What was your moment, when you absolutely had to change?

(Melanie Marie) #81

When my right sided pain got worse and an ultrasound dx me with fatty liver disease, and then I got on my not-often-used scale and it said 171 lbs. I was always pretty fit and very healthy before, going so downhill for me in just the past 4 or 5 years, and especially knowing in a few months I was going to turn the age my dad was when he died, was all just too much.

(Danielle) #82

I havenā€™t made the switch yet but Iā€™m doing research as of now and am so glad I found this page! Iā€™ve been doing weight watchers since last January and Iā€™ve lost 55lbs but going low carb will probably boost my weight loss!

So far the reason I want to make this switch is because my ankles get swollen way too much after eating carbs, My body aches and I feel like Iā€™m in my 90s when Iā€™m only 31! Also, Iā€™ve heard of womenā€™s DRā€™s telling them to eat low carb to get pregnant. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for 7 years now and Iā€™m really hoping this change will make my body healthy enough to conceive! :heart::blush:

(Kathy L) #83

Welcome & Good luck with with conceiving!

I kind of had to smile at this comment:

I was just telling someone today, that I had not ā€œplannedā€ on eating this way - I just watched Dr. Sarah Hallbergā€™s Ted Talk, and when I saw how she presented the facts - it was an instantaneous change for me - a switch just flipped. DONE WITH CARBS - that very minute! That was 2 years ago! (on another note - thru the years, when I ā€œthought aboutā€ dieting, or joining WW, I would find myself binge eating in preparation for the deprivation I was expecting!)

(Jacquelyn Graham) #84

Well, it all happened like thisā€¦unhealthy relationship with food for years using it as emotional therapy to deal with major stresses for a couple of decades (sociopathic abusive husband who took me to the Supreme Court in two countries and living in constant fear of our lives on top of it all) and once that was over, the PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc., helped to continue said unhealthy relationship with food. Silly thing is, I truly had no idea how big Iā€™d become. Stopped weighing myself at 240, it was simply too depressing. Then my blood pressure started going upā€¦a lot. And I started thinking about that slippery slope of medication after medication for the rest of my life. Both my parents rattled like maracas before they died from all the pills they took. So, I went on a typical starve yourself type diet, exercising all the time and seriously limiting calories. Kept it up until Iā€™d lost down to around 200 and went back to eating normally not excessively, but what Iā€™d been taught was healthy, and the weight started coming back on. My doctor said I just had to expect it, I was getting older and it just becomes more difficult to lose and keep off weight. My new husband (non-sociopathic model this time around) discovered Keto and the 2 Keto Dudes. Much science thrown my way to ease my worries about him and I decided to give it a go (mainly because I was tired of cooking two meals :smile: . Now, I weigh 158 (Iā€™m 5ā€™9") had to get all new clothes and feel better than I can ever remember feeling. Insomnia, gum inflammation, joint inflammation, skin problems, allergies, hair loss, mental fogā€¦all gone. Anxiety MUCH improved and PTSD under control. Depression? Whatā€™s that? Wouldnā€™t go back to SAD if you paid me now. Keto is the second best thing to ever happen to me, my current husband being the first (he really is awesome.)


Havenā€™t we all?!! Thatā€™s the best part about Ketoā€¦Iā€™ve never felt deprived or that it was a punishment for past bad food behaviour. Quite the opposite actually, food has never tasted so good.


Ms Jackie, you are a goddamn tiger!! Iā€™m so stoked that after all youā€™ve been through youā€™ve found happiness and health!

(Jacquelyn Graham) #87

Aw, thanks! I keep pinching myself, but so far I seem to be awake. Life is good and Iā€™m immensely grateful for it. :blush:

(Nathan Hall) #88

For me it was a weigh-in. Iā€™m in the military. Maintaining my weight is a condition of employment. I went to weigh-in, for a school I needed to attend, and the Sergeant conducting the height/weight station took my height (6ā€™2"), then asked me to step on the scale. As Iā€™m stepping toward the scale he asked me what I usually weigh. ā€œAbout 225.ā€ I responded sheepishly. (The Army says I should weigh 211, and I know it.)
I step up on the scale and ā€œCLUNKā€! The Sergeant gives me this look like, ā€œReally dude?ā€. He slides the counter weightā€¦ he slides it some moreā€¦ 245.
Well, thereā€™s still the tape, but itā€™s not looking good. Iā€™ve never weighed that much. He tapes my neck and abdomen the required three times each. As Iā€™m hearing the numbers Iā€™m thinking, ā€œYep. Iā€™m going home.ā€
He sent me out of the room, and came out a few minutes later and gives me a stern look. ā€œYou passedā€¦ But I wouldnā€™t take those measurements to a tailor if I were you.ā€ I read between the lines, and answered, ā€œ:+1: LIMA CHARLIEā€. It was time for me to loose weight if wanted to keep a job.
That was last April. By June I found the Ketogenic Diet and the 2 Dudes. August was my next weigh-in. I weighed 212 lbs. (Still had to be taped 'cause I was one pound over, :expressionless: but Iā€™ll take it as a win.)
Iā€™ve been maintaining 200 lbs. since mid August, and looking forward to the next weigh-in.

I wish Iā€™d known about this 20 years ago. I could have saved myself a lot of aggravation over the years. The Army is really big into CICO and ā€œif youā€™re fat itā€™s your faultā€. Their answer is eat less, run more, suck it up, and have more discipline.
I recently attended some on-line training for the Army that warned against ā€œfad dietsā€ and to reduce calories by 500 a day to loose X pounds per week, blah, blah, blahā€¦ SMH.

(Candra ) #89

When the VA refused to do a knee replacement because my BMI is too high! At first I was so sad and angry but then I realized that they were right. Having surgery at this weight (I am 5ā€™2 and was 281 pounds) probably would not serve me well. But seeing that in writing really hurt. It woke me up to the realization that I had really messed up my body by being this heavy and if I wanted to be able to walk freely again without pain I was going to have to do something about it ā€¦ soon! I had two choices ā€¦ Bariatric Surgery or dieting. I didnā€™t want to have surgery because as a former nurse on a Bariatric Surgery floor I knew the risks involved and I saw first hand the bad results that can happen when it goes wrong. I knew that in order to get VA to do any Bariatric surgery I was going to have to lose 10% of my weight and keep it off for 6 months anyway so I better start looking for a diet that I could stick to. I tried WW but it was a new system that I just couldnā€™t get the hang of and was too complicated. I had done Chris Powellā€™s Carb Cycle diet before and did well but he has since closed his program website and I really couldnā€™t afford it anyway. I started to research if there were other carb cycling diets and somehow happened upon LCHF and then keto. So here I am 4 months later and 29.4 pounds lighter!

(Kathy L) #90

I got tired of throwing good money after bad on WW & fad diet books. I decided a few years ago to not spend any more $$ on dieting! (Although I HAVE purchased a few keto books -but itā€™s not an ongoing monthly cost at least)

(Lauren) #91

My final moment came in December 2016. I step on the scale and the numbers popped up: 299.8lbs. I had the same reaction as the night before my 30th bday: sobbing, vomiting, panic attack. Iā€™m34 now. Apparently 290lbs could be ignored, but I was (am?) deathly terrified of 300.
Itā€™s been a slow gain over the last 14yrs and 5 pregnancies. I started at 150lbs and as the wight crept on I told myself it was just pregnancy weight, just holiday weight, it would melt off when I got back to being activeā€¦you know, when the baby was older and I had more time.
But there was always another baby and no time. Then a housefire and lots of ptsd and anger, and I ate my feelings. Then a divorce. Then 2 more babies with my fiance. Those both came with a moderate dose of postpartum depression where I ate all of my feelings. Then a cross-country move.
I knew my weight was a problem, but I kept telling myself ā€œlater.ā€ Easy to do when MEDICALLY everything except my weight was good. My a1c at itā€™s highest was 5.8. No other alarming health issues anywhere. Plus, I hate failing at anything, so if I didnā€™t try to lose any weight, I didnā€™t have to face the likelihood of failing.
In January I stumbled on to a brief mention of keto in a forum I frequent. I did some reading, and while I wasnā€™t ready to commit, I started making changes. This week I finally made it down to under 30g of carbs a day (still a ways to go). I started out at 299.8lbs in December, and today I woke up at 284.6lbs. Iā€™m rarely hungry and my pants fit better. Iā€™m getting married in December and going on my 1st cruise next year.

Full disclosure: today I have a nasty cold and ear infection. The whole side of my face is swollen and all I want is to curl up with a giant bowl of my homemade chicken noodle soup. Itā€™s the only craving Ive had this month. It will pass, but I miss it.

(Arlene) #92

I hope you feel better soon. Chicken broth with some cream added tastes just like a cream of chicken soup. Much better than a canned chicken noodle soup any day. Give it a try. If you like, stir in an egg and a little ginger and it becomes egg flower soup.

(Lauren) #93

Thank you @farmgirl for this. My brain is so foggy with being sick I couldnā€™t think of an alternative.

(Michael Wallace Ellwood) #94

LOL! Love it.

