The most important video/book you will ever see/read



If I only ever gave back one thing to this forum in return for all it has done for me, it would be the link to this video and its related book.

If ketogenicforums ever had a video that represented all we stand for and promote diet-wise, it would be this interview.

I linked to this video recently in another’s post, but we just watched the second half again this morning and I felt it’s way too important for my friends here to miss so I wanted to create a separate post for it. It took us two separate days to watch the whole thing the first time because we didn’t have two full hours in one sitting, and boy was it worth it. I wouldn’t miss a single minute of it, even if in the beginning you feel yourself disagreeing with anything they say, trust me, keep going. There’s a LOT more they unpack on other issues. It would be great to listen to during a daily walk even.

It contains clearly presented information about what is going on with our food supply, our diet choices, our health, our American medical system, and the lies we have all literally been fed. The problems exist in all other countries too and need to be known no matter where you live, yet few if any are as convoluted and corrupt as America is.

Members like @PaulL should especially get fired up and affirmed by every word in this video and the knowledge that it is finally being disseminated to a wider audience. Finally. For years Two Keto Dudes and members like Paul have been teaching us what these two are saying. Many of us have already heard a lot of what they share, but unless you are purposefully trying to look more into carnivore and keto science specifically you would never hear what these two have to say. This video and book breaks through that and reaches a wider population still asleep at the “table.” (Puns for fun)

You’ll especially like how they tip their hat to Keto and how in as little as 12 weeks the diet can completely reverse PCOS, and how our entire medical crisis is due to what is on our forks.

Nearer the end when they get into what foods we should all be eating you will hear everything that is shared in this forum. They hit the nail on the head repeatedly, right up to the very end. God bless and protect Dr Casey Means and her brother Calley for exposing the corruption and as they continue to fight for the truth to be known.

Let me be clear in stating … this is NOT partisan politics. Please do not disregard just because the interview was conducted by Tucker Carlson. The interview makes it clear at many points how both sides of the political aisle is to blame for our nation’s food and health crises. There is no promotion of any candidates or any political affiliation whatsoever. This is solely about our food supply, doctors, health institutions, big pharma, and the many medical crises throughout the world.

For those of you who cannot get past listening to a video created by someone you have a severe political disdain for, then I urge you to get and read Casey and Calley’s new book that explains everything in detail, which I also paste below. But again, I’d urge you to shelve politics and just listen first. These two care deeply about what is happening to people AND mostly children, not only in our country but around our world and they have taken the “I don’t give a damn” approach to the consequences of losing their careers and prestigious positions just for speaking out and exposing the truth that has purposefully been kept from you in explicitly planned ways. We need more people like them to step up.

Again I’m linking to the video from TCN website because it is complete and unedited version of the interview. I will also place the YouTube link beneath it … but KNOW there will be certain parts that had to be blacked out with a censoring message due to the corruption of our US media. Maybe you can watch it on YouTube and when you hit to a censored segment just quickly flip to your phone/tablet/laptop to watch that part from the TCN network then return to YouTube. Just don’t miss any part of it.




(KM) #2

I’m doing my best to take a deep breath and suspend my politics, but I really can’t get past Tucker Carlson. I’m going to try, because at 2 hours long this is clearly a more in-depth interview than what else is out there from Dr’s Means. For those of you in the same boat, Ken Berry did an interview with Casey Means, about her book Good Energy, about 6 months ago, called What’s Wrong With Your Doctor.


Yes it’s much more in depth than the one with Dr Berry and combined with what her brother explains about the pharmacies and lobbying it’s quite eye opening.

I understand the hesitancy with feelings you have about Tucker, but like many of his longer interviews he does very little talking at all. 95% of the talking is entirely his guests. I’m pretty sure you will be fine.

(Megan) #4

It was a long watch but a good one. I’ve come across the information before, but the 2 speakers did a good job tying it all together. I’m glad you wrote what you did about the issue of partisan politics. It helped me put aside what I think about Tucker and watch the interview.

(Ethan) #5

My sisters can’t stand Tucker Carlson. Honestly, I don’t see how anybody could not like him.

(Geoffrey) #6

I find Tucker to be one of the best journalists in the business and not the least but afraid of the mainstream. I find him to be a very respectable human being.
I look forward to listening to this.


