I have just purchased some magnesium citrate today! Some other posts on this forum have given some great insights to the benefits of magnesium supplements. I did some research of my own, and concluded the benefits are very good indeed.
As for the general thread, I have been absolutely stunned on the silence on the subject of Vitamin D supplements.
I researched this, and the effect of a deficiency on the immune system before our lockdown ended in the UK. It is meta-analysis science. The high grade robust science. And it also helps explain why members of the Bame community seem to suffer more with Covid-19. Pigmentation can lead to a natural Vitamin D deficiency in northern climates. Instead of good solid scientific advise, we get absolute political rubbish that Covid is racist/exposes racism.
This information is widely available. And what these studies did was to confirm what we already knew. I started vitamin D supplements before lockdown ended, and as of today will be adding magnesium supplements.
I cannot stress enough, I am seriously disturbed by the lack of real science advise being broadcast on the airwaves, either from their guest medical professionals, or the government itself.
If they genuinely wanted to save lives, ease the burden on the health system, and help to keep the economy open, basic information like this should be pumped out all the time. On the contrary though, it is never mentioned. Instead we get brow beaten into wearing masks, not to see friends/family, and to self isolate if you test positive for a Coronavirus (not exclusively Covid-19)
I feel the whole handling of the crisis has been a disgrace, and I actually feel the primary goal has NOT been to save lives. Rather it’s about control. Continual hit pieces on possible effective treatments, absolute silence on proven preventions, and feverent hammering on govt guidelines has forced me into this position. And all roads appear to lead to an enforcement of a curbing of our rights, and hard economic destruction until a vaccine is ready and widely distributed.
That appears to me to be the course they have set, and nothing, no quality science or evidence will change that. And to back that conclusion up, today in the UK new restrictions on leisure businesses and social gatherings have been put in place. Done while our death/hospitalisation rate is on the floor.
I almost feel like I am not living in reality anymore.