Tips needed from SMALL LADIES please


I know all about the science behind keto, as I did a high fat version of Atkins many years ago and lost weight then (I did read the book as well and all the studies on fat and its impact on weight loss)

Current weight 132lbs or 9st 7lbs, height 5ft 4 inches
Target weight 108lbs or 7st 10lbs (BMI 18.5) - the weight I felt best at in the last 15 years

My system loves fat. If I don’t eat enough I get very itchy flaky skin and my body sends me to the mayo, butter pack or peanut butter jar.

I’m looking for LADIES OF SMALL STATURE like me who have HAVE REDUCED TO 110LBS OR LESS and maintained without effort or starving themselves.

Tips please!


As a fellow small lady, I’m 5’3" and weigh the same as you. I am not at your ideal, mostly because I am not you, I’m in my happy place. I am just curious why you want to be at the bottom of the range for your height. You know that losing when you are at a normal range weight is very stressful on the body. Do you have a health issue (T2D, kidney disease?) that requires you to lose more or it is just a vanity thing?

When I was within 15 lbs of my goal weight I found fasting was the only thing that took the weight off and kept it off. It is not starving, it is fasting. Tons of information about fasting on this site and the podcasts produced by the 2ketodudes. I had to cycle through the feasting and fasting to get any serious weight off. YMMV.


Interesting question and I am awaiting the replies to it. I am small, 5’ 1" with a small bone structure. I currently weigh 127 after being on the Keto diet on January 8th. I am also 58 and postmenopausal which factors into my goal weight I believe. In fact, I am not sure what my goal weight would be, or should be since I really don’t agree with the BMI scale. But it comes down to what is comfortable for you. I have all my fat below my belly bottom. My hips and thighs are huge compared to my frame and clothes do not fit well with my very pair shape. And since it is fat from overeating, it is ugly and having that reduced is my goal. I am exercising and doing muscle toning to help improve this also. My lowest weight was 102 after my two children, but I had stabilized at 120 for many years until I hit my 50’s. I’ll be interested in hearing how other ladies weigh in on your question.


Hello Ladies,
I’m 5ft, age 61 and have reduced weight from 128 lb to currently 107. I did not originally have a goal wt but wanted to reduce what I knew to be very unhealthy belly fat. I began keto WOE mid August and lost about 6 lbs in first 2 months and then began losing a lb a week effortlessly. I don’t track calories or macros but do make sure carbs are less than 20 and that my protein is moderate. I intermittently fast daily 16/8.
I actually find this WOE enjoyable and absolutely sustainable. I’ve not only lost the belly fat but also have stable moods and energy. I think the key to success is to be in it for the long haul and not just for quick weight loss. Practice patience if weight is not dropping quickly and just KCKO and take note of positive changes. I thought my belly would never reduce but it is now 6 inches smaller and I just ordered a new swimsuit to help keep me motivated. I’m not thinking it will look amazing on this 61 yo body but it will be nice not to feel like a stuffed sausage at the beach.


My bum and legs the same - bottom heavy and that’s where it needs to go


This got rid of most of the fat on my legs and bum and was where I felt really really fit and as a keen hillwalker I could almost run up the mountains


Thanks for your help so far. It’s tremendously encouraging!

Like Phoebe, my body adores eating high fat and I find eating eggs, cream cheese, Brussels pate, mackerel, tuna in oil, mayo, peanut butter and keeping very low carb (under 20g a day) really works for me. Eating a lot of veg (even non-starchy) throws me out, eating fruit is a complete no go area, greek yoghurt the same. I think I have an eskimo metabolism - I’ve often joked that I should be eating seal meat and whale blubber and perhaps that’s not too far from the truth. I know I was healthy as a horse on Atkins induction and stayed that way for 12 months until I got carb creep.

I want to get back where I was 10 years ago where I was at my lightest ever weight. I’m a keen walker and felt fit and fantastic and could almost run up the hills. That’s where I want to be again but this time without starving myself to stay there!

(Jo O) #8

I’m 5’2” and am near enough (112lbs) my goal weight of 110. When I was younger and post-partum I was done to 104. Not by choice but had a very hungry feeder. It was very uncomfortable because the pads on the bum and bottom of the feet were gone.

Even so I am currently 24 hrs into a 48 hour fast. My first fast (40 hrs) was last week. It went surprisingly well.
I might switch to OMAD. But I like cooking and eating. :roll_eyes:


Thanks Jo, it’s really encouraging to hear this news from everyone. I want to get down to my ‘fighting fit weight’ and I want it to be (a) not starving myself and (b) sustainable to maintain long term.

(Martha Stone Schueler) #10

GREAT thread! I am a small wannabe (5’2”. 160#), needing to drop 40 pounds and rude, crude belly fat. Since resuming keto (I was doing OMAD, but cannot disregard carbs, even if IF). In the last 2 wks of keto and 20 carbs daily, mod protein at about 40-50, fat about 80, I have lost 6 pounds. Then, full stop for a bit. But w the encouragement of fellow lady ketoers (some like me, of a certain age), i shall carry on!


Forgot to tell you all, I’m 50 and in menopause (night sweats) which is doing my metabolism, hormones and sugar cravings no good at all :rofl:

Also week 3 of any ‘diet’ is apparently a plateau for many ladies whatever age!

I’ve stopped drinking anything sweetened (I only ever drank diet drinks/sugar free) and am confining myself to decaff green tea and decaff coffee. I detest plain water even sparkling water. I’m also not eating anything sweetened (again with artificial sweetener) or that has sugar in like berries. It seems to help with preventing cravings for sweet stuff.

(Jo O) #12

Regarding maintenance mode.
I did reach my goal weight a few months ago. After that, I stopped tracking macros or ketones. Basically lazy Keto.

Last month, I tried to be frugal and cook lentils from the pantry. I thought sprouting them might help. At least the numbers looked good when I plugged them into MyFitnessPal.
Nope…not good for me. I gained 4 lbs in one week. (Even with good macros).
Hubby ate the rest of the chili.

I will probably track weight, ketones & macros once or twice a week. Especially before and after a fast.

Must say, it does get easier the longer you are in this WOE. (SAD foods aren’t tempting at all anymore.) Really…SO disappointed if I cheated. Learned it wasn’t worth the investment in carbs/time/money. Too much fun exploring all the great Keto recipes out there.


I’m extremely carb sensitive. Eating something like that sends my blood sugar haywire. I find the fewer carbs I eat the better it is! If I eat less than 10g a day it suits me fine!


Thanks to all the ‘Tiny Ladies’ for posting your thoughts! It’s the first time on any forum I’ve had sensible answers. I agree with SlowBurnMary from another thread that my goal is not weight loss, it’s more about FAT loss and then sustainable eating after this. People always talk about weight loss meaning fat loss but as we know, if you’re not doing the right kind of diet for you, you’ll get loss of fat and muscle, which is not what we want. And I’m heartened to hear that keto will tend to rebuild lost muscle leading to smaller bodies, and a higher likelihood of keeping fat burning going.

I did Atkins many years ago and followed I would say a pretty high fat version, tracking only carbs and keeping to less than 20g of actual carbs per day (so net carbs was probably around 10g in real terms). I mainly ate red meat, oily fish, mayo, very low carb ‘green’ salad, eggs, cream cheese, small amounts of low carb nuts eg walnuts/brazils/pecans, a few peanuts and extremely low carb veg like mushrooms and courgette (zucchini in US terms). I was extremely healthy without taking any vitamins and all my eczema, migraines and period problems completely disappeared.

This is how I’m approaching keto:

Same principle in terms of food make-up, with even fewer carbs but taking a multi-vit supplement.

