Very positive exercise results in 3 months!

(Steve Stephenson) #1

A little over 3 months ago my oncologist was worried about my “excessive” and “rapid” weight loss (on keto), so we agreed that I would hold my weight at 150 lbs, but I could use exercise to change fat to muscle.

So I had a DEXA Body Composition scan in Boston. Yesterday I had my Body Composition measured on a Tanita (Ironman) impedance scale at Signature Fitness, Littleton, MA. The Tanita measurements are not as accurate as the DEXA, but a comparison is interesting.

13.5 lbs of body fat was converted to muscle, 0.7 lbs of bone and 1.4 lbs total weight was added (total now 151.8 lbs).

Amusing is the Metabolic Age calculated by the Tanita: 29 yrs. (I’ll be 75 on 28 Sep.)

What wrought this transformation? Once a week circuit training and fitness camp (bootcamp for seniors) and twice a week bone builders classes at town Senior Center (each 1 hr long); plus walking 2-5 miles 2-3 times per week. I also try to do a 4 day water & salt only fast every month (equivalent to a carb-burner’s 6-7 day fast). Daily diet: 0 plants (goal), ~75 g protein, fat (tallow, lard, oils: coconut, olive); ~2100 Kcal/day.

I hope you see that a program like this is doable (esp. for retirees) and can have fast results. When I started 3 months ago I was already keto adapted, had lost 50 lbs, and had dropped my A1C from 6.9 to below 5.2.


That’s outstanding!

(Keto in Katy) #3

Wow, well done young man Steve!

I’m 55 and I am thoroughly convinced of the benefits of physical exercise. I think most anyone can build more muscle, even if just a little, and it makes you feel so good. For a very long time our bodies have evolved and adapted and optimized for movement, for physical work. Do this and the body will reward you.

(Sonia A.) #4

You’re an inspiration, Steve ! :clap::clap::clap:

(Sonia A.) #5

What is that ? I’m curious and I don’t think we have those here in France.

(Steve Stephenson) #6

The Bone Builders Osteoporosis Prevention and Reversal Program was originally developed from the Strong Living Program of Tufts University (now called Growing Stronger: Strength Training for Older Adults).


Well done. I love it when retirees get great results. Sounds like you have great resources available too.
Congrats on that age score.

Love that fasting is in your regiment. It helped me loss the last 20 lbs. to reach my goal weight… I too do strength training a few times a week along with daily walks of 30+ mins.

(Karl L) #8

That is stinking awesome; good on you, sir!!


Well done! Congratulations.

(ianrobo) #10

Brilliant and what it shows is exercise is for all ages, sizes and shapes and that with a proper diet, exercise is fantastic to keep us living healthily.

Remember the old adage, you can not out run a bad diet !