Throw me a Keto Lifeline! Seeking encouragement

(LB) #1

Hi ketoers,
I am new to the forums and so glad I came across you all. I started Keto 1.1.19 and need help. Not sure if I need a hug, kick , advice, encouragement or maybe all the above :no_mouth::rofl:. I’m going through a lot of stress and want to know (1) is it true that stress can greatly hinder results and (2) any tips on how to maximize results when the stress is inevitable ?(3) any tips on managing emotional eating on Keto?( I don’t crave/care for sugars and starch anymore but wow I can attack almonds and cashews )

I was pregnant for two years in a row. Last year , I got out of abusive marriage and became single mom of two just months before baby dos arrived. Love my kids, love my supportive family and God has blessed me with resilience and drive. BUT it’s been crazy, endless busy stress. Even when things are going well, there is an endless to do list. I have help with the kids thankfully since I work full time, but my job requires tons of road travel with me home on my days off. I have been on “survivor mode” and did not think much of it. I did think about how my clothes were in boxes though ! And not wearing them because of my size was itself stressing me. But after my Keto results in January were less than impressive (compared to my past), it made me wonder how much of it was my clearly not being Full Keto (ie overeating nuts, 4 glasses of wine , one night I ate plantain) and how much of it was stress. I KNOW the former plays a role in my case but I want to know if I need to take the latter part more seriously .

I am 33, began at 233 lbs, 5”4 . Past medical history : I was 230 lbs and “prediabetic” when I was 15. I was told I had PCOS but later told no signs of it were there in college. I did have to take birth control due to having almost no estrogen during high school as well so I had hormonal issues but ever since , I’ve been told all labs look good . My blood sugar range has been ok even when pregnant BUT my eating habits and sugar addiction say it all. I’ve have yo-yo dieted forever and only had success in past with Atkins or phentermine(was desperate) Despite all of this …I lost 90 percent of my baby weight both times within a month but gained weight right after from stress eating due to my personal life situation and lifelong habit of emotional eating. It’s really frustrating for me because I weighed 238 lbs while being wheeled in to give birth last year! This is crazy. I assumed that being as overweight as I am, by eating Keto , I would see major changes!!! It’s not like I have 15 lbs to lose. I have 60 plus ! (Cue the whining )

I have always struggled with my weight but lost weight quickly until I stopped being consistent. I even lost the baby weight initially both times and yes I know breastfeeding helps but it’s blowing my mind that this January I only lost 11 lbs(mostly water) and my clothes got a little loose but not by much. I am NOT trying to say I expected magical results( this is a lie: I wanted magic :confused:) . But how was I able to lose weight successfully as recently as last November on phentermine (stopped because I don’t like meds and wanted a lifestyle change ) but now all of a sudden I don’t look that different from Jan 1, 2019 at all!!

I gave up this weekend and made bad food choices but then snapped out of it. I have a food scale. I have divided my pecans and almonds into 1 Oz ziplock bags. I am tracking my macros via the carb manager app. I have walked away from dairy for now and doing IF for sure . But I am scared. I am scared that I may actually give this my all with no excuses and not get any real results. I feel like I have been through so much and want atleast THIS to work!

I have told myself the things I see and read often but sometimes it helps to not feel alone. So I figured I would reach out ! I have felt amazing on Keto and know it’s for me but I am so so so needing encouragement to snap out of it and be patient and actually work the plan without cheating AND not worry about possibly not seeing dramatic results.

Thanks in advance :two_hearts::hugs:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #2

First of all, breathe! You’re obviously a strong lady to have dealt with and to be dealing with so much. Motherhood is tough, single motherhood is really tough. I did it too.

If I were in your shoes I’d get serious about the slip ups, swap out the nuts for some pork rinds if you need that snack and swap out the wine for Sleepy time herbal tea with a splash of cream. It will give you the same relaxation but be better for you AND your weight loss attempts.

Hang in there. Oh and hugs!

(Full Metal KETO AF) #3

There you go. You know what you need to do. You’re strong enough to be your own boss. You have to really want it and if you do I believe you will succeed. Stay strong. :cowboy_hat_face:

(Carl Keller) #4

That should be your mantra when you feel overwhelmed with stress. Keep working hard and focus, but don’t obsess, with what needs to be done. You seem like the sort of person who always makes it work, no matter what is required… so just tell yourself, everything will work itself out.

And yes, stress can prevent weight loss. Cortisol (the stress hormone) triggers a fight of flight response by the body and the last thing it wants to do is give up fat storage. In fact it can enhance glucose availability which increases insulin which will increase fat storage.

Jason Fungs talks about this in his book The Obesity Code. He says one of the side effects of Prednisone (a synthetic cortisol) is weight gain and it’s been proven in studies where healthy people were injected with this drug.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

Some random thoughts that occurred to me while reading your post:

First, be sure to get enough protein. You are still eating for two (or perhaps one-and-a-half, if the little one has started on solid food), and you need the nutrients.

Second, be sure to eat enough. Somewhat paradoxically, cutting calories causes the body to hang on to fat, not let it go. Eat to satisfy your hunger, that way you’ll be sure of giving your body what it needs.

Thirdly, women have a harder time of it, because of hormones and so forth. Give the new way of eating some time to work. You may well not even be fat-adapted, yet.

Lastly, this is a very helpful community. I find that even if it isn’t quite the same as real-life people to turn to, a virtual community like this one can nevertheless be a real support.

Keep on ketoing on! Here’s some virtual bacon to encourage you: :bacon::bacon::bacon::bacon:

(LB) #6

Thank you so much for the support PetaMarie.

I am going to get serious about the slip ups. In reflecting on it , they came from emotional eating as well as my lifelong habit of always compromising with eating regimes . But I’m going to double down now in February and focus on breaking that habit.
I will get some Herbal tea. I love tea. That will probably also help me with my fluids.

(LB) #7

There you go. You know what you need to do. You’re strong enough to be your own boss. You have to really want it and if you do I believe you will succeed. Stay strong. :cowboy_hat_face:

**Thanks David. I really have to want it and believe I will succeed. I’m so writing that down as a daily reminder. I can lament all day and I can make these sacrifices too but if I don’t fully commit and believe in myself then I won’t get where I need to be.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #8

SleepyTime Tea is made by Celestial Seasonings and I don’t know where you live but it’s sold at Kroger (major grocery store). I have used it to help sleep for years. In fact, I’m up again with a nightmare and leg cramp so I’m drinking broth and will follow it up with a sleepy tea. Glad to help.

(LB) #9

Thanks PaulL

I am no longer breastfeeding so I am eating for just this one right here :joy:.

Thank you for the tips. I am still working on finding the balance of satiety versus overly saturated. Nuts help me feel satiated but I abuse them 90 percent of the time. I need to find a healthy replacement. Or maybe I neee more fats in my meal in general.

Is raw coconut “meat “acceptable on Keto ? That also satiated me and taste good.

I definitely will work on my consistency and patience and give it more time to actually work.

Thank you!

(LB) #10

Thank you! I just came across his work and find it really insightful . I will look into what he says about stress.

I actually had to get on prednisone for a week in the start of January due to some allergic reaction to something to my new apartment. Moving out and dealing with that did not help. :grimacing: So maybe January was not an ideal month for me to base anything off of. Because of external stress factors , medicine and not being full Keto all the time. This actually gives me hope.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #11

Fresh Coconut Meat. A piece of fresh coconut meat of about 2 by 2 inches and about 1/ 2 inch thick contains 159 calories, 6.9 g of carbohydrates and 4 g of dietary fiber.

Livestrong dot com

I keep a bag of dried unsweetened coconut strips. Love the stuff.

(LB) #12

Yes! I know Kroger and will check to see if it’s around me. I also love sleepy time tea. I need to go back to that. I know they have many flavors. I am breaking my habit of using tons of stevia /sweetners so I will have to learn to enjoy the natural flavors.
Thank you !

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #13

Good luck! I’m still holding on to sweeteners. I’m tough, but not that tough!

(LB) #14

Oh that is high fiber. Love it. Thanks. I have some fresh coconut and will try swapping my nuts for that.

(LB) #15

Lol I hear you! I think I had so much going on and just want to get a base and see what hinders my results and what doesn’t. I was using sweetners in everything and also flavoring my water with things that were supposedly sugar free. But then I read that things like crystal light can still affect insulin. So I’m trying to break away from my attachment to “sweet” things- atleast until I can see some results as far as inches.

I won’t be surprised if my biggest issue is my almonds and cashews . I’ve loved nuts since the beginning of time. If only I could do a water and nut fast :joy::joy:

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #16

I hear you, I do. I left nuts out altogether and only just started having, like, five almonds at a time. But my weakness is the sweetener and diet. Mt. Dew. I’m down to two cans a day at work and none on the weekend but it’s not ideal. I recently quit smoking so baby steps. One thing at a time. I figure the pop is better for me than the smokes.


Hi and welcome to the forum. It’s a great bunch of people.

Keto is definitely worth the effort, it isn’t about weight loss, there’s a dozen benefits I could rattle off.

Interestingly, keto is not eating weird at all, I just AVOID sugar, bread, rice and pasta, then replaced those with vegetables (mostly green or above ground ones, potatoes are all but sugar basically).

Dinner is meat and veggies with some butter on top. Lunch is canned fish or roast chicken and avocado. Who knew that’s all it took?

We need to drink lots of water. And must have salt or we get dizzy. But again nothing crazy, Dr Barry just says “if you food is bland put salt on it”, doesn’t have to be a weird pile of salt.

I just have coffee with cream, that’s the weirdest thing I do. And nothing more elaborate is required.

Just make sure you don’t go over 20g carbs. Watch out of hidden carbs!

Then it requires patience as there is no go-faster button. Before you know it you’ll be buying new clothes.

(Dawn Michelle) #18

First off - you are amazing. You’ve got quite a lot going on so cut yourself some slack.

I know for me the stress was key. It hurt absolutely everything in my life. It prevented me from sleeping. I gained a ton of weight. It hurt my team at work - it’s hard to follow a leader who is stressed out of her mind. I finally went to a functional medicine doctor who set me straight. He said solve the stress problem and the other issues will resolve. Very true for me. A combination of meditation, supplements, and mindfulness worked.

Also, no one is going to stick to keto 100% of the time. It’s okay to fall off. For me, testing my ketones daily keeps me in line. If my ketones dip, then I try to figure out why. When my ketones do dip, I feel like crap. I’m hungry and want to eat junk. I don’t succumb to the temptations, but I have to fend off the cravings. Just knowing that I will have to suffer keeps me off the junk for the most part.

Hang in there.

(Alex ) #19

My only real advice is just remember that this is not a time governed process… it’s not a race.

Personally, I try my best not to evaluate how I’m feeling, how I’m looking, and how much success has happened over a day or a week or a weekend, I just keep reminding myself of the marathon/vs sprint approach and it takes the pressure off.

If you can have a long term mindset of “I’m not giving up the basics no matter what” - then the process and results will come around for you eventually.

(Sharon Chandler) #20

My advice is to make a list each day of what you did right at work and home – including eating well. Then when your inner voice starts telling you what you are doing wrong, you pull out the list and look at all the things you did right…including looking at the list and not listening to your inner voice.

Alex is right that it’s a journey. Trips are not without hiccups but we keep heading in the direction we’re going. Think of your “what I did right list” as snapshots taken along a trip that we look at later and remember and smile.