What did you NOT eat today?


(Blessed with butter ) #292

Wow great job. That would have been tempting


Yes, but the aftermath isn’t pleasant. I usually end up with diarrhea after having a lot of carbs, and a donut will definitely do that to me! And then my stomach is all nauseous and uncomfortable so that isn’t good either.

(Empress of the Unexpected) #294

My husband made pancakes and I did not eat one. Or even a nibble. Though they were still warm and I was picturing one slathered in butter. (And pancakes are not my real favorite, hashbrowns are.) But it was cold and rainy outside and for some reason a warm buttery pancake seemed appealing. (I did touch one though, for the warmth!)

(Troy) #295

THank goodness for Keto clarity and NO brain fog

If not, I was hitting the exit fast !
W my Keto quickness :smile:
I’m fast
Not a worker in sight …Twix as a bat!!!

So close
Miss these :sweat:


They got to keep coming up with new gimmicks to sell their crap.

So, the candy jar at work had something I’ve never seen before, Hershey’s Gold, with pretzels and peanuts.


Intrigued, I decided to have one. WHAT A MISTAKE!

All I could taste was this chemical taste in my mouth. :face_vomiting: I had to pop a cough drop (the only thing I had available), just to get rid of that chemical taste.

I guess if nothing else, it was good to be reminded that what I remember things tasting like, probably don’t taste good to me anymore.



It’s Sunday morning, and that reminded me of a tradition we once had, here at Casa Del Conway.

2 – glazed twists
2 – glazed cinnamon roles
3 – glazed donuts
2 – cherry donuts w/ sprinkles
2 – blueberry cake donuts
1 – sugar cake donut

I had this list saved on my computer, and would print it out every time we went to buy donuts on Sunday morning. I made a list because my kids were very specific, and I didn’t want the donut place to get the order wrong. (@gumby would appreciate this :wink:)

No chance of them getting it wrong anymore. :grin:

(Running from stupidity) #298

OK, so the phrase “serves you right, what did you expect?” popped into my head just then. Probably some weird coincidence.

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #299

Movie date last night!

Wife and I saw “A Star is Born”. Loved it.

I’ve worried about a movie date for awhile, since I simply cannot sit in a movie theater without a huge bucket of lightly pseudo-buttered popcorn and a coke big enough to bathe a housecat.

I prepped in advance, wearing a pocketed, baggy sweatshirt discreetly stuffed with jerky, some nuts, prepackaged salami and cheese rollups, and a baggy of picante chicharrones…

Well, it was awesome.
No popcorn or soda for me (skinny wife imbibed), and I didn’t eat any snacks. Never thought about them.

Breaking the carb/sugar addiction and becoming fat adapted changed everything.

(Doug) #300

:clap: Well done, Don. :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s perverse - the only thing I think is even a halfway decent deal there are those huge buckets of popcorn - because you can get free refills… :neutral_face:

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #301

Thanks Doug.
It’s crazy. A primetime movie with 4-5 of us could cost me $100!

Now we only go to “big screen worthy” movies…otherwise I’m called by my pirate name and we stay home. I did buy the “refillable” bucket for popcorn. I think it cost $15 the first time and for the rest of the year we can fill it for $3 each time.


It’s the boyfriend’s birthday tomorrow so I made his birthday cake. it’s hard not to sample :yum:

White cake with Oreo whipped cream frosting (at least the filling was pretty keto before I added the Oreos!)

(Running from stupidity) #303

Here at Q Club, where the 8:30 flight we got up at 5:30 for is now leaving at 11…

Fruit toast smells great, but that’s probably the melting butter, really…


The Halloween :jack_o_lantern: candy bucket that suddenly appeared in our kitchen at work last week and is refilled several times a day! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That stuff doesn’t last long in my office either


I don’t think those carbs count, during October. :wink:


:rofl: :ghost: :rofl:


I am sure they do! My physical being will definitely know! :grin:


Yeah, better safe than sorry. :grin:


Bosses day tomorrow. Sweet treats for my sugar burning coworkers

The brownies smell so flipping good.

(Doug) #311

Long drive today. One cup of black coffee in the morning. About 2/3 of the way through the drive, a fuel stop; walking around inside the ‘convenience store,’ – wow, nothing good, everything processed, sugared to the max. Still, I always did love a Reese’s Cup, and Salt & Vinegar Potato Chips… - used to be one of my go-to things.

I kept walking around, thinking, rationalizing… In the end, walked out with nothing.