What did you take a photo of on your walk today? (feat. CHUNK)

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #1488

Oh I so want to be there to run with the dogs. I’m jealous.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #1489

@runswithdogs That’s a beautiful beach, and the most beautiful thing about it is the lack of people! I never get this my New Jersey beach. It’s crawling with Guidos (I’m allowed to say Guido because I’m a huge amount Sicilian). fist pump

(Ethan) #1490

My shoes… which I share on a style forum… I like shoes

(Allie) #1491

Just casually walking in the woods having escaped the office for an hour, and this tiny feather literally dropped out of the sky in front of me. I put my hand out and it landed right in my hand… :heart:

(Little Miss Scare-All) #1492

Youre like Dr. Doolittle!

I find these all over, but it’s from my preening African Grey, Chino.

(Christy) #1493


He’s a pretty boy :blush:

(Allie) #1494

He’s beautiful @x-Dena-x :heart:

I’ll be finding them soon too, when I adopt my rescue hens on April 6th :heart_eyes:

(Little Miss Scare-All) #1495

Thanks! Its funny because with Greys, you cant tell the sex by visual means, only blood tests. I never had it done and Chino always felt like a “he” to me.

Then fast fwd 10 years later, I wake up to find an egg at the bottom of the cage. He turns out to be a she, but I still call her a he, because she will always be a he, to me! Say that even 2x fast.

Thats sweet!! Are you building them a hen condo??

(Christy) #1496

It’s 2019, Chino can be a Shim all she wants lol :tipping_hand_woman:t3:‍♀ but that’s so crazy to find out 10 years later! She was ahead of the game :yum:

(Little Miss Scare-All) #1497

Lmao seriously. Why rock the boat? :rofl:

(Allie) #1498

I have this to start with, but once they’re settled in this will just be for sleeping in as I’ll let them loose in the garden.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #1499

Thats so cute! How many are you adopting??

(Allie) #1500

Four ex-battery hens. My friend runs a rescue and is taking in a batch of 200 hens on Saturday so when I bring my girls home they will be very early in their recovery.

(Jane) #1501

What does “ex-battery” mean?

(Running from stupidity) #1502

You now have to plug them into the wall to make them work.

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #1503



One of the wonderful things about living in the Pacific Northwest is the proximity to so much of nature. I live up in the mountains and about a fifteen minute drive away there’s a beautiful waterfall; twenty minutes gets you to a ski resort. We’re surrounded by forests and wetlands and an array of rivers and streams. We also have a ton of lakes nearby and spring is the perfect time to pop by.

After picking up my little one from preschool this afternoon I drove about five minutes to Lake Sammamish. We had fun on the beach there and watched a bunch of the wildlife, then headed to the nearby playground (which has an awesome zipline among other things). We had a great time.

Later back at home I was walking the dogs and in the wetlands noticed a rainbow against the sky (which was preparing itself for some rain tonight).

(Running from stupidity) #1505

There we go, the selfie I was hoping for, tucked away in the middle

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1506

Beautiful day!

(Allie) #1507

Rescued caged hens from the commercial egg industry