Want to return

(Brian Scott) #1

6 years ago I did keto for almost two years. I stopped because of a mental health disorder that needed to get diagnosed and treated (turns out keto doesn’t really treat it).

Now I’d like to return but in a sustainable way. My doctor warned me against eating high levels of bacon and cheese, that I already messed up my cholesterol levels trying this once.

I tried calorie limitation but on my meds that didn’t seem to work well anymore.

Open to suggestions.

PS I used to be fat adapted. Do you lose that over time away from keto or will it be like riding a bike again? Again it’s been 4 years.

(KM) #2

Welcome back! Most of us groan and roll our eyes about the cholesterol business, there is so much evidence against common medical dogma and few doctors really delve beyond what big pharma tells them.

A lot of people on the site are carnivore or close to it now. The basic advice being keep carbs very low - below 20 total if you can. Eat to satiety and don’t be afraid of fat - without carbs fat’s a primary source of energy and it won’t hurt you. Get enough salt and stay reasonably hydrated. Personally I avoid processed foods and seed oils.

Good luck and good eating!


Hi Brian, I’m in a similar situation - MH and break from pure Keto over Christmas. Surprisingly easy to return to being fat adapted and close to OMAD (20/4) but not left for nearly as long as you or fully left. Surprisingly good for my MH too.

Remember the hunger will pass, keep busy at meal times and you won’t even like refined sugars in a month.

Good luck You can do it.

(Brian Scott) #4

Thanks. In between I was successful with a balanced diet and calorie counting, but that’s stopped working (maybe a metabolic problem). I also was having mental issues with anxiety and induction, it was keeping me up at night, but now I’m on a pretty good medicine for that so feeling more hopeful.

(Marianne) #5

So glad that you have returned. I completely agree with what @kib1 has suggested and eat pretty much the same way. For me, it is simple, satisfying and sustainable without much fuss. Under conventional terms, my cholesterol (LDL) would be considered high, although I have learned a lot of the science on here to feel like that is common and not cause for alarm. My HDL on the other hand is very high, without any medication. That is something that makes me feel like I am doing something right.

Good luck to you and please keep us posted.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #6

Becoming fat-adapted is a lot like being clean because we shower every day. Stop showering, and we get dirty again; start eating more carbs again, and we lose our fat adaptation again.

The problem is that too much glucose damages the mitochondria that are needed in order for us to metabolise fatty acids and ketones. However, if we stop flooding our system with glucose (a/k/a carbohydrate), the mitochondria can heal again.

Cholesterol levels are a red herring. Even the guy who started us on the low-fat craze had to admit that his research showed that eating lots of cholesterol has no effect whatsover on our serum cholesterol. Furthermore, there is no actual evidence that cholesterol causes cardiovascular disease.

The most that might be claimed is that cholesterol might be a marker for disease. Trying to cure cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol is exactly like trying to bring down a fever by putting the thermometer in ice water–we get a lower number, but the disease remains unaffected.

(Brian Scott) #7

75/20/5 ratio for induction? Or should I just up my protein and stay on 20 net carbs? My worry is if I consume too much protein it’ll metabolize into sugar and I won’t enter ketosis.

(Alec) #8

Read Dr Chris Palmer “Brain Energy”. Recommended.

(Edith) #9

Dr. Chris Palmer was mentioned above. He is awesome! I would find anything and everything you can with him. He has done a lot of interviews on various podcasts. I have heard him mention that a lot of medications used for treating mental health problems cause weight gain and metabolic troubles. That could be why your calorie counting stopped working.

I’m glad your new med seems to be working for you and I hope your return to keto helps you balance things out between your diet and your mental health.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #10

Eat a reasonable amount of protein. You probably don’t need to increase it, certainly not drastically. What we recommend is to keep carb intake under 20 g/day. Replace the calories no longer coming from carbohydrate with calories from fat. This is less than you probably think, since 1200 calories can come from either 300 g of carbohydrate or 133.3 g of fat.

The short version of all this is to restrict carbohydrate, eat a decent amount of protein, and add fat to satisfy your hunger.

Gluconeogenesis, the process by which the liver turns amino acids into glucose, is not, strictly speaking, driven by supply. The notion that “excess protein automatically turns to cake” was someone’s best guess at the time, but it has been shown by more-recent research to be unfounded. There are nuances, but broadly speaking, gluconeogenesis is more driven by demand than anything else. The body normally maintains no more than 5 g of glucose in the blood stream at any one time.

The protein we eat is needed mostly for structural purposes (muscle growth, tissue repair, and so forth), but amino acids are also the body’s only useable source of nitrogen for making nitric oxide, which is important for keeping blood pressure low.