Update on progress

(Rick longest ) #1

Well 9 months into my Keto adventure and I have lost 103 pounds and total of 36 inches off of my upper thighs. I now use 1 bottle of insulin every two months and some days I take no insulin at all. I am down to 338 pounds and my goal is 240. Not bad for 9 months. I love my new lifestyle . My labs are on the low normal side on all tests. And my cardiologist said my ekg was great. Thank you guys and gals for your support. When I read the posts I am encouraged.



(Carl Keller) #3

You’re halfway there Rick. You’ve got this man! :wink:

(hottie turned hag) #4

@Big So awesome. Have some love :purple_heart: and :cut_of_meat: from me!

(Scott) #5

I can tell by your post that you are feeling good, nice work there!

(Jill F.) #6

I think we need to see some pics!

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #7

Wow, impressive! You are an inspiration. Do you have before and current pictures? KCKO

(Rick longest ) #8

I don’t have any before but the after may scare to many people

(Carol) #9

Posts and updates like this one are so encouraging. Good on you, Rick!