What happens to ingested saturated fat for non keto folks?

(Omar) #1

I know the benefits of keto and have been on keto since 2018 and I would not convert back to SAD even if I can, and I know for sure that I can not.

Back to the question

If the saturated fat is not converted into ketons how the body process it into energy if it does?

The second question
I used to be very hard on carbs, lately I start consuming 2 to 3 tea spoons (I think each spoon about 8 grams) of honey. So while I am still within keto carb limits, my glucose go to 120-130 post meals, then drops very quickly to 90-100 range which is surprisingly match non type II glucose levels.

The question
does this spike after 1 hour of such meal can kick me out of ketosis?

I don’t believe in measuring ketones. I only believe in my health quality, and energy levels, and mood stability.

I feel energetic and good as ever(After avoiding dairy and calcium rich foods)


(Allie) #2

You won’t know that without testing, which I know you don’t do. A better question would maybe be to ask yourself if it makes you feel good, or feel bad?


I always used up the huge amounts of fat I consumed on high-carb (didn’t track but it was surely way above my current amount) just fine? As the human body is supposed to do it. (Of course if I overate like crazy, it wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t the fault of the fat, it was the too high calories. But my metabolism could handle a lot of unnecessary eating too, simple overeating couldn’t cause fat gain).
I never cared about my fat intake being saturated or not but I always ate very much of both saturated and unsaturated from my animal fatty protein sources.

But other people may be different, I am aware they are in some area like overeating. Not everyone gets a higher metabolism to use up the extra many hundreds of calories on high-carb, we know that.

I can’t say anything to your other question as I don’t even care about ketosis, ketones or blood sugar. Well not directly. It’s the job of my body, I just try to give it food to feel right. And it seems the less sugar I eat, the better but some are okay (or a bigger amount very occasionally) as long as I keep my average carb intake quite low.

(Robin) #4

Omar, how are you doing, in general?
I can’t answer question… I never worried about or really understood ketones. I just worked the plan and reaped the rewards.

When I first began and needed to track my macros, I realized it was up to me and my body to decide where those 20g carbs come from.

If you can include honey and stay on track, and you feel better for it… go for it!

(Omar) #5

Thank you very much for asking Robin

I answered here

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #6

It depends on what your insulin response is to that level of glucose. If you are still insulin-resistant, you may very well secrete enough insulin to rise above the threshold (25 ÎźU/mL) to halt ketosis. If you are now insulin-sensitive, it is possible that your insulin will not rise so high, or that if it does, it will drop again soon.

(Marianne) #7

Can I ask why you are doing this? What is the benefit you feel it provides, or is it just for taste?

(Omar) #8

First it is a small amount each spoon is 8 grams

second I feel that saturated fat taking too long to be processed in my stomach without small amount of carbs. Now I have no scientific evidence for such claim. It is just how I feel.

(Bob M) #9

That is a very difficult thing to test. Mainly, because there’s not much that is 100% “saturated fat”. There are things that are higher in saturated fat (dairy, cacao butter), but most real food has a mixture of fats (and proteins, and lots of other stuff).

It’s nearly impossible to say that “saturated fat” is what is causing your issue, if what you’re doing is eating real food.

(Robin) #10

Thanks! Good to hear!

(Omar) #11

I am talking about goat ghee

(Bob M) #12

You’re eating just goat ghee? By itself? If so, may I ask why?

(Omar) #13

Only when fasting I consume ghee by it self or to shift fat/protean ratio

I take one or two full spoons of ghee with small tea spoon of honey(Still within the keto limit of carb)

It help my digestive track heals and it helps me feel satiated and be able to fast. If I ingest ghee by itself without honey, I feel it just stay there and feel it in my throat.

Not sure what happen or how. It just feels it is processed better with small amount of honey. Actually even if I consume 3 full spoon of ghee this way, it is processed without me feeling any odd, I will not even think about it or feel it in the top of my stomach.

Also even if I am not fasting, I use ghee to shift the ratio of fat/protean. I easily can consume 1kg of goat ghee in a month or less.

apology if people find this strange or not making any sense. But truly this is how I increase my fat intake. For some reason my body does not get along with heavy cream or butter. I think butter/whipping cream here is heavily processed (Too much additives or something). When I travel to Egypt I use local farm butter and whipping cream and does not bother me at all.

