What are these strange things protruding from my face?


(Heather) #1

Oh wait…they’re my cheekbones! I can’t remember the time they were so pronounced! Keto is awesome!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #2

I well remember the day I first spotted these things attached to the front of my feet—it had been so long since I had been able to look down and see my toes!

Congratulations! You look great. :+1:

(Heather) #3

Thanks, Paul!
I can see my toes now too! It’s great!

(Carl Keller) #4

You got me! I was intently staring at your face and I could find nothing protruding except an unambiguous nose. I seriously thought: she looks normal to me.

Congrats on re-discovering your true features. :slight_smile:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #5

I cried the first time I saw my collar bones again. I even got excited about seeing my knuckles on my hands again

(Heather) #6

Yes! Our features are no longer buried beneath layers and layers of fat. It’s a great feeling!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

My ribs are starting to show a little bit. You can definitely see the outline of my ribcage now! Exciting!

Now, if my hair will just start growing in blond and my height would increase by about three inches . . . :grin:

(Karen) #8

And a pretty face at that. One of the things I like best about seeing thinner faces is seeing the bone structure. Even then I don’t have much in the way of cheekbones, but I’m going to ask for some for in My next life. Well done!

(Randy) #9

I very cautiously opened this thread, fingers poised to quickly close the window!!! :scream: hahahaha!!!

Relieved that there is nothing actually protruding. :smile:

You look great!!!

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #10

Beautiful, well done!

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #11

Beautiful cheek bones (and face in general) :blush: congrats!

(Heather) #12

Thank you!


Yes me too, in the shower yesterday I was looking down wondering if I had just not noticed before but my toes are very clearly visible now!!!:smile:

(Raj Seth) #14

I looked down and saw a protuberance past my belly too … :rofl:
[spoiler]Oh grow up[/spoiler]

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #15

Raj, Raj, Raj! (shaking head) :hear_no_evil: