What Did You Keto Today? The Trilogy!


Put that on some Chaffles! :slight_smile:


Speaking of which, someone on Reddit posted their version of a McChaffle – two McDoubles, without buns, put inside a pair of chaffles:

713 votes and 98 comments so far on Reddit

(Jane) #5475

If I was close to home I would!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #5476

Basic Breakfast

Sausage, Crispy Bacon and Eggs. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5477

Meatballs! With melted cheese and some keto bread!

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5478

Yeah it would have gone down a lot easier with something added! #abitdry

('Jackie P') #5479

Those meatballs look fabulous!

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #5480

Just finished doing tomorrow’s packed lunches - we do love a chafflewich!

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5481

Thank you! :hugs: it’s been quite nice being off work and able to put a bit more time into something nice for dinner :blush:


Ran out to get a quick Coffee, which is very rare these days. (Didn’t have enough to make a pot) So decided to go ahead and eat something for lunch after-all, basically just wanted something with some flavors. … 1/4 lb. Hot-dog (Wawa’s) Pork Rinds and Potted Meat, Mustard Sardines, Olives, Smoked Vienna’s, Pecans and Cheddar Cheese.


('Jackie P') #5483

I had a hideous start to my day! Worked on the Medical Day Unit, I love it there, and it’s only 15 minutes walk from my house :slightly_frowning_face: Not today! It was torrential rain, my usual route was flooded so I had to walk a 1/2 mile out of my way. My brolly blew inside out and it turns out my rain mac is only rain resistant :no_mouth: my trousers were wet up to my knickers, and I spent the day in some very unflattering scrub bottoms! I have blisters all over my toes from working in wet shoes. To be fair, I wasnt the only one and overall it was a wonderful day. Looking on the bright side, I walked 12,000 steps!
So for dinner I had ribs with sugar free bbq sauce and a restrained vodka and slimline!


(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #5484

Ooooh blimey, bad luck! That V&T is well deserved!

(Steaks b4 cakes! 🥩🥂) #5485

Oh no! :speak_no_evil: glad you’re looking on the bright side and that your day got better. Have a vodka for me please :blush:

(Rebecca 🌸 Frankenfluffy) #5486

Thai curry - found some cabbage greens I didn’t know I had, and they shredded up nicely! Nicked some Thai coriander from my mum’s garden yesterday - gave it a bit of a kick!

('Jackie P') #5487

Oh what a jolly good excuse for another! :hugs:

('Jackie P') #5488

Blackberries and thick double cream to finish.:yum:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #5489

Grilled Andouille and Cajun Chicken Thighs

Turned out to be a Carnivore Day, but I’m not going to be able to finish it! :cowboy_hat_face:

(Susan) #5490

Wow! I have never seen such a big sausage! (I am reminded of a snake seeing this… hehe). I am sure that snakes are a delicious if cooked properly too though!

(Diane) #5491

I once tried grilled rattlesnake. Meh… it was pretty stringy. No one knew the best way to cook it. It did look very similar to that sausage on the grill though. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


My prayer before eating this…Dear Lord, please don’t ever let my body turn against olives or vice versa, amen :pray: lol - I will never eat cucumbers or fennel again, had outrageous reflux and shoulder-cap pain all night :confused: