To bacon or not to bacon

(Mother of Puppies ) #1

I’m three hours from a 24 hour fast.

If I make it, I’ll go to sleep and that will be my first ADF in a LONG TIME!!!

But I really want to cook up this pound of bacon… (meal prepping for tomorrow).

Think I can resist some fresh cooked bacon?

I’ll do what the majority recommends.


Peg your nose.


I’d wait and cook it before your break fast meal.

Cooking it now might be too much to overcome. And that would spoil your 36-hour fast and the hard work.

What’s the hurry? How are you planning to cook it?


If you have some carbonated water go drink a bunch of it. Sounds to me like you’re just feeling a wave of hunger and it’s trying to fool you into giving in.

Remember that fasting is also about mentally overcoming those waves.

And the bacon will still be there on the morning.


I’d say wait to cook the bacon if you dont think you can ignore its sexy pillow talk to you!

(Mother of Puppies ) #6

I cut all slices into thirds, for optimal crispness. I can’t cook it before work, because I will hit 36 hours at 10 am…

I’ll do it tomorrow night. Thanks for voting, y’all!!

(Carl Keller) #7

On one hand, it’s a great test of self control. If you succeed it’s great for your confidence.

On the other hand, seeing it and smelling it will do things to your hormones and why risk rousing your sleeping hunger…

From personal experience, I know it can be done but your mouth will likely water. So the question is, are you ready for this type of test?

I say why not. The worst thing that can happen is you have a few pieces of bacon and then a few eggs, since you may as well break your fast completely.

(Katie the Quiche Scoffing Stick Ninja ) #8

To quote Hamlet
Scene III
Line 87

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #9

Heresy! Don’t even try it! :rofl:

(Windmill Tilter) #10

I say go for it. When you succeed and realize that even bacon is powerless over you, every fast thereafter will be easy peasy. Tomorrow morning, the sun will be shining and breaking that fast with the bacon you bested will leave you with a whole day smile. :smile: