have been drinking the juice and water from raw resistant starch from the roots and tubers for thousands of years (why they don’t get fat) or maybe even millions years of all types of plants just to get the water and also includes raw resistant starches and dirt to feed the microbiome, when they stopped doing that and become more “civilized” that’s when the problems begin?

I can’t believe Dr. Schindler allowed him-self to get suckered into this very deceptive conversation eh em I mean interview?

Did Cooking Starch Fuel Brain Growth And What Dr. Schindler Eats

BTW: Dr. Schindler eats maize resistant starch the way the ancestors originally prepared it or the way it was intended to be eaten but you can’t beat the method of the Bushmen?

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #12

Well I’m probably coming from a different place as I worked in a pizza restaurant for many years and ate so much pizza I was really sick of it. So, now after being away from there for 4yrs, my taste for pizza is coming back a little, and I actually prefer low carb pizza as it doesn’t taste so much like the pizza I had gotten so sick of eating.

If I were going to cheat on something full of carbs (which I would not, ever) it sure wouldn’t be pizza :slightly_smiling_face:

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #13

We are not all the same.
I am entirely fat adapted, can ingest over 50g of carbs and stay in Ketosis solidly at 1.5-2mmol.

One time I ate 3 slices. Roughly 80g.


I ate pizza maybe 20-30 times in my life (not counting some stuff called a pizza but definitely not that). And I like good pizza (I need a very good pizzeria to find a good one. it’s so funny, I barely ate pizza but I have high standards). I never tried the most famous keto pizza doughs as I never use mozzarella or almond four. Cauliflower “pizza” is nothing like pizza, it’s a veggie dish.
But I don’t need pizza every year or every 5 years. It’s optional.
I usually do my own, it’s not real high quality pizza either but good enough. It’s very thin, the dough may have flour sometimes but it’s still not near as carby as normal dough - and I easily can choose to eat only a bit or none at all :smiley:
Maybe I will visit a pizzeria in the future. I consider eating (not even homemade) cakes a bad idea to break keto for, it’s so very easy to eat better cakes on keto, pizza is probably tougher. But it’s all about personal tastes. A “real” pizza is carby and a keto pizza is very different from that. So if that’s the charm for someone…
Interestingly, bread is different for me. All the charm I can find in a bread, is there in a good keto bread. I notice the huge difference (carbs and the lack of them are too obvious to me) but it’s fine as I don’t like the carbiness of the bread at all. But it’s a very important part of “real” pizza for me. Or I will see, I never used my keto bread dough for pizza yet, I am sure it will work but probably just as a “kind of pizza” like all my homemade ones, including the carby ones.

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #15

Honestly Ava, I think I can eat 40 or 50 gms of carbs a day, and stay in ketosis too. But the thing is, I can eat enough very low carb “keto” foods (veggies, cheese, keto bread, etc) that I might still (on occasion) be getting up close to 40 or 50 carbs as it is ! So I wouldn’t eat any kind of “carbage”, that would instantly put me into that 40 or 50 gr range, then have to cut out “all” other carbs, to keep from raising it to 80 or 100 gms !

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #16

I hear you. I guess for some, the crust is the most important part of a pizza. To me, it’s just a carrier for all the good stuff on top :slight_smile: And again, there are SO many great recipes out there for keto pizza crust. I’m sure if a person tried a few different ones, they could find one which they really liked :slight_smile:


I am sure if I wanted pizza very much, I could find some good recipe. I usually don’t mind if the replacement isn’t like the real deal, I just want to eat yummy things :smiley: I never understood why some people just MUST eat bread, cake, potatoes, rice, ice cream and zillion other things, every and each of them just because they are nice. I cut multiple food groups without problems. I guess they don’t need absolutely everything, they just think so. I have a rebel self and I can’t be strict all year but it’s not a real need and I don’t want “everything” even then. I just like freeeeeeeeeeeedom occasionally and it doesn’t harm me much. But it’s so fun to have almost everything on my keto (I have lots of personal restrictions), it does good for my creativity.
I do appreciate real pizza crust but I like not-quite-real pizza as well, I focus more on the top then (but soft veggie crusts still don’t cut it, it must be firm a bit). I only made vegetarian pizza this far, some meat will surely change things…

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #18

Veggie pizza !?!? Heck, not only does meat taste better, its easier to keep it keto ! :slightly_smiling_face:

BTW, have you tried the pork rind crust ? It’s pretty good.
I think I want to mix a small batch of my yeast risen keto bread, then roll it out very flat with a roller… Then dock it… I think it might work great :slightly_smiling_face:


No, I can’t get pork rind so I never tried that, not like I mind, I am fine with or without my homemade pizza using something else (but I guess it must be crispy and tasty). I need proper meat/skin/fat/blood/whatever from good sources, it’s one reason I was an almost vegetarian for decades. I don’t even have access to pork yet, only some smoked stuff.
Vegetables taste WAY better than meat in the shops, according to my tastebuds :slight_smile: And I couldn’t eat meat more than once a month for some reason, it changed just recently.
I never liked even the idea of a pizza with meat. Pizza already has cheese, it needs vegetables to balance things out, at least I always felt so. If I skip vegetables (my current direction), I will eat basic pizza, without meat or no pizza at all.

I made my first not vegetarian pizza, I had no vegetables except onions and tomato puree and thought it will be nice to add something else. It wasn’t. So I keep my smoked pork shoulder for other purposes, it’s wonderful with eggs. I made a vegetarian pizza today, that probably will taste good as usual. It has normal bread dough (well a bit carb reduced, I had such a very short phase a few weeks ago and I had some dough left), by the way, no need to worry about the huge amount of tomatoes and onion and some cucchini and cauliflower on it… :smiley: But I will only eat a little of it.
I don’t say every kinds of meat would be a bad idea for my pizza, surely not but the smoked stuff was too much. But if I have good meat, why to work a lot and add carbs (tomatoes, a pizza MUST have them galore :smiley: I love them)? I just fry/bake and eat it.

I plan to try your bread dough as pizza myself since I know and like the recipe, it should work, I think.

(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #20

Whatever works for you. To me, the crust isn’t that important. Oh, but surprisingly, the pork rind crust (at least ours) wasn’t crispy, but tastes pretty good anyway. I do like a mix of my favorite veggies, and some meat too.