What happens to carbs/sugars when in keto/fat adapted

(Tom Seest) #41

My kitty is an excellent source for information on Taurine, but she tends to quietly sleep all day; in spite of the increase in caffeine consumption.

From my standpoint, I increased my consumption of Taurine up to 15 grams per day while I had my heart issues. I’m nowhere near that now. I honestly don’t know if it helped me, as I’m not sure how I could measure outcomes for Taurine for my little heart experiment, but I certainly felt better taking it. I used Life Extension’s version in capsule form.

I never made an association between Taurine and lack of cramping, but that could be true.

I’ll quit trying to source information from my kitty, and I’ll read the articles that you linked.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #42

Our hunter/gatherer ancestors were actually pretty long-lived, assuming they survived the childhood diseases and suffered no accidents. The Plains Indians of the U.S., for example, were known for the number of centenarians in their populations—until, of course, they adopted the white man’s diet of refined grains and sugar.

Dr. Michael Eades has fascinating lecture on the metabolic and health effects of the advent of agriculture, which is available on YouTube in a few slightly different versions.

As for seasonal variations of weight, I would expect them to be diet-related. Berries start ripening in August in the Northern Hemisphere, which would be the metabolic signal to the body to start putting on the pounds. During winter, when game would have been scarce, the extra fat from fall gorging would permit easier fasting. I wonder if we descended from animals that hibernated, or whether hibernating animals developed that ability after our lines diverged?


“assuming they survived the childhood diseases and suffered no accidents” both assumptions that were exceptions to the rule for hunter gatherers. This point is also debated at some length for our more distant h/g ancestors as we don’t have a lot of bones from any elderly among them…that could be for a variety of reasons.

As to the last question I have to assume that you mean hibernation like bears rather than daily torpor as in hummingbirds. Plenty of birds have short term torpor to help then survive and maintain fat stores during migration. some rodents and bats have short-term torpor for periods where they are not reproducing or for cold snaps.

Hibernation or more rarely whatever it is called in the summer…(something like aesthivation) is pretty common among rodents and there are variations on a theme there is no known primate and only one tropical mammal that show the behavior. As far as I can tell none of our ancestors are known to have hibernated as the whole of rodentia is another branch… so it kind of looks like a post-divergence adaptation…


I blame @tdseest for getting me hooked on Monster White Label and Sugar-free Red Bull a couple of years ago. That stuff is way too sweet tasting for me now. :face_vomiting:

(Mark Rhodes) #45

I blame @tdseest for as much as possible. His love of puns alone and his inflicting this love upon a hapless public is worth our condemnation alone.


Thinking of our ancestors eating adventitioualy, does the idea of extra weight for the winter have parallels with post-menopausal women having extra weight?

Humans, as far as I know, are the only species where grandmothers take active care of the youngest generation.
So, is there an advantage for grandmothers being heavier so they can take care of the active young?
What is the weight of extant hunter gatherer grandmothers? Are they heavier than younger hunter gatherer women?
And so, are today’s grandmothers only heavier because of SAD eating, or because there remains the effects of a biological advantage that would have been important for our ancestors?
(And of course, we are proportionally much heavier today).

(Susan) #47

I am the primary caregiver for my 3 year old grand daughter that lives with us (so does her mom) but she is a main motivation for me to get healthy, slim and trim and in shape to be able to walk her back and forth to school in the fall of 2020 (30 min each way for that is a total of about 2 hours walking for me a day). I might not be at goal weight by then but I hopefully will weigh a lot less then now). I need to be less weight then I am now to “take care of the active young”.

I was 293 (in February) I am now 248 and my goal weight I am not 100 percent sure on, but for sure I need to lose another 120 or more pounds to look and feel healthy.

(Ken) #48

Lot’s of interesting points in this thread, I’ll add a few more from memory, without digging into my files.

Paul is right about Paleo longevity, with the Mean of life expectancy being fairly close to what it is today. The Australian Aboriginal people were also very long lived, even having a specific name for their elderly. Most mortality was accident related, childhood diseases were fairly rare as nursing typically went to three years or more. Young kids were not exposed to the immuno suppressive effects of a carb based diet.

A fascinating study done about Plague survival has been done on an English village tracing survival with a genetic link. One thing overlooked is an account of a woman that was stricken, became delerious for several days, and then woke up famished and consumed a large amount of bacon fat. The scientists presented this as an insignificant anecdote, but I consider it indicative. Since she had been delirious for several days, her body was nutritionally depleted. Her consumption of the fat immediately threw her into deep lipolysis with high ketone numbers etc. IMO, this massively boosted her immune system and reduced her viral/bacterial load and enabled her to survive. I doubt she would have if she had had bread or gruel available instead of fat.