I have a link to a fantastic video highlighting two whistleblowers that we should all try to share to help wake people up about our diets, the food supply in America, and pharmaceuticals, but the journalist is hated by 30-50% of the country. What do I do?? It’s too good of an interview to pass on and hope another just like it comes along soon with someone everyone likes. That will never happen in our current political environment, especially because most journalists are too scared (as I explain at the end of this post.) How long have we waited for one like this one? Too long. It’s the kind of interview that can actually reach people who don’t yet understand everything we already do, and we all know people we wish knew what we do. So I took a risk, posted it, and hope you all will not let those in power win again by ignoring it just because of one guy. He doesn’t promote his own personal views during the video, and he is learning much of this stuff himself for the very first time during the interview. (A good example is given nearer the end of this post.)

I wasn’t sharing it to woo or convince the regulars, I’m sharing it for two reasons: 1) for new members new to Keto and just starting to learn what really is going on, it’s a great introduction to everything they need to understand, and 2) so that the rest of us have a new tool in our toolbox.

I think it’s really important to stop and think about how big pharma, the food industry, and all these compromised agencies and institutions go about keeping people from knowing the truth, from knowing what was shared in this video. Because they have. Stick with me, I know this is long but these are important points to make.

The more people who know and understand the less money they stand to make; their over-the-top paydays, careers, and positions quickly come to an end. So one of the most common and easy/efficient ways to control the narrative and keep the money flowing is to keep us busy fighting amongst ourselves, unwilling to listen to each other. We won’t have energy left to look more closely at them. They manufacture discourse and negative emotions between all of us and attach a stigma to certain messages or certain people so that we wouldn’t be caught dead listening to anything someone else has to say that contradicts them. Then questions aren’t asked, information is not shared, and when someone even starts to try to share something or have a thoughtful debate the backlash is so severe they never try again. They don’t have to take down a website or a social media platform, they just have to create division among its members. Friendships end, families are severed, forums threads close, users are banned, civility is lost. No thoughtful dialogue is ever possible in a world like that, but then neither is learning or discovering or improving. We let them control us this way when in reality all of us want the same things as each other, we really do, and that is quite different from those who are doing this to us.

So, as in this case, critical information about our health, medical care, and food supply is censored, but not by them at first - but by each other with our refusal to even listen because we don’t like a particular person involved. They win.

But what happens when the powers that be can’t rely on our infighting to control what we hear? What do they do when someone starts to allow others who are qualified (like the Means siblings,) to speak up loud enough for the whole public to hear? That’s a pretty big threat to those holding the power if they can’t get them to shut up. That’s when true censorship starts. The first thing they do is set out to destroy the messenger’s career and credibility, as they did with all three people in this video, and if they can’t do that they destroy their reputation and image so that we are too scared or too averse to associate with them. It becomes too risky to our other relationships to admit any association or thoughtful positive opinions. Better to just avoid. Then we don’t hear and … we lose.

Recently we all saw the next thing they do when that doesn’t work by how they will take over all social media and the mainstream news to prevent any dissenting voice from being heard at all, and only one narrative ever is heard or read. I sure hope that never happens with the truth that is within this video, because so far there is free-flowing, uncensored information out there both misinformation and truths, about: ketogenic and other clean, unprocessed, sugar-free diets helping a lot of health issues, our food supply, and how compromised the FDA, big pharma, big food, and big medical is. People may get a lot of misinformation thrown at them about all those things but the freedom to inform them of the truth is still there as well, and they have the ability to consider it all. Truth eventually rises to the top and misinformation eventually sifts out the bottom. Every time. The only real threat to anyone when there is no censorship is truth itself, to those who have an agenda to control things.

They would love to label what the Means siblings expose in this interview as misinformation, yet everyone here knows for certain it is all factual and absolutely accurate. It is not coming from irresponsible people with no concern for the health and well being of others or who have deeply selfish agendas and ambitions. They have no financial conflict of interest, nothing to gain, and everything to lose. But someone in a position of authority will want everyone to believe it’s misinformation because it threatens their agendas, and they do have countless huge financial conflicts of interest.

(And for those of you who think Casey Means’ new book is a financial conflict of interest, do you really believe she wouldn’t have made 1000x more from simply remaining a Stanford trained surgeon for the rest of her life??? She is trying to get the truth out there to as many people as possible, and these days you have to write a book in order to do that because of all the censoring in media and journalism.)

