Think my five month stall is finally over

(James H Shaffer) #1

when I started keto on 10-08-2017 I knew I would stall at some point, from my research I knew if I succeeded at the diet I would eventually hit a road block, luckily it came after 9 months and 170 lbs lost. once I figured out that I was offically stalled I put a new plan in motion. the plan was to up my lean body mass while keeping weight gain at a minimum. continued doing OMAD/Keto and join a local gym and hit it hard for a few months getting my strength and lean mass up a bit, got a lot stronger in a very short time while getting 3-4 days of cardio in when I could. gained to 295 but kept it under 3 bills. 280 was my lowest. then after the first of the year found out I had a mild stress fracture in the 5th metatarsal of my left foot. had to stop walking or repeated exercise for a couple months. figured if I can’t exercise for a couple months got to do something. so decided to up my fasting game, started with a five day water fast, the set up a new fast/eating schedule. figured I had the lean mass up and that helping the metabolism in theory I should be primed for success. doing two 48 hour fasts during the week and a 72 hour on the week ends for as long as I can repeat the cycle, so far it has be relatively easy. down to 276 in ten days from 295 ten days ago. figure it will slow down a bit from here on out but if I can do 3-5 a week I will be happy, at least for a while. and the “Stall” is finally over :slight_smile:


170 lbs lost is impressive! Congrats on breaking thru your stall :slight_smile:

(James H Shaffer) #3

thank you, I still had fat to lose so I figured it was just a matter of time, just had to keep tinkering til I found a new combination that worked. think I am on to something and back on track :slight_smile: P.S. I started at 450+ lbs

(Carl Keller) #4

Outstanding James! I second what @Hapygirl said. :slight_smile:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #5


(Laurie) #6

I’m happy for you. Congratulations on figuring out what to do when faced with a challenge.

(Lazy, Dirty Keto 😝) #7

Fantastic results! Congrats!

(MyLove MyLife) #8

Congrats!! 170 lbs is great loss!!

(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #9

Happy you found a solution for your stall. Amazing loss in 9 months!


Glad to hear it… I started at a similar wieght to you and am basically stalled at the 290-297 range right now. I’ve been doing DDP yoga and logging food but am definitely in a stall right now for sure. It is good to know I am not alone in this. I might try going back to doing OMAD a couple of times a week to see if that helps.


Incredible job, keep it up.