Typical menu


(Lonnie Hedley) #6

It took almost 2 years, but I’ve settled on basically eating the same thing almost every day. I do not recommend this when starting out. It’s incredibly “restrictive” and not easy for those craving variety.

Lunch M-F is 6 hard boiled eggs, LOTS of salt.

Dinner every night is 1/2 lb 73/27 ground beef, 2 strips bacon, 2-3 eggs, 2-3 tbls butter.

Lunch on the weekends is 2 strips bacon, 6 eggs, and 2-3 tbls butter frittata.

(Adriana) #7

I’m on my sixth week of keto and seriously considering doing something like this, currently working on eating what I have in the fridge and pantry, but in my next grocery trip I’ll try to downsize and make straightforward menus. It would simplify my life so much.

(Lonnie Hedley) #8

I CRAVE structure. Before doing this, I could waste an hour or more trying to decide what to eat. Now there is no internal debate. I eat and then I can move along to other things in life. Makes me a lot more productive.


My days are not ‘the same’ but, they are very similar. I too, like the ease and structure it gives me. Also make shopping a doddle. I’ll continue like this until it starts bothering me, then look to switch it up a bit.

(Adriana) #10

I also do this! Sometimes I end up eating just bits and pieces of food because I can’t decide on something to make; definitely gonna try and see if this approach works for me. Thanks for the idea.


Thank you all for the help…i food prep on sundays for the week so i find about 5 or 6 recipes rhen eat them for both lunch and dinner…sometimes i have eggs at breakfast sometimes no breakfast at all…i still crave sweet though and have made delish fat bombs but dont qant to always fall back on the sweets…im 5 wks in…

(Chris) #12

It’s glamorous. This is literally my weekly menu, aside from a few dozen eggs if I feel like it.


I had to give up all things sweet. If i get the taste for it, keto approved or not, its a slippery slope to wanting more.

(Running from stupidity) #14

This is exactly why I have so few clothes, and have a program that opens sticky notes on my PC screen at the same time daily telling me to do things NOW, and so on. For most people that would reduce a little cognitive load, if they needed it at all (still a good thing), but it makes a MASSIVE difference to me to just have very few options (and ones that have no impact either way), and to do things I’ve told myself to do but would never remember to do at the right time, if at all, until I saw them, at which point I would get pissed off at myself for not having remembered, despite KNOWING I’ll never remember… (ADHD brain sentence, that one…)

(Empress of the Unexpected) #15

I basically eat the same thing every day. Delicious and easy.

(Michelle) #16

I do not eat food for breakfast. Two cups of coffee. One with cream in it and one with a scoop of MCT oil powder.

Lunch is typically the same. An avocado and 2 TBSP of “peanuts and salt only” peanut butter. If we have any cut up veggies in the refrigerator I will have a few.

Dinner is meat and a fatty vegetable. I’ll usually cook one or more of the following: Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli in bacon grease or lots of butter.

It’s finally getting cool here so I made this chili last night. It was phenomenal. I would copy and paste the recipe but I can’t on my phone so here’s a screenshot. I substituted tomato paste for tomato sauce because I had it. We serve our chili with sour cream and shredded cheese. It was really good. The diced pork tenderloin added a nice texture in lieu of beans.

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #17

I scroneshot that screenshot.

(Heather Meyer) #18

I follow this too.
I eat the same thing every day for a couple of months and then switch it up…makes it a lot easier to plan foods for the week and helps with the budget too

(Running from stupidity) #19

I’ve got a freezer drawer full of steak (vac sealed ready for the sous vide). The other drawer had chicken thighs and chorizos and chicken sausages, and … bacon. You didn’t think I’d forget bacon, did you?

Does indeed make planning pretty easy.

Doesn’t make eating enough easy when you don’t feel hungry, though.

(Heather Meyer) #20

true true…

(Laurie) #21

Interesting that people are eating the same thing every day. That appeals to me (all my clothes are black, less confusing that way). But somewhere I got the idea that we should eat different things each day.

Anyway, I try to eat simply (little or no prep/cooking). I aim for 80 grams of protein a day.

These days I’m doing two meals a day. The first is usually a large portion of whatever (e.g., 8 oz ground beef, or 3 eggs and half a can of salmon). The second meal is a smaller portion (e.g., 4 oz ground beef, or half a can of salmon), plus a protein powder drink.

Typical meals (larger or smaller depending on whether it’s meal 1 or meal 2) include:

Ground beef with mayo and hot sauce
Ground pork with mayo and hot sauce
Eggs with canned salmon, and some kind of fat
Eggs, fat of some kind, salsa
Canned salmon, mayo
Canned mackerel, mayo
Canned mackerel-black soybean stew
Salmon patty
Cheese (yes, I consider 2.5 oz of cheese a full meal)
Protein powder
Cooked sausage
Processed meat, e.g., pepperoni (occasionally)

For a “fussy” meal I’ll have konjac (shirataki) noodles (0 net carbs) with tomato sauce, meat, and cheese.
If I eat out, it’s usually a burger patty with bacon, lettuce, & tomato.
I don’t eat many vegetables, but I do take powdered greens most days–mainly because they were expensive and I’m trying to use them up.

Coffee in the mornings, usually with cream or coconut oil or butter.

If I feel hungry at night I’ll have either a snack (almonds or cream cheese) or something from the regular meal menu.

PS. I love bacon, but I ran out. I use the precooked precrumbled kind.

Quick easy meals

Thank you everyone for the help…you all are so nice :grinning:

(Lonnie Hedley) #23

I think this is more related to stalls. I’m in maintenance, so I’m fine eating basically the same thing every day.

(Bob M) #24

I eat differently a lot, not every day but every week. This week, my lunches are ham, 4-5 eggs, 2-3 slices cheese, olives. Dinner has been different each day so far. Monday was an instant pot keto meatloaf with gravy recipe, last night was taco meat, tonight will be kahlua pork (Nom Nom Paleo recipe, another instant pot). We’ll have leftovers one night. My wife does not like to eat the same thing, so having 2 of the same dinners in one week is a lot for her. Last week, my lunches were beef liver, ground beef, shrimp. Next week, my lunches might be beef heart plus other meat, depending on what’s in the freezer.