Ultra-processed foods may be linked to cancer, says study

(Troy) #1

(Rob) #2

Yes, I’m sure it is but almost certainly not the way they think. Researchers are still obsessed with toxins and impacts of additives and artificially produced food stuffs etc. which are not great obviously but a metabolic theory of cancer would spend less time messing about with the things that may or may not create mutations (of which everyone has very many) and focus on the thing that promotes a mutation to become a tumor with all its key features (blood supply, self replication etc.). Metabolic derangement from carb-driven hyperinsulinemia looks likely to be the #1 driver of the inflammatory damage to the mitochondria of these cells that creates tumors and the constant high glucose then feeds the little bastards til they kill you.

While they obsess over processed vs. non-processed carbs, they will continue to lose precious time in the fight against cancer and keep eyes off the real culprit… (my 2c)

(Troy) #3

Yes. Great insight and info

Just was watching a “mitochondria 101 “” posted video today
Somewhat related

(Alan Williamson) #4

Almost all the processed food at the grocery store has sugar in it. If a person eats a hot dog, many hot dogs have added sugar, the bun has added sugar, and the ketchup and mustard have added sugar. It is crazy. They put sugar in everything. WTF!

(Dan Dan) #5

This post is awsome by @atomicspacebunny

(Bunny) #6

Tom is just awesome!