And they do this with more than just the subject of diets, food, and medicine. I’ve started to refuse to believe sensationalized character assassinations about anyone anymore and I go to find out for myself without letting what others have said to cloud my judgement during that process. It has opened up a whole new world of other people to me who are all wide awake, and actually talking and debating, thoughtfully, patiently, kindly, just like in this interview. We just needed to remove the narrators’ narrative. LOL

This interview is a good example of the damage this character assassination does. How many people would benefit greatly from what is shared in this interview? How many will never hear it because of some hate for a man that was largely crafted by people with hidden agendas and not from their own first hand witness or experience with him? But because the manufactured image is so despised, they never give anything connected to him a chance and won’t hear what these two amazing whistleblowers share. Yet as you saw when watching this, he lets his guests do ALL the talking and is good at prompting them to keep talking. (I especially love the moment Tucker realizes how a clean unprocessed diet impacts the mental acuity and speed of his guests’ minds and how much better their brains work. I just grinned so deeply.) So even if you really don’t like something as basic as say, his personality, it doesn’t get in the way of the interview at all because he isn’t doing the talking. Not like it does with so many other journalists/interviewers, who constantly interrupt their guests and take as much if not more of the spotlight by giving their own long diatribes throughout, robbing their guests from actually speaking more.

The next thing we all should ask ourselves is why did these two incredibly brave and highly successful, intellectual people, who are very center, if not somewhat old-fashioned (unadulterated) left, choose to share this very important information with someone like Tucker? Why not sit down with anyone else for this length of an interview? The answer to that is quite disturbing: because no one else wants to take that risk, (read: they have no balls,) or … they have financial ties or cushy positions they don’t want to lose by exposing these things. Out of all the journalists out there that should be scrambling to let the American public hear these whistleblowers … we only get crickets.

They chose Tucker for a reason. You don’t have to like him for his personality, you don’t have to agree with his politics, but you can’t fault him for his willingness to let his guests speak truth to the public. And now that he is free of those financial ties that held him back when syndicates controlled him, he can share anything he wants to with the public and no one can destroy his career over it. So now the truth about big pharma, our medical institutions, and our government are being spoken openly without censoring for the first time ever.

(KM) #8

I turned a lot of that over in my mind yesterday. On one hand it’s a serious reach across the aisle from someone I would call the liberal left, which could get this message out to millions of people who prefer their media conservative. On the other hand, it could ruin her reputation with her current base. Thank you for sharing it!

Ideally yes, this combination can stop some of the polarizing infighting by giving everyone a person they consider credible to spread a message. That is, one side considering The Means credible, the other considering Tucker Carlson credible, both sides more likely to hear what’s being said because of that.

(Marianne) #9

Thank you. I plan on watching the video. Would you consider the book to be exceptional on the subject? If so, I will consider ordering it. Thank you.

(Bob M) #10

I have a zero percent chance of listening to this. While I can assume some of these statements were made to be bombastic, there are too many statements for me to ignore:

This alone disqualifies him from my listening space:


I saw what happened on television. You can’t rewrite that.

(KM) #11

I understand where you’re coming from, as I feel entirely the same about Tucker Carlson. I have totally written him off because of his time at Fox News, although he may actually be on a different page now that he no longer works for them. However I am watching this right now, and I am blown away by the quality of the information coming from the Means. As Juju said, Carlson is basically keeping his mouth shut, which is delightful as far as I’m concerned.

I can completely see the strategic point of this. While I would much prefer to listen to an interview by Ken Berry, Ken Berry will be preaching to the choir. Tucker Carlson will be preaching to the people who need to hear this.

(MavisArthur) #12

THEY HAD ME until the overwhelming emphasis was placed on organic foods. Perfect vs good. Think of the difference it would make if the populace only started shunning ultra processed foods and started cooking at home with plain old single ingredient ingredients, from the store. Many people are be unable to buy enough food if it HAS to be organic. I remember watching a shopping trip with a celebrity touting organic foods only, maybe 10 years ago. This was in support of people not having enough money to eat healthily. With $20 she bought an organic avocado and a small bunch of organic green onions and maybe a lemon and then the money ran out. She felt that this supported her ‘healthy food is too expensive’ position. Don’t know where in the US she was shopping. This is super discouraging to people who would benefit greatly by sourcing simple ingredients at whatever store was available to them.