I’m not tracking macros. That way lies insanity - for me at least. I’m following the general principles - high fat, mod protein, minimal carb. My body tells me what I need to eat and when. If I need more protein it tells me to eat tuna and mayonnaise. If I need more fat it tells me to eat Brussels pate or cream cheese. If I need a few more carbs it tells me to eat peanuts or peanut butter.

I’m drinking only UNSWEETENED drinks. For me that’s decaff coffee, decaff green tea and redbush+vanilla. (I detest plain or sparkling water). I find keeping to unsweetened drinks reduces cravings for sweet things.

I front load most of my carbs to the morning just after I’ve done my main 5 or so miles with the dogs (they get another shorter walk in the evening). The rest of the day I eat absolutely minimal carbs.

I find eating less than 20g of ‘gross’ carbs a day almost completely removes hunger (amounts to probably 15g or less net carbs). The fewer carbs I consume the more my body seems to like it.

I eat small amounts, but eat when I’m hungry during the day (usually between 12 noon and 10pm)

I avoid all fruit and any dairy which for me is relatively high carb such as yoghurt - even greek yoghurt.

I detest cooking and spending ages preparing food so I keep things really simple. All those keto recipes look great but I know I simply will not keep that up.

I am not doing any keto ‘baking’. If my goal is fat loss and eliminating hunger and cravings, then keto brownies are a sure way to completely sabotage that.

If I need a chocolate fix, I mix 3 heaped teaspoons of raw organic cocoa powder with 1 heaped teaspoon coconut oil (melted) and 1 heaped teaspoon vanilla protein powder and sufficient ‘acceptable’ artificial sweetener to make it just sweet enough. (Note : The fibre in the cocoa is good for constipation!)

My goal is fat loss, a sustainable weight loss without hunger, and change in body composition so that I get leaner and smaller. I wouldn’t care if I weighed the same as I do now if I could get back into a UK size 6.

What strategies are you using? And thanks for contributing!


Glad I found this thread! I am 5’2 and 95-100 lbs. Keto and maintaining. Can I just say, since I started to track my protein, I am appalled by how little protein is “suggested”. 1-1.5 grams per lean body mass. That is 40-60 grams… I found that is so easy to meet? I started to tracking in detail this week, and surprised to find how fast I reach that :frowning: I don’t even need to eat any meat to reach? Anyone find limiting protein is hard being on the smaller side?


Lucky you! I love protein - meats, dairy, nuts, tofu, and gosh even my favorite seasoning (the yeast stuff from Bragg) have a bunch protein in them :frowning:

I don’t really OMAD anymore after trying for a few times, as it’s a bit too much for me. I do 2/3 meals a day maybe that is why I found it hard, since I have some protein every meal. Maybe I can just do fat for 1/2 meals… Hmm

(Allie) #19

I’m 5’ 3" and at 117lbs. I don’t track anything anymore, just eat intuitively.
Generally 16/8 on IF most days with the occasional longer fast thrown in to keep my body guessing.


@Shortstuff - that is awesome, and where I long to be! How long did it take you to get there? Gosh this tracking business is exhausting… But I think it’s useful at this point for me - although did low carb for years, but only 1mo on keto, I do find I am doing ok on carbs, but more than I thought on protein… hidden proteins shall I say!

@Adam-Zoe - wow, good advice. I do rotate the proteins. I cook for a family of three using a pound of some sort meat/fish, so I usually have 1/4 of whatever it’s there for the night at dinner and the leftover for lunch. Then a new meat the night again. I thought I was doing fine. Apparently this is already over 40 grams of protein a day. Oh well. Maybe it’s ok as I feel ok :stuck_out_tongue:


I guess if I don’t care about losing, a bit over on protein isn’t the worst…

(Allie) #24

@anon27775501 I counted calories and tracked macros religiously for about two years, then I stopped counting calories and just tracked food for macros for a few months before deciding to stop tracking / counting altogether in July last year and I actually do better now I’m sure.