Vitamins and minerals


Liver and spinach. Covers so many bases. At the same time don’t go too far with either, they are super nutrient dense and you will hit the vitamin A limit pretty quick. You will need some sodium, vitamin c and vitamin d from other sources but almost everything else you can think of will be covered. You won’t even need the vitamin c if you ate the spinach raw but I don’t recommend, purely because I don’t enjoy how it tastes raw.

(karen) #22

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have more peer-based science? Studies basically funded by us, meaning we pay for tests and collect the data over time. I know, unreasonable, untenable, undoable. But still, I’d be much happier looking at 50 willing participants doing an optional experiment with skin in the game - and no ties to Big anything - than 50000 non-compliant, uninterested sheeple with a team being funded by Big Something to prove that their Something should be purchased by the whole world.