The Obesity Code Podcast Pilot with Dr. Fung and Megan Ramos

(Charndra Pile) #21

Although there are only three episodes at the time of my writing this, I have binge-listened to ALL of them multiple times. The production is AWESOME. Thank you so much for this amazing podcast.


Catching up on all the podcasts today. Searching people out on twitter and waiting to join a fast, looking forward to being part of a community and hope it’s easier when no longer alone, with living with a chap who eats a bag of marshmellows for tea…

(What The Fast?!) #23

I looooove the podcast but have to admit that every time I hear the transition music I feel like someone has soft core porn on in the background. :joy::joy:

(Charndra Pile) #24

Another thing I REALLY appreciate about this Podcast is the repetition.
Each episode stands on it’s own, explaining the various concepts by the various experts, who explain with a variety of analogies, which serves to build one’s understanding of those concepts to the point where I can explain it to others confidently if needed.

Awesome work, team!