Under active thyroid and losing weight on Keto!

(Terese E Lawler) #1

I have been on the Keto diet for 3 months and only lost 10 lbs. Has anyone else had this problem? I have an under active thyroid and take thyroid medicine for it. I’m becoming very discouraged by this. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

(Karen) #2

Slow going for females with low thyroid. It will happen but not quickly. Be patient

(Bunny) #3

Two things I did: Artichoke Extract (cynarin; glucuronic acid-alpha[6.]) cleans out the estrogens that get stuck/trapped/jammed on the thyroid gland receptors which effects the medium (endocrine hormones) that the thyroid secretes, the other is leaky gut (auto-immunity disorders & histamine intolerances) and bone broth fasts (seals the broken inter-cellular tight junctions of the gut) on an empty stomach once a week (1 little cup is all you need); that’s how I get rid of that with a quickness! All these (those) other methods (approaches) I see out-their is a bunch of band-aid [spoiler]crap[/spoiler]!

Worked for me, but cannot speak for others!


  1. “…The doctor immediately mentioned leaky gut and administered a food intolerance test. … Leaky gut is essentially increased intestinal permeability, and is OFTEN the ROOT cause of any autoimmunity like Hashimoto’s. Food that passes through our digestive barriers confuses our immune system and it begins to attack itself. …” …More
  1. Intestinal permeability

  1. 13 Incredible Health Benefits of Artichoke & Artichoke Extract


  1. Thyroid Explained—The Article You Wish You Read Years Ago!
  1. Estrobolome, Xenoestrogens & Estrogen Dominance in Men & Women

Strange reaction to tallow?! Help appreciated