Traditional Thanksgiving

(Stacey Yates) #1

Will be attending a traditional thanksgiving. What are the worst things to eat? Fast day before?

(Ethan) #2

Just eat Turkey, and don’t eat too much of the skin, since it may have been brined in juice.

You are often save with pure veggies.

(Mike W.) #3

How New are you? I would fast after not before

(Liz ) #4

I’ll be eating turkey and green beans and bringing a sugar free dessert to my sister in law’s house. Doesn’t take much to fill me up these days so I’m not worried about overindulging lol

(Stacey Yates) #5

yes, new to all this. New to fasting also. Be doing Keto for 4 weeks and doing great and loving it.

(Mike W.) #6

Personally I wouldn’t be fasting yet. I would be working on becoming fat adapted. Eat when you’re hungry. Keep carbs LOW.

(Karen Fricke) #7

Also, raw veggie tray, just be careful of the dip

(VLC.MD) #8
