Water retention after 24hrs of water-only?

(German Ketonian) #1

This morning, I encountered something weird. I am currently on a fast, and during the first 24hrs, I seemed to have retained water, rather than shedding it. Can this really happen?

I didn’t even take supplements or any salt because I felt well enough to push through without anything but water and coffee. Since coffee is a further diuretic, I would have expected to shed water weight.

Anyony else had similar experiences?

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #2

Coffee makes you pee, it does not make your fat stores drop the water weight it could be holding, otherwise known as the ‘whoosh’ > http://100down.org/the-whoosh-effect/

Why are you weighing during a fast, would it not be more beneficial to break fast, refeed and then take a measurement?


Low sodium can actually cause water retention so if you were drinking lots of coffee & water & not adding salt you may have decreased your sodium levels. Try adding salt to your coffee next time & see if you notice a difference.

(German Ketonian) #4

That was kind of my point… despite, I seme to hold on to the water weight.

Agreed. Yet, I was curious and have weighed myself in the past after the first 24hrs and got the expected result. I wasn’t really worried about this, but it seemed conscpicuous…

Now, that is interesting! Is there evidence for this clinically, or is this anecdotal?

BTW: I am now 48hrs into my fast and have dropped roughly 3lbs since my last measurement. I still feel fine despite not having any electrolytes. Should I add them regardless? I plan on breaking the fast at around 54hrs, anyway.


I hear it a lot anecdotally & it does make sense. Low carb/keto already puts you in a low sodium state (hence the need for most to up their intake) & if on top of that you consume nothing but salt-free fluids you’d further dilute your levels. I think it’s actually low potassium that causes the retention but keeping your sodium levels in check should stop the potassium dropping too low.

That’s the word on the street. Personally I think using salt during a fast is a good idea whether you feel hunger/fatigue or not. Better safe than sorry & all that :slightly_smiling_face:

(German Ketonian) #6

Got’cha! So actually, any disregulaation in sodium and potassium can cause the body to hold on to water, regardless of too much or too little. Anyway, I am going to take some sodium and potassium just to be safe… Thanks!


Yup - all about the balance. I’d be wary of too much potassium supplementation but a pinch of lite salt or similar in your coffee or water won’t harm you. So long as your sodium stays in range you should be fine.

I came across this https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NaNQcDjUR97yfF3bNYqAmGldKvS7s_q245qRH0PH4rc/edit chart on reddit which doesn’t answer every electrolyte concern but can be a good place to start if you feel off.