What are you ordering at Starbucks?

(Texan ) #1

I’m a little curious as to what people are ordering at Starbucks. I’d like to stop in every once in a while. I don’t go too often, but I wouldn’t know how/what to order.
When you do stop in, what do you order? :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:

(Derek I. Batting) #2

Drinky people,
Please post exactly how you say your order to the barrista so they don’t misunderstand and ask a ton of questions. I’m very rarely in Starbucks, but would occasionally like a lovely keto treat when out and about without somehow accidentally winding up with something sugary or gross.

(chris.coote) #3

I’m boring… Quad shot of espresso…

(Howie Levy) #4

Grande Latte w/ heavy cream. I hear they have Kerrygold butter pats for bagels that will blend in a drink for you.

(Larry Lustig) #5

A large coffee with heavy whipping cream.

I refuse to participate in their silly name games or to pretend that their business bears any kind of relation to traditional Italian coffee culture.

Yesterday, inspired by @Brenda I ordered a large latte with heavy whipping cream. It was delicious but, with the 60 cent up-charge for cream, came to over five dollars! Don’t recall paying an additional charge for cream in my regular coffee.

I generally like the coffee better at other places but Starbucks is the only place that reliably has heavy cream and power.

(Derek I. Batting) #6


(Larry Lustig) #7

Ha, that’s me. Although I think the money quote isn’t in the coffee shop but in the next scene:

It isn’t poison. It’s got juice in it!

(AnnaLeeThal) #8

Quad grande americano with two ounces of heavy cream.

Most Starbucks will understand this. If they don’t understand the ounces part I will tell them “two shots” of heavy cream.

This drink costs less than $4.


I don’t much care for Starbucks coffee, but if you don’t mind splurging a little bit their travel mugs are my favorite.

(Derek I. Batting) #10

OK, now let’s pretend I don’t drink coffee (which I don’t). What do I order? GO! :smiley:

(Julie Pegler) #11

I love the passion tea with heavy cream, and two splendas! its Yummy! the pink drink! @Brenda knows how to order at Starbucks :stuck_out_tongue: I have been too scared to ask for kerrygold :confused: stupid I know.

(Jessica K) #12

Americano, whatever sugar free syrup sounds good, and a splash of heavy cream works for me and it’s less than $4 :slight_smile:

(I want abs... olutely all the bacon) #13

“Flat White with heavy whipping cream”
It’s steamed HWC over a shot of espresso, has a higher proportion of coffee to HWC than cappuccino or latte, and the HWC has a smoother feel than in cappuccino/latte

(Guardian of the bacon) #14

I’ve never been to Starbucks. There isn’t one anywhere I travel. I stop at our local truck stop Get my 20oz travel cup that i put cream in from home filled with the Dark Roast for .89 + tax.

They have a Beanery self serve coffee station and I find it to be good coffee.

(Alix Hayden) #15

Most of my faves have been mentioned already. I just discovered a brewed tea chai latte with HWC and 1 pump sugar free vanilla.

(Thao Le) #16

I always ask for 2 butters, they know me by now, so in December they ran out of butter, they let me know as soon as I walked in :smile:

(Pete Shearer) #17

My wife always gets an Iced Coffee with Heavy Whipping Cream and Sugar Free Cinnamon Dolce Syrup. She then asks for it to be blended.

The blending part will throw them sometimes. “So, you want a Frappuccino?” No. You don’t want the sugary Frap base and the Frappuccino costs more anyway.

My wife is fine drinking it that way, but I have to add some splenda to it to make it palatable to me. I’m not really a coffee person, so I usually just get a large iced tea and add some fake poison (artificial sweetener) to it.

(Jules Swart) #18

London fog, heavy cream, sugar free vanilla. (Also not a coffee drinker…)

(melinda) #19

Found this on reddit:

(Derek I. Batting) #20

BOOM! @melindotty wins 1 Internet today! Great find!