Searching the correct chunk of steak is not important anymore when supplementing with ghee.

If you think this way is not healthy please explain further so I avoid it


I think we see enough strange things here :smiley: Raw meat carnivores, me with my chocolate covered banana nearly every day in my early times…etc.
I find it interesting to see how differently people eat.
And each to their own, if this is what works for you, no one has any right to say not to do it. The ghee is okay, the honey is little enough not to be a problem for many people (my body is against too pure sugars but that’s me and I can handle it too if I eat something very fatty afterwards. I just don’t feel the need to do such things unlike you. if I eat something sugary, it’s just joy)… So if you feel okay, I guess it’s okay…


Whether keto or not, we both burn fat and carbs as fuel, and store fat and carbs as fat. The difference is where that line is with both of them, ketosis isn’t a 100% on/off thing. If it were, every gram of fat “normal” dieters ate would wind up being body fat, and every carb a keto’r ate would be fat, and we also know that doesn’t happen. I do a TKD/CKD hybrid and between my pre/post workout carbs and my weekly refeeds, I probably average 100-125g carbs a day, but they’re burned when they need to be, not hanging around to be stored as fat. It also matters how many carbs and fats are consumed at the same time.

Which is exactly what you want, people focus on the rise (I wouldn’t call 100-130 a spike at all) it’s more about how quickly you return to baseline.

(Joey) #16

This is an essential question. I might phrase it with this qualification… “Ask yourself if it makes you feel good, or feel bad in the long run.”

How we feel moment to moment, day to day, varies greatly.

It sounds like you are keenly sensitive to your most immediate real-time digestive sensations (which isn’t a bad thing at all) … but it’s also worth noting that eating the Standard American Diet usually feels great immediately after putting the fork down and ordering dessert.

It’s what happens later, and what then happens over the months, years and decades that can tell quite a different story.

So, I would ask: cumulatively, how have you been feeling over the long run?

If a couple of teaspoons of honey make you feel great - or no difference in any of the health markers you follow and care about - then enjoy!

But if you want hard core data about your moment-to-moment ketosis status, it’s hard for anyone to tell you, absent testing your ketone levels. It’s like trying to guess someone’s blood pressure without using a sphygmomanometer.

(Omar) #17

chocolate banana

My nephew eat cheese with ketchup. yuk :face_vomiting:

(Omar) #18

Dairy plays this trick on me

Same day I consume dairy, I feel good. real good. So the immediate impression is already made.

But the creepy feeling is building over much longer time like over 2 weeks. By that time dairy is not suspect.

many of the foods and some medicine trial and error end up confusing because the toxin or whatever is building or accumulating will take time beyond the initial impression.


Even before I switched from standard keto to TKD/CKD, I added back in raw milk, the digestion benefits were huge for me, plus it makes my skin clear up. Didn’t even count the carbs, there was never a noticeable downside. Should also note, I’m allegedly “lactose intolerant”. Definitely do what works for you.


from the title? non low carb people and eating fat?

well we get SAD and all it does is store fat fat and more fat as everyone knows as they age the lbs come on. some slow, some fast, like that ‘college freshman 15’ or I can’t lose that baby weight or ?? I got slower and don’t move as much and it is all becoming STORED FAT.

so for us we dump carbs to use fat cause our bodies will use some carbs/glucose first and then it will store unused carbs and all that extra fat ya ate as even more fat…what many of us are running from…standard crap menu in our lives.

the body will burn glucose first and if those carbs/sugar intake is huge it ain’t gonna do nothing with that fat but store it along with extra carb crap.

Your body will use some glucose, some fat but if not on a low carb good for you personally menu and eating real food does one even pretend to think how ketones are used in the body cause it mostly won’t ever be…your ketones only activate IF YOUR body is in a ketosis state and then it will use that fat activated ketones cause you don’t have the ‘glucose burn crap’ trumping the use from the menu you are eating cause glucose will always beat the making of ketones cause of eating big carbs.

I know that I screwed up what I am trying to type there but, your sat fat in most non-keto folks is stored as fat point blank but we of course have to hit who ya are, young or old, healthy or not, on prescip meds with health issues, active or not and and and ----the path for each will vary of course but in the end, you hit that overall your health is f’d in the end and we all felt it and that is why alot of us are hear and learning :slight_smile: