Was told i am a bad example!

(Marianne) #102

How long have you been on keto? Seems like 6-7 months?

This may not be a popular opinion, but I’m all for better living through chemistry - until and unless you can get there on your own. For years I’ve taken blood pressure medicine, antidepressant and thyroid medicine. Even after 8 mo. of clean keto and being only about 30 lbs. from goal, I still need a blood pressure med. As far as antidepressants, I look at it like just correcting a chemical imbalance, not as a mood enhancer - and thyroid supplement, gotta have that.

Good luck with your appointments.

(traci simpson) #103

Been keto since April of this year. I’m anxious to hear the results of the echo.

(Edith) #104

Z@Diygurl19, there are several threads on here discussing heart palpitations. I have one about all the things I tried. You may want to look for those threads.

For me, it boiled down to not enough magnesium. I had been taking 400 mg for years, but on keto I had to up it quite a bit. I slowly upped my intake to 900 mg a day and then once I got everything under control, which took several months, I backed my intake down to 600 mg a day.

I read “The Magnesium Miracle” by Carolyn Dean. It is very informative! The only annoying thing is she really promotes her own products throughout the book. Her initial version of her book doesn’t do that if you want to find an older edition.

Here’s the link to my thread:

(traci simpson) #105

Thanks. I take Magnesium. I’ll have to see how many mg are in each capsule

(Bob M) #106

I’ve taken and not taken magnesium. For me, sometimes too much magnesium seems to cause palpitations or other effects. It’s a balance for me.

(Edith) #107

I had been religiously taking 400 mg for years. On keto, for me anyway, that wasn’t enough.