(Nathan Hall) #95

So, update with the latest weigh-in yesterday.
Instead of being weighed in my PT (physical training) uniform, I stepped on the scale in my full uniform. It adds 7 pounds. I asked the Sergeant supervising the weigh-in, ā€œI get 211 pounds right?ā€.
I pointed to the scale that now read 207.
After stepping off of the scale, I saw my Regimental Commander standing behind me shaking her head. ā€œLook at you over here bragging.ā€
I said, ā€œNo maā€™am.ā€
I proceededā€‹ to take my work cellphone, my personal cell phone, my keys, and my wallet out of my pockets and set them on the counter.
I smiled, ā€œTHATā€™S braggingā€¦ā€

I spent the next 20 minutes talking to four other people about the keto way of eating and how Iā€™d gone from 245 pounds last year to maintaining about 200 pounds for the last 9 months.

Word got around and I spoke to two more in the hallway later that afternoonā€‹.

(Arlene) #96

Improving our world, one ketoer at at time. I love it.

(Ren) #97

I knew I had to do something when I tried to get life insurance since I was newly engaged. I was rejected by the life insurance company and it was because I was 5ā€™6" 231lbs and had terrible biomarkers. I had a 6.7 A1C, my LDL and triglycerides were high, my HDL was low, and my liver counts were horrible.

I started by cutting out processed sugar (still had honey, maple syrup, and fruits) and processed foods. After 6 months of that, I was able to get my liver counts normal, dropped my A1C from 6.7 to 5.6, my LDL dropped some, my HDL increased a little bit and my triglycerides decreased. I still had a way to go but it was progress.

After I dropped some weight and got my numbers more incontrol, I switched to a paleo/primal eating lifestyle. I had been on that for the better part of a year. I was able to get my A1C down to 5.2 and my LDL was at 220, hdl was still rising and my triglycerides were about 150ish. I also plataued at about 199/200ish lbs. I have several friends on keto and i had thought about it, but was concered about cholestrol. One of my buddies had me listen to the 2ketodudes and their research and links helped me make the decision to go full keto.

This is day 22 on full Keto. I am down to 190lbs as of this morning, I feel the best energy wise in a long time. I am definitely going to make this lifetime thing for me. Thanks to the 2ketodudes and some of the posts on these forums, my fiance (soon to be wife next month) is almost ready to make the transition. She is still nervous, but the more results she sees from me, as well as the testomonials on this forum, it is bringing her closer and closer to going full keto.

(jburtonpdx) #98

June 27 2016 was when I had my ā€œThatā€™s it this changes nowā€ experience.
Iā€™d checked into the hospital for chest pain. At the time I was 46 years old, overweight by about 100 lbs, had high blood pressure, about 44% body fat, and had had a headache since the mid 90ā€™s.

The people in the ER did all the stuff you would expect when a fat middle aged man says ā€œchest painā€. I was strapped into a bed before they even did the intake stuff. They ran an EKG and were moving me to another room before they finished the check inā€¦

After it was all said and done I had not had a heart attack butā€¦ they diagnosed me as a type 2 diabetic.

I didnā€™t know keto anything at that point but before the end of the day Iā€™d installed myfitness pal on my phone and was talking about nutrition with my wife. Sheā€™d been paleo for about 8 years at that point and knew what was going on. She was waiting for me to see the lightā€¦

Since then Iā€™ve dropped about 90 lbs, most recent A1C was a 5.2, blood pressure better than normal, I can run for miles, ride a bike for hours, and lift weights regularly. My last DXA came back at 22.2 BF % - so original body fat 44%, in November last year it was 28.6, now 22.2 and gaining lean body massā€¦ At 47 years old I am putting on muscleā€¦ Iā€™ve thrown that in the face of a couple academics that say its not possible for somebody over 40 to gain muscle mass.

Keto is the way.

Found tons of resources all over the web all pointing at this stuff. So grateful.

Current goals are 600 lb deadlift, 6 minute mile, 425lb squat, I want to do a duathalon, I want an organic chemistry degreeā€¦ I plan to outlive Yoda so I should have more than enough time to achieve all of this and more.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #99

Best story Iā€™ve heard all year. You win the keto internet, dude.

(Jon H.) #100

Living vicariously, friend one t2 diabetic. He has not taken care of him self very well. At 43 years old he had a triple bypass. Friend two t2 as well and the same did not take care of himself. Age 44 quadruple bypass. Friend one still on the same track 48 years old quadruple bypass. If you can clog arteries that fast what am I headed for. Not anymore for me. Keto is going to save me who nows how much missed work from open heart surgery and who knows what else. I guess in Socrates eyes I am a PhD. Use your food for medicine ect.