What did you take a photo of on your walk today? (feat. CHUNK)


The monkey hat is, yes.

(Diane) #1635

The monkey hat is totally adorable. As is the cheeky monkey wearing it!

(less is more, more or less) #1636

That is one gas of a park

(Jane) #1637

(Diane) #1638

Those are some pretty chickens!

(Liz ) #1639

New in Lowell, Massachusetts: rental bikes scattered around town. Interested to find out how many end up in the canals heh. This one showed up in front of the old mill where we have our condo. No I did not give it a spin :smile:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1640

We have those in China. I love-hate them. It is fantastic, when they work. The ones here are not maintained well. And never around when you need them. Or so many they block the sidewalk. And people here hack them so no one else can use them :rage:. And your canal instincts are correct. But as a concept, if people were not people, it is so convenient and nice!

(Diane) #1641

It’s color coordinated with the scenery!

(Diane) #1642

We have these here in SLC. They are very well maintained and regularly redistributed to the hubs where they are used the most. The newest thing is rental (non-motorized) scooters. My nieces and nephews love the scooters.

Here, these bikes have been great for the people using public transportstion (buses and electric trains) by allowing them another option for finishing their trip besides walking. It’s seen as encouraging more people to leave their cars at home.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1643

This is how it should work.

Ours are all non-motorized.

(Diane) #1644

Yeah, all the bikes and scooters are non-motorized.

This a program with corporate sponsors, one of which is a local health insurance company. So, I think it is better supported monetarily.

(Running from stupidity) #1645

Great idea until they end up being banned because they’re effectively litter. These might be the perfect example of the braindead startup.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1646

I spotted this pile of convenience today.

(Liz ) #1647

Oh dear! :scream_cat:

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #1648

I really need to take some pictures of Richmond VA now. Today will be beautiful.

(Allie) #1649

@Janie my girls have pin feathers coming through :heart_eyes:

(Allie) #1650

Swan politics at the lake yesterday.

(Jane) #1651


:heart: :rooster:

(Diane) #1652

I love the way you capture pictures that evoke the grace in motion of your friends!

(Doug) #1653

I wasn’t there, but a niece said, “Stepped into a painting.” Earlier today in Giverny, France, northwest of Paris.