What did you take a photo of on your walk today? PART 2!

(Robin) #666

That’s AWESOME!!!

(Allie) #667

It was a success yes :heart:

I moved her to the big flock one one of the local lakes and released her with them. They seemed to accept her straightaway so she will be safe now.

(Susan) #668

Oh wow, that is really awesome, Allie =).

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #669

Mine is Raven.


(Troy) #670


(Jane) #671

My roses are loving the cooler weather we have been having

(KCKO, KCFO) #672

Nice bridge.

(KCKO, KCFO) #673

I adore swans, which they migrated as far southeast as I live but WY is about the closest they come to my area.

You are a true fowl warrior.

(Robin) #674

These are lovely. Lucky you!

(Jane) #675

Thanks. Lots of sweat equity in those flowers but totally worth it. The last freeze 2 days ago finished off 90% of our flowers but time for them to sleep for the winter anyway.

(Butter Withaspoon) #676

Found this little reptile on tonight’s walk with my neighbours
On the previous night we found this one.

The disturbed area of gravel covers the eggs the lizard has just buried - pretty sure anyway because I’ve seen them bury eggs in mounds like this

(Doug) #677

The Morning Glory knows colder weather is coming - time to get some blooming done.


Wow, my mornming glories died long ago…

And I am always so lazy to bring photos here, I don’t know why, it’s not hard and I don’t need to cut or play with my photos from last week… They are good enough as they are…

It’s the wildlife park here, I very often go for a walk there - or cycle through it.
It has a little pond with a clearing, fireplace and other things, even a tiny shop with ice cream and candy… It’s a highly popular place. It’s still nice in November :slight_smile:

The fount of a tiny rivulet (it tends to disapper before it reaches the bigger river that is highly important for the wildlife park) is somewhere down below:

The entrance (but it’s a slightly older photo, still November though):

The same spot, the wildlife park is behind me but these trees are wonderful now :smiley: They lost some leaves since then, of course but they are still lovely.

It’s the area next to the wildlife park, I call it Pine Hill… It often is full with mushrooms… These photos aren’t all so good (but I do like some of them), oh well. I don’t show the totally blurry ones :smiley:

I found zillion of the last one (parasol mushroom) and one of its smaller relative. But this one is the biggest and tastiest! we found one with a 20cm wide cap. It’s less impressive for me now that I found a relatively small mushroom with a 10cm wide cap, my book says it should be 1-6cm, they are super big this year and just like the previous beauty, it’s one of the tastiest shrooms around here! And pretty too.

Still Pine Hill…

We have a pig pond too, with lots of fishes.

Wildlife park again. Sorry for the blurry photo but it’s a very pretty mushroom and I had difficulties with my camera then, I pushed something and I needed time until I found what to push again… I am not even the camera’s owner, I just make lazy shots while he barely use poor thing nowadays.

Amanita regalis. This is one of the amanitas I don’t eat :smiley: Okay, I eat only one of them (as all the others I found this far were poisonous. death caps aren’t rare here and all amanitas are damn pretty! especially the lemon colored one, whatever its name in Enlish), it’s called blusher in English…? I think that is that… Easy to tell apart from the similar but bad one if one is careful (I use 3 different very sure signs. I pretty much like feeling right and I cook for my SO too. he trusts me and eat up everything, be it macrolepiota, amanita or cortinarius) so it’s always a joy when I have some even if it’s not one of my favorites.

I will bring today’s photos later!


I am still super slow, these are still from the 6th of November… Mostly the wildlife park again.

Some mushrooms… I never figured out the species of this…

I collect a ton of this this autumn… Well not exactly a ton, it actually takes a lot of time to clean it as it’s very sticky… But it’s such a beautiful mushroom, it’s a joy :slight_smile: And they are quite big here.
I looked up the English name, herald of the winter… :slight_smile: The focus is more like on the leaves, oh well. I made more photos yesterday but it was a burden to carry the camera too especially when I totally had to go between branches for them :D. And my hair is very long now and the branches are playful…

(Jane) #680

Geese flying in formation over the meadow

(KCKO, KCFO) #681

I didn’t get a picture, but on my AM walk our pond geese, about a 150 of them currently all took off in a bunch of V formations. So lovely and our sky is brilliantly blue. Would have been an awesome shot, but made a great memory anyway.

(Doug) #682

GREAT picture, Jane. :slightly_smiling_face:

Years back, I was working in Wisconsin in the autumn, and one day there was a thing - I didn’t even know what I was seeing, at first. High up, a lacework, and slight movement. Geese flying south from Canada. So high that the individual ‘V’ formations were very small, and so many that they blanketed the sky.

(Diane) #683

This isn’t a very good picture. This is from awhile back, during the first snow storm in the valley in Salt Lake City. I came home from grocery shopping on a Sunday and found these lovely ducks in the parking lot and managed to get a picture of the tail end of the procession. There were a LOT of ducks.

(Allie) #684

image image

This morning on our walk at sunrise.

(Doug) #685

:slightly_smiling_face::+1: Diane.

He’s really beautiful, Allie. :slightly_smiling_face: