Understanding blood ketones


I just started checking blood ketones this past week. Coming off a 48 hour water fast, I ate a keto prime rib meal that was rather large. My reading the morning after was 1.0. then I proceeded into a 75 hour water fast, checking twice a day. At 60 hours my reading was 1.9. then it was 2.4 at 75 hours. I proceeded to eat a small keto meal, adding a pumpkin cookie at the end. Here’s my question…when I woke this morning my reading was 3.7. I expected it to go down because I ate at near midnight. How does this work? Is 1 better than 3? I saw the bell curve nutrition ketosis chart… confused

(Allie) #2

Don’t chase numbers. Higher numbers have no correlation with fat loss or other keto benefits.


I’ve read that. Just wondering why.

(Bunny) #4

Your burning glucose/sugar (what little you do get from an external or internal source) at a much faster rate because your in Ketosis, in addition to the the intermittent fasting breaks! You have really good running median numbers for blood ketones!


(Bunny) #5

Love this slide!


Science tells us that over time, fasting up regulates some hormones and down regulates others, ultimately restoring our metabolic health. I think this this happens to a small degree during bouts of extended fasting. It primes our body to readily accept nutrients when they are reintroduced.

I’ve noticed when doing extended fasting, interrupting it with a single meal often doesn’t effect my ketone levels. Provided I return back to fasting. If I have a 2nd or 3rd meal, especially if it’s carb heavy, my ketotic state will be effected.