What are you ordering at Starbucks?

(Maureen Stevenson) #121

I get venti iced unsweetened passion tea with no water, 2 pumps SF Vanilla and a splash of HWC!

(Hermie) #122

Frappucino with Sugar-free Cinnamon Dolce, coffee, and heavy cream, and I even have them add the “whipped cream” on top. Really good, doesn’t kick me out of ketosis.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #123

Oh, all right, I’ll play: “A large black coffee, please!”

(Alec) #124

My normal question at cafes: “Do you have cream?” Most do.

(Bunny) #125

Tom D. at Starbucks…lol

How to Order Keto Drinks & Fasting Drinks at Starbucks | Day in the Life VLOG- Thomas DeLauer

(Stickin' with mammoth) #126

Around here, you have to ask “Do you have heavy whipping cream I may use?” or they hand you a lukewarm decanter of half and half. (gag)

Anyway, this is Portland, Oregon. We don’t need no stinkin’ Starbucks! We’re spoiled for choice in this town: Portland Roasting Company, Stumptown, Sleepy Monk, Bella Espresso, and about a hundred more.

(Lauren G. ) #127

I would be very excited if they had Star Trek themed names for coffee. :slight_smile: Well, more specifically if there was a Star Wars themed coffee shop. :slight_smile:

(Candii) #128

I also get iced coffee. I get the biggest cup they have (which they keep informing me is a trenta??) with HWC and SF cinnamon dulce. Probably the best and cheapest Starbucks coffee I’ve ever had.

(Little Miss Scare-All) #129

A venti of tears.

(Stickin' with mammoth) #130

Any place that doesn’t offer stevia and HWC as ameliorations gets immediately scratched off my mental list. I’m down to one shop but it’s way out on the coast so I only waste money there occasionally.

(JustGettingStarted) #131

Sorry, commenting on this old thread/post but I have to venti :):rofl: about the ‘Starbucks personality’ I ordered from this morning, he got “thrown” by my request to have my -Venti (aka 20 oz drink :joy:) Iced Coffee w/ 2 pumps SF Vanilla, 2 pumps SF Cinn Dolce, No Classic, w/HC- Double Blended. I’m all, “The person who took my order two days ago didn’t mention it might be a problem and it was actually really delicious.” He’s all, “Okay, well it might be chunky”, and I’m in the middle of fasting so I’m all, “Ya well the one I got on Wednesday wasn’t so…”

('Jackie P') #132

Americano with a jug of cream! Mmmm

(Jody) #133

I love their new cold brew… with cream :slight_smile:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #134

Are we reviving this thread again? In that case, “A large black coffee, please,” is my order, in the rare case I’m ever in such an establishment.

(traci simpson) #135

Why are people still using sugar free stuff? I’m confused.

These fake sweeteners increase ( yes, you heard that correctly, increase ) the appetite. So what is the point of sugar-free crap if it increases your appetite? Throw that Equal in the trash! I mean, really. Aspartame is the devil. It’s known to cause seizers and brain tumors. Sucralose isn’t any better. Splenda can enlarge the liver, kidneys while shrinking the thymus gland., can cause Panic attacks, diarrhea, headaches, brain fog, bladder problems, stomach pains.

It’s just opposite of what we (I’m) trying to do so I’d rather have real sugar than chemicals.

(traci simpson) #136

Tall foam cold brew unsweetened with a shot of HWC.


Sugar is a chemical. Cn(H2O)n. Everything is chemicals.

I’ve never found a substantial study proving any of this, especially a study that didn’t have the Sugar Association behind it. In all the studies I’ve read, they fed the mice/rats an absurd amount of sweeteners to get results - the equivalent of 100 cans of Diet Coke a day, and you’d drown from that before you’d have to worry about a tumor.

(traci simpson) #138

Studies have found correlations between artricifice sugars and increased appetite, increased sugar cravings, Alzheimer’s.

However, I don’t want to come across as judgey - I should have said that I don’t use any of those and never will.


(traci simpson) #139

Do you get the foam?

(Jody) #140

No, I have not tried the foam yet. Most of the time I get the cold brew straight, which is just black coffee, but sometimes I get w/cream.