TV's GMA Attempts to Talk Keto "What to know about the ketogenic diet"


(fubeca) #1

Oh boy, more media not doing research just talk. Atkins on Steroids? Butter isn’t a healthy fat? Half muffin and half a bagel?

“What to know about the ketogenic diet”–abc-news-wellness.html

(Dustin Cade) #2

These fluff pieces just spread misleading information, half truths and lies…

(eat more) #3

i only read the article so maybe i missed something? was there a video?
i didn’t see mention of butter or bagels? atkins on steroids just means hardcore so i didn’t find that offensive either

i didn’t think it was negative other than saying it was not recommended long term…actually had positive “testimonials” and cited celebrities (that always gets ppl interested for some reason)

(fubeca) #4

Yeah right at the top of the article.

(eat more) #5

oh it only ever loaded advertisements for me…weird!

(Anti-Gravity Gains) #6

Warning: conspiracy theory follows!
It’s by design. Mainstream media and science/medicine/government complex are all in on it. However, the ketogenic WOE and LCHF community has grown to the point that media cannot ignore it for much longer. So what’s the next best thing to the modus operandi of ignorance by mainstream media and other giants profiting off current scam of pushing a heavy grain based diet? Embrace Keto! Put news stories out about it - but misrepresent it while you do so. That way you can turn it into a “fad” diet and help it fail; then back to status quo follow-the-food-pyramid heavy carb advocacy. It’s all about MONEY and CONtrol. Big Ag, Big Pharma, Big Gov’t = BIG LIES!

(Arlene) #7

How to manipulate people: Create confusion and fear, then repeat until no one knows what’s true anymore, other than the fact that they are afraid of thinking for themselves because they might get it wrong.

(Chris W) #8

There were a few items in there that are misleading and I believe to be incorrect. Depriving your brain of the preferred fuel, butter not healthy, not sustainable, don’t want to stay in ketosis for long etc. I felt like the food displays were just being used to make a visual of what a nominal amount of carbs looked like from various sources. If the average person takes away from the segment that the muffin, bagel and potatoes are problematic and that the above ground vegetables and berries are better, then there could be benefit to the segment. Keto is starting to show up in the mainstream, which is good. If it were a documentary on a channel known for educational content I would have expected better, but I find GMA to be purely a “fluff” show, so my expectations of accurate, detailed, useful information are pretty low. If it gets people to do more research (buy a book, find DietDoctor etc.) then it still has the potential to do good. Simply removing the “nutritionist” from the segment would have improved it quite a bit :confused:

(KetoCowboy) #9

The real problem is that since so many people are already sugar addicts, you don’t have to create MUCH confusion for them to find an excuse to keep eating the way they’re already eating.

(Arlene) #10

The real confusion is in the hundreds of food options that don’t look or taste like sugar, yet act like sugar to the body. Grains are not sweet, and a corn chip or a potato chip is not sweet. If an unsuspecting person tries to avoid sugar products but eats a small bag of chips (moderation :slight_smile:), they will still have an insulin spike. If the person thinks they are making a healthy choice by eating a non-fat rice cake or any number of non-fat products, they will still have an insulin response. The “confusion” marketing is intended to make it VERY difficult to know what is best. Many people just give up trying to figure it out.

(KetoCowboy) #11

Q: What keeps thinking so muddled that people keep eating sugar?
A: Eating sugar.

(Tony Gaetz) #12

My wife and I are both type 2 diabetic. We have been Keto for 5.5 years. She is off all meds including insulin. Our A1c are 5.2 & 5.3. Lipid panels all are great. No cholesterol issues at all. What point is considered long term on a keto diet?