Tough Love for Newbies and really anyone else


(Dirty Lazy Keto'er, Sucralose freak ;)) #101

For myself, even eating one meal of something non keto, could ruin everything.
No non keto cheats.

Then again, remember, I’m a dirty keto guy who eats plenty of sweets,
(Sucralose) and even bread, almost daily. No reason to cheat on anything. I enjoy the heck out of my keto WOE :wink:

(Jennibc) #102

Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your father. That’s so upsetting.

(Marianne) #103

Did I lose weight - yes, however, it was always a white knuckle ride for me. That is why it never worked long term. I love keto eating. All the rich, delicious foods we “couldn’t” have before (or only in tiny quantities), are now okay.

(Marianne) #104
