Unifying theory of weight management, exercise AND longevity

(Tim W) #1

A thought experiment:

If you are at at your ideal body weight, what is the most beneficial combination of nutrients, calories, exercise etc. To support longevity?

This can go all over the place but here are the questions I’m asking myself at this time:

(after each of these questions, add “for longevity”)

  • Is eating smaller meals better
  • Is it better to eat in a compressed time window each day (consume all calories over 3 hours vs 12)
    New line* - Is it better to fast for autophagy or consume things that will increase ketone levels? (example, you haven’t eaten for 12 hours and are not hungry, would adding ketones via MCT/coconut oil to increase ketone levels be additive or reductive to this process?)
  • If eating fewer meals, what’s the damage of too much intake at once (stomach distortion?)
  • Does eating as few calories as possible make a difference
  • How to pack in the best combination of nutrients if minimizing calories and feeding window
  • How to balance exercise/work caloric needs with intake requirements
  • What level of exercise is optimum (is there a point where LESS exercise is “better” because it requires fewer calories and that reduces the metabolic impact of the digestive process?)
    -What are the confounding factors like sleep/alcohol/stress
    -How to maximize life satisfaction while manipulating variables to maximize longevity?
    -Food often equals enjoyment, how to enjoy without overdoing calories/feeding window/etc to support longevity yet not feel deprived?

I have some thoughts on this subject but am keeping an open mind. I want to spend the next few years of my life tweaking this ratio:

BMR/Work/Exercise - requires calories, more calories = shorter lifespan?
Low calories = less BMR/Work/Exercise output/life enjoyment (food tastes good!)
Low calories = longer life/life satisfaction?
Benefit of high ketone levels VS being in a fasted state?

Optimum level of calories VS optimum level of exercise = optimum longevity?

I may have dumbed this up/down as I try to express my thoughts, feel free to point out failures in logic or just call me an idiot, I’ve been married 22 years, I’m used to being told I’m wrong! :slight_smile:

(Todd Allen) #2

You might check out the longevity focused forums here:

Optimizing for longevity seems nearly impossible. How will you know the long term effects of something without waiting a long time? But doing pretty well though imperfect using short term indications of health and well being is achievable. I’m more interested in happiness, satisfaction and healthspan than eeking out the maximum number of days all of which fortunately are easier to pursue.

With that in mind the answers to questions like exercise and diet come easier. Focus on that which you enjoy and what makes you feel the best over the next few days.

(Tim W) #3

Great point, I’m going to add a line to my OP with that concept in mind.


I come to this from a completely different angle.


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