What to drink during a 48 hr fast?

(David Anderson) #1

starting a 48 hr fast… what are the recommendations for liquids or such during that time? Thx

(Carl Keller) #2

Water and make sure you get plenty of salt.

Fasting purists might disagree and it might keep you from autophagy, but some will drink black coffee and or bone broth during fasting.

(Doug) #3

I think black coffee or tea is fine, even under considerations of autophagy.

(Brian) #4

At 48 hours, I’m still in the “just water” camp. I’m near 24 as I type this and have had only water. I’m just fine. Even went for a walk with my wife this afternoon, probably a couple of miles. I’m fine.

If you want some salt, go for it. I’m not crazy about doing coffee or tea because I don’t like them plain and unsweetened. I’d rather not have them than have them plain. But that’s just me.

Good luck!

(David Anderson) #5

**thx for your eply and information **

(David Anderson) #6

thx for the reply! :+1:

(David Anderson) #7

**Thank YOU! **

(Windmill Tilter) #8

Ketoaide is great. It won’t break the fast, it’s just salt and water. It made a big difference in my extended fasts and it costs pennies per gallon. It will ensure you’re getting the salts you need, and it tastes a bit better than chewing on Himalayan sea salt. :slight_smile: