Useful websites


Th first site I landed on when I started my low carb journey was the Diet Doctor’s. It was recommended to me by an LCHF friend. It has grown considerably since and has some great guest videos and films on the paid option. Which other sites have you enjoyed?

Helping Out A Newbie
(Scott Shillady) #2

Butter Makes your Pants fall off

This video totally opened my eyes to the Miracle of Ketogenic Eating, Butter Bob Briggs totally rocks


Best information regarding fasting on Dr Jason Fung’s website:


Agree. Great videos.


Great keto treats here if you’re craving a sweet treat!

(Connor L) #6

“Where can I find a keto-friendly doctor?”

I see this all the time. Maybe you will enjoy this one:

I think Ketovangelist’s Brian Williamson is also working on a resource for low carb doctors.