In my experience (Vancouver, Canada), farmers’ markets can be great for in-season produce. When not in season, farmers’ market sellers buy their produce at the same food terminal as used by the grocery stores. Farmers’ markets can be pricey too and can be more of a cultural event than a food source for many.

I do believe Casey and Calley’s serious message - it’s a rat’s nest, a snake pit. A better food-educated population would go a long way towards a healthier population. Good, better, best, one step at a time.

I also did not expect to be watching something hosted by Tucker Carlson. However I realize that folks of every political persuasion need the message so I’m happy to support it.

(KM) #13

I think “organic” may be another slippery slope that’s running in two different directions! On one side we have the organic products. I just paid $10 for 3 quarts of “organic” ACV from Costco, that’s about half what I see for any other ACV, organic or not. I have a feeling there’s a big work-around going on to get that label without anyone doing anything in particular to earn it, I see it on a lot of things these days with hardly any extra cost. On the other side, we have organic animal products. Actual organic dairy, meat and eggs seems to be Exponentially more expensive, possibly because the standards are just about impossible for small farmers to meet. (Antibiotics are not always a terrible thing, we invented them for a reason.)

My personal thought on the whole Organics thing is that if you are actually out there vetting your food bite by bite, well good for you and the cleaner the better. If that’s not possible, the word on a label probably makes no difference at all, get what you can afford.


Agree that eating organic food really depends upon your budget. Something that is overlooked is that organic foods are not necessarily healthier. A recent study analysed chocolate for lead and cadmium levels. Organic chocolate had the highest heavy metal contamination.

(Bonnie Bruno) #15

I’m like :face_with_monocle::exploding_head:

I’m going to have to do some soul searching on this one to see if I can actually watch TC :grin:…but thanks for the post , as these are two of whom I was not aware.


I can’t say yet as I’m waiting for mine to arrive. Sorry. You will have to decide for yourself after watching the interview I think. I based the quality of the book off of what was shared in the interview and recommended it as a source should someone not want to watch the interview. But I’m a deep-dive junky :joy: so got the book too. Lol


Yes I most definitely can rewrite that. (Explained further down) You’re quoting Rolling Stones? And you believe something because you saw it on TV? They are lying about Tucker. Not about what he said but about whether or not it was true. Most of it was. He’s dangerous because he speaks the very truth that they don’t want anyone to hear.

But that’s OK, I’m not asking you to like Tucker or even to listen to him, I’m asking you to listen to his guests. And they do all the talking. And it’s really important. Important enough to not let hate keep you from hearing them.

Like I said, this isn’t about politics and neither is the interview. It doesn’t talk those kinds of politics, only the kind that affect our food and medical. Nothing more.

I didn’t think ketogenic forums wanted us debating actual politics and wanted us to stick to issues related to our diets, and I made it clear that this interview is solely related to that. It really is. I was being respectful of all of that in how I explained it. I made it clear anyone who doesn’t like Tucker personally can safely hear what the Means siblings have to say without worrying about getting upset by him because he lets the guests do most all of the talking.

However … I disagree with your assessment about Tucker, your sources, and J6. What you saw on television was no more than what they wanted you to see. I have friends who were actually there that day, my best friend was one of them, and it is not at all what the news reported it to be. My best friend’s eyewitness corroborated what Tucker said, and trust me she is a much more upright, honorable, and decent person than anyone in today’s media. Tucker’s comments were his opinions based on him being willing to report on the additional/different facts that the rest of the media was unwilling to cover because it went against a particular narrative, and that does not raise him to the level of disqualification in the way it does them; in the way fabricating news stories does or altering the facts like so many of them have done. Just recently snopes had to finally after 7 years reverse its lie about something Trump said. Videos side by side expose how Anderson Cooper gives an edited version of Trump talking to make it look like he said something about Nazis that he never did, then right beside it is the actual unedited video of Trump where you see they removed an entire chunk of what he actually said between two sentences that entirely changed the meaning. I’ll post a link to that video at the end of this paragraph. They did this on purpose to support a narrative being pushed, and that is what disqualifies a journalist to me. I’ve not seen Tucker do that. Ever. Those kinds of shenanigans happened over J6 too and there are too many witnesses to ignore. (The article that shows this can be found here: Note you will have to scroll down to the middle of the article where you see a paragraph starting with “The 1:10 video below shows Anderson Cooper in frame 1…” and then the video in question is right below that paragraph.)

I understand how difficult it is to believe that we have been and still are lied to for so long the way that we have been, but we have been. By BOTH sides of the aisle. And we all need to start talking about this. They really have created a divide among the people so that we can’t see the truths because we are too busy arguing with each other. The problem today is one side of the aisle controls the mainstream media and what you see on TV, or most any other social media except for X and Substack and Rumble. I personally don’t like that imbalance at all. How can a public make informed decisions when only fed one viewpoint? I don’t think we all have to hold the same political views, but I do believe that we have a right to hear both sides of a story without conflicts of interest. Journalism has lost its way and we no longer get all sides of the story.

We should get our news from multiple sources, not just from those who keep us comfy in our own echo chamber. This same article I linked to also posted a fantastic chart, which I will post below, giving news agencies from all sides that can be considered. I pick a few from each column to make sure I always hear the other side of a story, no matter how much I hate them. And independent journalists seem to be more truthful than any of them these days because nobody controls their paychecks. True absence of a conflict of interest. They can just tell the truth


Yes!! Me too!! You’re all correct with your comments about the organic angle. Totally agree with all of you.

And yes they could help way more people get healthier much more quickly if they didn’t shoehorn it into “only organic.” She has a lot of wealth and doesn’t understand how difficult that is for the average American to afford that, yet she recognizes the poor are the sickest. :thinking: :woman_shrugging:t3: Maybe someone who eats organic will be healthier than me, but at least I’m not as unhealthy as I was before I went Keto and chose simple single ingredients! I can’t afford organic at the moment. Sure would love to. Trying to grow my own tomatoes this year and I’m fighting an army of ground squirrel stinkers beneath our house eating them every day, and hornworms. :woman_facepalming:t3: I don’t live on farmland and it’s been hard learning how to do it well in a suburban yard. The ones in pots don’t look as good as the ones in the ground either. But this is only my second year. My husband told me we should give up and just buy from the stores because of all the hard work I put into it. :joy: I’m too stubborn. Anyway, maybe in the future I can afford organic. We will see. But I certainly don’t tell people I’m trying to encourage to consider Keto that it must be organic.

(KM) #19

There were a few things that came up that I might consider to be either dog whistles to the right, or possibly the Means’ actual views. The potential evils of any country that isn’t the US, some stuff that skirted on the edge of anti-vax, a few jabs at the Obamas, who haven’t been in the white house for 8 years. Calley wasn’t quite spot on with his science and should maybe have left that to his sister, who was more or less flawless (except that hepb doesn’t have two transmission routes, it has three. It’s also perinatally transmitted. They conveniently left that out when railing against newborn vaccination. Not to get into mandatory vaccination, which is definitely yet another potential vehicle for Big Pharma abuse, but I think the whole vaccine business should have been left out entirely because trimming that fact off made the rest of their hyperbole somewhat suspect to me). But he was really good with his political and corporate history, and the messages were passionate and well articulated. They covered a Lot of ground, from farm subsidies to dietary strategy.

An aside, at one point Carlson said something to the tune of Casey Means making an amazing sacrifice (of her lucrative medical career) for her beliefs, where he himself had to get fired. He got points from me for that, even if he didn’t exactly gain a fan.

I watched this on YouTube, and I might actually re-watch it on Carlson’s website because I have no idea if anything was edited, there were so many commercials. I also want to do a deeper dive into what was being said, and I ordered the book from the library.

(Alec) #20

Started listening to this, and 2 first impressions:

  1. Carlson was just plain annoying on repeating over and over Casey leaving medicine… it became just massive overkill. Annoying.
  2. Calley started talking and giving us his pitch on Big Tobacco buying Big Food, applying their tobacco techniques to food, and the failure of Big Pharma to do anything but sit and profit from it. Made me mad… I already knew this sh1t, but Calley has a way of explaining things that makes the sore fresh again.

So, thus far I have felt annoyed and angry. Let’s see if I want to go back there any time soon… :joy::joy::joy::exploding_head: