What did you Keto today?

(Cathy) #2044

It is super easy to make your own and quite a bit cheaper…

(Ernest) #2045



Angus burger topped with creamy swiss and mushrooms with a side of shredded zucchini sautéed in butter and garlic. For breakfast!

(matt ) #2047

That meat is so fatty. What cut is the that?



Chicken-crust pizza with chorizo and queso Chihuahua. And a pinot noir…

(Ernest) #2049

@matt beef short ribs, flanken cut. Some call it Korean cut

(James storie) #2050

I’ve got some canned chicken in the pantry right now to try this! How is it?

(Doug) #2051

Broccoli and cheese, with a great big slab of prime rib. Low-carb for sure, but guess that’s going overboard on the protein.

(George Hernandez) #2052


It’s really good! It makes a thin-crust pizza. I use the Keto Connect recipe.

It’s a bit easier to make than Fathead, and to me just as good. I like 'em both, but right now I’m hooked on the chicken version.

(Karl L) #2054

I ate all the bacon.

(James storie) #2055

Platter of chuck eye steaks!

(Lauren) #2056

Burger smothered in mushrooms and homemade queso dip with roasted asparagus w/ butter.

(Ernest) #2057

Naked burger…and eggs. OMAD Monday

(G. Andrew Duthie) #2058

@Ernest You may be giving @Fiorella a run for her money on food photography. If you start posting recipes, it’s gonna get real… :wink:

(m) #2059

My first halloumi, omggggggggg. With a little side of ranch dip. This stuff is going into regular rotation. I will never faux-bread mozzarella sticks AGAIN!

(Excuse the paper plate, i already have to wash a frying pan, i ain’t about to add a plate if I can help it!)

(Ernest) #2060

@devhammer I’m bad with recipes. Everyday is like an episode of chopped in my kitchen. LOL

(Nick) #2061

Just a cup of the good ol’ black fasting juice.

I use an Aeropress for brewing (very cheap, works great), and a Lido 3 for grinding beans by hand (very expensive, works great).

(Pablo Medeiros) #2062

Amamos torresmo lá em casa… We all love torresmo at home

(Pablo Medeiros) #2063

Today’s lunch: Topside seasoned with salt and pepper