The Strange History of the Extremely Low-Carb Diet "Fad"


(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #2

Hmmm, interesting how many ads for very high carb foods were peppered throughout the articles!

(Karen) #3

OK I had to look this up because I think there’s a common misperception that it is usually fat that causes poop to float. This is, in fact, rare.

“When poop bobs about on the surface of the water, it’s generally the result of something you’ve eaten.

A common cause is insoluble fibers, such as bran, or foods that can cause gas, like artificial sweeteners or starch.

Extra gas in a stool makes it lighter, a bit like a marshmallow, with the result that it floats.

A fuller list of gas-producing foods includes large amounts of sugar, lactose, starch, or fiber – which might be accounted for by beans, milk, cabbage, apples, soft drinks, or sugar-free candies.

A RARER cause of floating stools is a condition known as steatorrhea, occurring when poop contains an overabundance of fat.

This may happen if the body isn’t processing nutrients properly, a situation doctors label malabsorption.”

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #4

The only time mine ever floated was when I was 100% vegetarian.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #5

@Halo The name Ketogenic Diet does have it’s origins in the early twentieth century, but actually the ketogenic diet was ancestral and goes back an estimated 2.5 million years.

And more recently in the 1800’s a man named William Banting published a letter on corpulence that was a best selling pamphlet on being overweight and how to cure it. This was probably the origin of the modern low carb diet, the word Banting is still used by South Africans and some Scandinavians to refer to a low carb diet. Very interesting read.

I had this before keto. Covered in grease. The only time I have floaters now is after a very high vegetable day, but not greasy anymore.


(less is more, more or less) #6

Oy vey. There I am, quickly scrolling through the article, when I see a pop-up; “The Ketogenic Diet is Probably Not for You.”

Yea, sure, Vice. I’m on pins and needs until I hear from you on what I should do.

There is a ton of statements at this URL that also float.

I came to low-carb through doctor’s presentations and not click-bait websites. This is, alas, the chore before us. This is why I like to press for more information from new forum members. Consider this from the article:

For breakfast I made a terrible smoothie with zero fruit, almond butter, almond milk, various seeds, and protein powder. For lunch everyday I would eat a bunch of vegetables, garbage meat like salami and a whole bunch of Brie. For dinner I usually had eggs or more trash meat.

How often do our neophyte members consider the above “strict keto?”

(hottie turned hag) #7

True steatorrheic stools are unlikely to occur in persons without hepatic disease or gut malabsorption and what you prob mistook for “grease” was mucus. Mucus in stools appears shiny and “greasy” to the untrained eye and is a far more common and likely occurrence. Steatorrheic stools have a distinctive pale, bulky appearance.

What a horribly written article. We are truly living “Idiocracy” in real life. Not joking. :fearful:

(Full Metal KETO AF) #8

@BlueViolet That’s interesting, I only thought this because I asked my nephrologist about their appearance while I was on dialysis. He said it was likely undigested fat. I was usually constipated even though I took senna and colace. I was also 17 years on methadone after my leg amputation. I quit carbs and my final withdrawal from methadone at the same time and had to discontinue the softeners almost immediately to avoid “issues”.

(Jane- Old Inky Crone) #9

@Screenack I followed that link and read it too. Both articles were full of misinformation and, in my opinion, extremely biased.

(Andi loves space, bacon and fasting. ) #10

So many :joy::rofl::joy::rofl::joy::rofl: lines in this thread :heart_eyes_cat:

('Jackie P') #11

I honestly couldn’t read this article to the end. It was badly written and unresearched. Like an article in some soppy teen magazine!:grimacing:


Hey. I’m a teen, and I can tell you some of the things my peers bring home that would make you cringe are better written than this trash :ok_hand:

(hottie turned hag) #13

Ha exactly my thoughts; tabloid style writing. :expressionless: Dumb as heck.

(bulkbiker) #14

“just short of starvation” what are they on…
we need to show them some of the food picks here…