What did you take a photo of on your walk today? PART 2!


I didn’t want to flood this topic then life happened… But maybe it’s okay to put some photos taken on the 13th of November here… It is possible there will be almost-repetitions but I just can’t get bored with these places near me :slight_smile: And they are changing anyway. And mushrooms are awesome, I just can’t often make good photos of them. Especially this sticky one loves to hide and leaves stick to their cap anyway…

Not all pics are the same quality but I couldn’t choose…


I will make some new photos tomorrow (using the same location. there will be mushrooms :smiley: the sticky ones refuse to go away, they are everywhere!) and I still have some more, probably…

(Allie) #687

(Diane) #688

What a great picture!

(Allie) #689

Really not looking forward to going back to work as I’ll hardly see these guys then :frowning:

(KCKO, KCFO) #690

I love swans, we don’t get them in Colorado. Have to travel to Wyoming to see any. I loved the area of AU I lived in for 4.5 yrs. because they had not just white swans but the black ones as well. A lake near us was a rookery for them. I loved going over to that lake.

I do have more Canadian geese around me than I can count this time of year. Hundreds of them in our local park’s lake with a golf course that is a winter home for even more of them.

(Allie) #691


This was on a public bench in the middle of my estate. I saw it and kept walking but then curiosity got me and I went back.

£5 note inside which I will use towards food for the wild lake birds :heart:

(Susan) #692

That is very cool --how sweet of that person --I am glad that it found its way to such a worthy recipient!!

(Ashley) #693

I had something similar happen, in line for a coffee I went through drive thru, someone ahead paid for me so I paid for the person behind me. This happened just this New Year’s Eve, it’s so cool to see such acts of kindness the last few days with this last year closing to a new one!

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #694

Just another day at the beach.


Spring is here!!!
I originally wanted to post something about 2 weeks ago, I didn’t notice the camera hadn’t the usual settings and the snowdrops and hellebores became a bit too noisy and I wasn’t dedicated enough to dig out this thread for those…

Since then, new flowers emerged!
Crocuses in my garden (the front part with lots of sun, these are tiny):

And the very first pasqueflowers on a nearby hill! There will be much more later.
These are made by my SO with the more serious (still nothing special but he made some cool shots during the years) photographer past. Maybe it’s not apparent, the flowers were all cute, hard to make bad shots of them :smiley: Nature brings out my skills the most.

(Susan) #696

Those are lovely pics, Shinita. It is making me hopeful that spring will not be too far away for us as well. We still have a lot of snow and ice here, grr --haha.


We visited the pasqueflowers again… And I have a lot of snowdrop and hellebore photos too. I am not very good at showing only a few but I made way more photos than that (and resisted many times when I saw another flower, there are so many and I am excited).

I still have this delay between making the photos and uploading them (it’s work :D) but the first one is quite old, from the end of February, I wrote about my problems before, it’s not good quality but they look different and anyway, I want to brag about our February snowdrops :smiley:

These are the newer ones, 6 days old?

I don’t even like snowdrops much… Oh well, it’s spring and I can appreciate even white flowers!
Though our hellebores are all green except some with a more interesting leaf color… Still, they are more interesting to me.
They are where the snowdrops are, in the wildlife park nearby.

Pasqueflowers. We still didn’t find many but more than last time. Those are my favs, so spectacular… They grow on a hill called maybe “Bare Hill” translated? It is NOT bare at all, it’s full with pines and bushes.
We can see our house from that, beyond the pond (the biggest deeper red roof beyond the two gray ones) :smiley:

I saw the first of this flower, it wasn’t pretty yet:

(Jane) #698

We planted these in 2006 when we put up the yurt. We were leaving to head back to Houston, exhausted from the yurt project and just picked a spot in the meadow and threw them in the ground. They have never been watered, fertilized or weeded like our regular flower beds but come up every year in early spring and continue to multiply. Truly a care-free flower.


Wow, ours are nowhere yet but I have finally have a big, white-purple crocus!
And I bought pansies. Photos will come later, I am lazy now. The weather is sunny and extremely windy now…

And I found another bad quality snowdrop photo from the 22nd of February, the flowers weren’t fully opened yet and I barely saw any hellebore flowers at that point… I kinda like this closed look.

(KCKO, KCFO) #700

Please start posting in the new thread. This one is starting to really slow down. Part 3 is here:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) closed #701

Thread is full. Please post in Part 3.