What did you Keto today? Part Deux!

(Jane) #1467

This will be ready by Tue. Clotted cream to go on my SF Thanksgiving dessert. Easy to make - just have to plan ahead. 12 hours in the oven overnight then 24 hours in the fridge tomorrow.

(I Am The Egg Man ku-ku-kachoo) #1468

Broiled salmon with Buttered Green Beans.


Beautiful! :+1:


Locally sourced and perfectly aged rib-eye, gently cooked in a 3 1/2 hour water bath, then aggressively seared on a lovingly seasoned griddle. Served with a side of recently harvested broccoli and sugar snap peas, gently steamed and seasoned with freshly ground black pepper, and pink gourmet Himalayan salt.

(Running from stupidity) #1471


(Allie) #1472

It might do temporarily, I didn’t check, but I’ve been keto so long that I don’t worry about that as I know I have the metabolic flexibility to go in and out easily. Blood ketone levels were normal the next morning, about twelve hours later.

(Allie) #1473

I’ve got the week off work so have time to cook properly and decided to use up some frozen burger’s that have been in the deep freeze for about a year… :joy:

So made this, three burgers topped with homemade guacamole (again using up freezer supplies, frozen avocado), topped with fried eggs and homemade mayo.

And I made one for my best boy Chunk too :heart:

(Alex ) #1474

that eggs benedict looks awesome @MiKetoAF

(Alex ) #1475


And yours Allie!!

(Allie) #1476

Ribeye. No words needed.


Looks delicious! :drooling_face::+1:

(Allie) #1478

It was :heart_eyes:

(Joanna Parszyk ) #1479

Fresh from the oven :wink:
Really not bad, l was surprised!

The famous recipe from the diet doctor web.


Yep, I’ve been looking at these for a while now, but just haven’t tried making them yet. :slight_smile: … But even before Keto, I was never into breads much, so used wraps instead. But I still like the way these look. :slight_smile:

But I keep imagining these guys with a load of Ham and Cheese w/ Mustard on them! :yum:

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #1481

Ok, this is the most beautiful crepe I’ve ever made!

And I got some cumin lamb from the Lanzhou lamian (Think Chinese version of pho. But not related, it comes from northern China where they are more wheat based than rice based.) The shops are run by Uighur Muslim people, so lots of nice meat. I picked out all the onions and capsicum, but they made the sauce nice.

(Sophie) #1482

Was at the grocery, saw bologna and got a craving for a fried bologna sandwich drenched with mayo, 'cos that’s how we roll in the South! :smile:

(Ellen) #1483

Dessert… too damn hungry to take a photo of my cheesy steak.

All fried in bacon nectar.

(Ashley) #1484

My dad used to love them! I think I might have to make it! What did you use for the bread?

(Sophie) #1485

I make the diet doctor keto bunz. I can only eat half of one at a time though. They are soooo filling!

(Running from stupidity) #1486

I’m 60 hours into a fast, and I agree :slight_smile: